
Being a Parasite To My Waifu(On Break)

(This is a story I made a year ago from Wattpad just decided to put it here and update it cuz I just feel like it.) SYNOPSIS: When a bored, lazy and manipulative neet that has already given up on anything else thats not gonna be interesting to her, dies, meets a goddess who's also bored but instead of getting her wish granted an AI decides what she got. Worlds: Solo leveling Tensura DxD ...? Current world: Solo leveling NOTE: The chapter starting from 10 and so on is gonna ba different from the wattpad version as am planning to rewrite some parts of this story. Starting from chapter 17+ will introduce a new writing and apparently better writing style. If your interested in the wattpad version and my other scuff story you can check it on wattpad usename Seiko_1711. Word count per chapter: Mostly 1500 to 2000 words but some are 1200 to 3000 words depending on my mood. Release 1 Chapter per week 2 to 5 if my mood is right. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the the characters aside from my OC, they all belong to their respective owners/franchise.

Sako_6179 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
30 Chs

Chapter 3

(A/N: Amma just say this now, Both Zesshi and Shio act differently than their original personality. Shio is so lazy she only cares about interesting things but is not a good nor an evil person she's just lazy and Zesshi is a battle maniac only looking for someone strong to beat her and give her a strong child even tho she does not want it. Due to their merging their personalities are also merging that's why Zesshi will sometimes act nice while sounding extremely bored and Shio will just go on a bloodbath while being playful. I had to remind this as I had this friend who keep asking me for hours why is Zesshi acting weird even tho I already said it in the first A/N why, sigh. Anyways that's all I got to say enjoy the chapter :3.)

(A/N: Also please tell me if you see any errors or sentences that felt weird, thank you)

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(3rd person PoV)

Morning, the birds are chirping and the neighbors can be heard banging... With a hammer as in one certain apartment, a girl only wearing a T-shirt and nothing else can be seen sleeping when a piece of her clothe extended and pinch the girl's lower parts. Feeling a slight tingle of pain while also feeling good the girl suddenly woke up and spoke.




"Morning sleepy head"


"Did you really have to wake me like that?"

She said having a blank look in her face.


"I can just actually force your body to wake up by making it release some hormones but this was more fun hehe. Anyways I got this nice Idea that will keep us entertained!"

Seeing Shio is not giving her chances Zesshi sigh and asked.


"As much as I hate you for that I sadly can't do anything about you and what is this plan of yours?"


"Why don't we take an apprentice of some sort? I always wanted to have a student that will simp- I mean care for me plus she can be our vice master by the time our guild is settled"


"I guess that's the reason why I also kinda want to have one and I guess your right. So do you have anyone in mind?"


"In fact, I do have someone in mind if I remember correctly there's this young girl who wants strength to be free from her daily life but does not have it. Why don't we take her being a naive child and the fact that a few days ago she got slapped by the reality that she will not be a good hunter? So if we give her the hope that she can be strong and with a little brainwashing will make her extremely loyal to us!"


"That's a brilliant plan not gonna lie but why do I feel like your not the one who thought of it?"


"But I'm the one who thought of it!"

She said as Zesshi keep silent and continue to stare at her chest.


"Fine I got inspiration from a, let's just say a "friend" Of mine that loves to collect girls. Do you want to hear more about her?"


"I'll gladly decline that offer as id rather kill than listen to this friend of yours. Anyways change my clothes please and we shall meet this young girl you are talking about."



Then her clothes turn black as they started to morph into a simple black shirt under white long sleeves and black pants with white shoes.


"Ok, I've also distributed some nutrition into your system so you won't worry about eating for a while."


"Thanks, now let's go"

(30min later in a park)

Somewhere in a park, Han Song Yi can be seen sitting on a swing along as she seems to be deeply thinking of something.

(Pov: Song Yi)

"I know that Jin-woo Oppa just wants to best for me but I always to a hunter to be free from this uninteresting life."

As I was just thinking about my future I didn't even noticed a person has already sat on the swing beside me. When I notice the person I turn my head to see a girl that has half of her hair white while the other half is black, she spoke.


"Don't you think life is unfair?"

I don't know why but I felt so inclined to respond to her.

(Song Yi)

"What do you mean by that?"


"Some are born strong while others are born weak, the strong trample the weak and even when they don't they still are the one's that decide who gets their protection or who gets to live happily."

As I began to think about what she said she turned to face me and smiled warmly.


"Hello, there I'm Zesshi sorry if I bothered you."

(Song Yi)

"No no no you are not bothering me at all!"


"Is that so I'm glad."

She then looked me straight in the eyes and said.


"Now tell me what seems to be bothering you? as children like you should not be making that kind of face?"

At that moment I don't know why but I just felt that being drawn into her, as I proceeded to say everything to her.

(43min later still Song Yi PoV)


"Hmmm I see you want to be what you want but you don't have the power to make it a reality."

