
Chapter five

My detention lasted for about an hour and a few minutes. Mr Cole had said he had something to do so he released me before the detention was supposed to end.

Preparing dinner at home, I listened to my sister sing along to frozen theme song as she watched it on the TV.

I felt my phone vibrate against the pocket of my jean bum short. Brianne, the caller ID read. I picked up before it went to voicemail.

"Hello", I greeted.

"Hey, Anna. What's up, girl?"

"Prepping dinner before I head for work. You good?"

"Yeah. Umm...so there's this thing that Mark invited me to but I'm really nervous and I really want to go because I think it will be fun, but I don't know any of his friends and it's just going to be awkward. I need someone to come with me, I need you there please. I promise it will be fun, and you'll enjoy every moment and I'll stay by your side through it all, please Anna?" She rambled

"Brianne, it's okay... what time and day?" I said trying to calm her down.

"It's tomorrow, 6pm. We can go later if you want though, any time you want_"

"6pm is fine" I stopped her before she continued talking. " I have a free day tomorrow, so 6pm is fine. As long as you pick me up and get me back before 10pm. Deal?"

"Deal! Thank you, Anna. You don't know how much this means to me."

"Anytime, Brianne " I said and hanged up. I could already smell the bolognese pasta getting burnt. Quickly, I put off the stove.

"Should I dish your food?" I asked my sister.

"No, not yet. I need to finish this work first." She replied back. I hadn't noticed that she had stopped singing to the frozen song until now.

I walked into the sitting room to check on her. She sat on the floor, her legs widely spread, and the coffee table at her front. Her head rested on her palmed that were supported by the table. Her face wrinkled in confusion.

"Having any problems there?" I asked willing to give her a hand.

"Yeah, I can't seem to figure the answer to this question. Quantitative reasoning seems to be biting me really hard" she sighed.

" Wasn't that the subject that you had a C- in?"

"Yes" her head finally rested on the table itself a tired sight leaving her lips again.

" Too bad. I was never really good at quantitative myself. Don't you have any friends who could help you out?"

"I'm not sure the girls are really good at quantitative either, Anna. And I don't want to look stupid asking them to teach me some dumb maths that I would never need" she said in a mumbled mess due to her mouth resting on her arms.

I chuckled at her response. " It seems we would have to get you a tutor then"

"Yay!" The excitement was absent in her voice.

Later that night at the coffee bar, I watched as Kelvin did a coffee trick that I had attempt five times but still hadn't gotten right. I left it to him and attended to the customers on a small queue.

I kept looking at the stage, wondering what was taking the guys so long to come perform. I looked at my left, towards their break room and saw them coming out. I smiled inwardly.

His hair laid in that curly mess again, his piercing eyes staring at mine. I adverted my attention to the drinks I was making.

The guitarist started with a familiar tune. I would recognise that song even if I turned to a 69 year old lady diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Old town road by lil nas x.

It was that song that my Dad and I would always sing along to when it came on to the radio. Yeah, he was that type of dad. The one that was up to date, the trendy kind of dad. My mum however was the classical one.

Mr Cole swayed his hip subtly to the song. His eyes held the audience's like it had some untold secret, seducing them to sing along to its lyrics. His voice was captivating.

After he finished the song, he dropped his mic and began to wave at the already sugar high audience. I hadn't noticed that I had been gawking hard at him, until I felt someone gave me a nudge at my side. It was Kelvin, he had a smirk on his face, telling me he knew what I was thinking.

"He's beautiful, isn't he?"

"I don't know, I guess"

"I mean, I just caught you drooling at the mouth just staring at those biceps of his. What do you mean 'you guess'?" He chuckled

"He's my teacher. I don't think I'm supposed to think anything of his body. His relation to me draws a line to my overactive mind, Kelvin"

"Teacher? You mean that hot cake is your school teacher, like your academic school teacher"

"No, my sex ed teacher. Of course my academic teacher. English teacher"

"Wow! Where was people like him when I needed motivation to go to class back when I was in high school. I wouldn't have dropped out of school even if he was just a janitor in school", Incase I hadn't mentioned it, Kelvin is bi.

I laughed at him as I continued to swipe on the table almost forgetting about Mr Cole.

Almost forgetting...

When I looked up at the stage I saw he had already left and was now heading outside. He turned back and looked directly at me, his eyes glowing an unnatural colour due to the disco light illuminating their neon lights at him. He had a look in his face, a look that made me curious as to what he was going to do out there. And then he walked out of the bar whilst struggling to keep his face away from the hands that tried to caress him. Teenage girls.

I finished cleaning the cups and told Kelvin to take over that I needed to take a piss. The look he gave me showed he knew I was lying.

I ignored him and rushed outside. He was no where to be seen. I looked around and wondered where he had gone. I had no idea, myself , why I was looking for him. I had nothing to say to him. But I just wanted to see him. I couldn't understand what had me so obsessive.

I was still turning around trying to figure out what route he had took when I heard someone cough. I turned back but was met with darkness. I tried to squint my eyes to see more clearly but was met with