Hearing this I felt sadness as her words spoke the truth. However, what she said next shocked me.


"Why don't you become my student I can teach you to become strong maybe if you work hard enough you can achieve your dreams?"

(Song Yi)

"Ahm huh?"


"Ah, of course, you don't need to immediately respond to me, here that's my number feel free to call me if you are interested in my offer. Sorry, I gotta go I still have work to do bye bye now."

She said smiling giving her Number to me while patting my head as she leaves. Still speechless I only managed to react a couple of minutes after she left. Looking at the number in my hand I stood up and proceeded to go home thinking about what she said.

(Pov end)

(3rd person PoV)


"My my was that Zesshi I know, where did my brutal killer go?"


"Blame yourself for making me like this, I know it is your personality affecting me though I don't mind as it helps me in this kind of world."


"Your welcome, anyways I've already planted some of my part inside the girl's head it should slowly take effect by tomorrow."


"Perfect tomorrow is the re-evaluation the moment they announce us as S rank she should see it and by then your seeds have already grown."


"Yup, anyways am gonna sleep for now wake me up if anything interesting happens."


"Yes yes now go away and let me have my peace."

But she suddenly felt something entering her lower holes. As she falls to her knees biting her lips.


"I'll be sleeping here thank you, woah so this is what infants feel like huh anyways good night."

Standing up Zesshi broke the concrete floor and cursed.


"That bitch!!!"

But she then suddenly was forced to calm down.


"Haaaa I can't even get angry at her it's annoying. Better find some insects to kill I need to vent off some stress."

By the next day, multiple cases of murder were reported stating that the victims were all mutilated to the point their barely recognizable.

(The next day.)

As Zesshi was walking to the entrance of the hunters association still annoyed that Shio is still staying inside her womb when she sees a huge crowd of reporters, seeing this she jump and landed at the entrance only to see another Man being escorted inside by the chairman. Seeing Zesshi arrive Gunhee greeted her.


"Oh hello, Miss Zesshi you've arrived at the right time."


"Hello Chairman, may I ask who is this person next to you?"


"This man right here is Sung Jin-Woo his also gonna get re-evaluated alongside you."


"I see, it's nice to meet you, mister Sung."

She says handing her hand as Jin Woo accepts the handshake.



As they proceed to go in Zesshi spoke to Shio.


"Shio that man is strong, I think his even stronger than me currently."


"Of course, he is gonna be soon the strongest inhabitant of this world, you see there's someone inside him slowly giving him strength the more he fights almost like us but the difference is we don't have a limit!"


"I see how strong can he get by the time he reaches his peak?"

She said as she gets excited at the thought of fighting someone strong.


"You remember that Boy dark elf that beat the crap out of you? He can become even stronger than him but don't worry about it as me being with you. Your strength will soon reach that level and will surpass them so don't worry and please don't start any fight against him for now."

Hearing what Shio said Zesshi's breathing becomes heavy as she continues to think about the time she will have a chance to face such an opponent gives her chills and satisfaction. Seeing Zesshi's reaction Shio was forced to take over to not get noticed.


"Is there something wrong Miss Zesshi?"


"Ah there's nothing wrong Chairman I just got some shivers maybe someone was talking on my back"


"Hahaha I see anyways let's get going to the testing room"


"Haaa we almost got caught there you dummbass, I will have fun "talking" some sense into you later"

Hearing that the usual laid-back Shio became a bit more serious Zesshi suddenly became nervous and spoke.


"I apologize Shio I promise it won't happen again."


"Hmmmp your lucky am too lazy to do it but you better not do it again next time or the moment I don't get lazy ill make sure you won't be able to move your body for the next few days."

Still nervous Zesshi thank that due to Shio's personality she can bare to apologize.


"Ok, I'm letting you take control back I going back to sleep."


"Ok rest well."

Soon they arrive at the testing room and it was Jin woo's turn first.

(A couple of mins later)

As Jin-woo finished his re-evaluation he came to check on the other person that's gonna be re-evaluated as well alongside Baek Yoonho and Choi Jong-In. Inside the room, Zesshi stood looking at the camera.


"Please show us what you can do miss Zesshi"

Gunhee spoke through the mic.


"Ok, I can do stuff like this"

In the viewing area, Baek and Choi congratulate Jin woo while also asking him to join their guild only to be rejected. When Zesshi is about to start Jong-In spoke.


"What do you think her Abilities are?"


"I don't know but she might be another mage looking at her current sta-."

Then they suddenly felt similar pressure to what they felt with Jin-woo early as they look into Zesshi as she raises her finger a dark liquid fell from the tip of it and starts to form into her scythe.


"I had three abilities one allows me to create armor, clothes, and weapons that strength depends on how strong I am the second just enhances all my physical and magical strength while the third is similar to Mister Sung Jin woo their id like to keep it a secret."


"That is acceptable as everyone must have a trump card in case of emergencies."

She proceed to do the test then she got out and receive her license.


"Congratulations Miss Zesshi you are now an official S rank"

Seeing that it is over Jin woo proceeded to go out and open the exit door only to get shocked to see dozens of reporters Zesshi just passed by him and wave to the reporter before vanishing while Baek said to Jin-woo.


"It'll get tiring if you deal with them. Let's go we'll escort you to your place."

Before Jin woos also vanish only to appear behind the crowd as he proceeded to leave.


'A mage class with that kind of movement'

He said while smiling then asked Yoonho.


"Mr. Baek?"


"His fast to the extent my eyes couldn't follow him. I already knew he was strong but that its the problem, His movement just now and magical energy from the room. He is much stronger than before..."

As he continue his rant about Jin-woo being a hunter that grows continuously Jong-In spoke again which broke him out of his thoughts.


"Mr. Baek!"


"Ah yes, Mr. Choi?"


"What do you think about Miss Zesshi?"

Hearing Choi Jong-In's words Baek Yoonho proceeds with his theories again on how can a hunter achieve speeds that fast.

(In a certain school)

(Song Yi)

"Hey, Jin-Ah your Oppa is on TV!"

Hearing this Sung Jin-ah spoke.


"What kind of nonsense is that, why would my Oppa... Huh."

Jin-Ah then proceeds to Interrogate Jin-Woo at home.

(A/N: Sorry if I time skip a lot it's just I'm skipping part that everyone knows but is not that exciting which will save time for both me and the readers.)

(Time skip after school)

(Pov: Song Yi)

Am now on my way home while looking at my phone. I was checking the news as even now I can't believe that the person who talked to me yesterday was an S-rank Hunter.

(Song Yi)

"Maybe... Maybe she indeed can make me strong."

(WARNING: Some disturbing stuff ahead read at you're own choice."

I said when I open

the door into my house I was suddenly pulled and bound in by a man who I don't know.

(Random man 1)

"Well look at what we have here, boys looks like we'll have a lot of fun tonight."

(Song Yi)

"Let me go!"

As I continue to struggle I look around to see my father dead on the floor alongside 4 other men stepping in my father's corpse while the other two are violating my mother. Seeing what's happening I scream but they gag me as they force me to look at it.

(Song Yi)

"Wagh di ou wat! Wad de wi do wong to yoo."

I tried to speak but the gag on my mouth made it hard.

(Random man 1)

"You see these two here, owe us money but they didn't pay us, and it's already been 6months so we decided to collect their debt along with you as additional payment."

When one of them stick their d**k inside mothers mouth when suddenly she bite it so hard till her some of her teeth fell off alongside the cut-off d**k. Another man seeing what happened to his buddy got angry.

(Random man 2)

"You bitch"

He keep punching her until she finally lost consciousness but then the leader suddenly pulled out his gun and shoot mother.


"Nnnn nmnn"

Then as they proceed to strip me when suddenly their head fell off their necks while the leader lost all his limbs. As I feel someone undoing my restraints a saw the same person who I keep thinking of for the entire day.


"I'm sorry I was too late Song Yi are you ok?"

As she then embraces me as I continue to cry.


" 'Hick hick' M-mom a-and dad... 'Hick Hick' their g-gone."


"Shhhh it's ok it's ok you should rest for now."

She as she continues to hold me while patting my head and before I know it I'm already asleep.

(PoV end)

(3rd person Pov)


'Never thought you would go that far just to make sure the girl will be loyal to us. Paying some random thugs to attack her parent and then save her while leaving her parents to die so she will rely on us. Never thought id see a simple but effective method.'


'Hey I only copied my "friend's" way of obtaining loyal girls'


'Now this makes me curious how did you survive this friend of yours.'


'Ok let us not talk about that hehe.'


'Whatever, so what do we do with her now'


'I've already called the police they should arrive in a moment after which we will explain what happened "truthfully" after that we will take Song Yi home.'


'Well, it's your plan so you lead the way.'



A couple of mins later the police arrived and Zesshi explain that she was just passing by but as she is an S-rank hunter her hearing allowed her to hear someone getting attacked and by the time she arrive the wife and husband is already dead but she managed to save a child. Stating that she already knows the child she will keep her in check for now as she also has healing magic. After saying that the child needs rest and believing her words the police bid them farewell. Zesshi and Shio, on the other hand, was extremely excited about how they are about to "teach" their new student to be strong.

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(A/N: I was debating whether I should cut this into two chapters as it's about twice as long as my normal chapters but then I remember that I was planning of releasing two chapters today so I thought why not just release one big chapter? Also if anyone sees an error please tell me as am pretty sure somewhere in there my keyboard f**k up then immediately exited me now I don't know where that error is, it is highly appreciated if someone were to tell me to thank you. That's all have a nice day everyone :3)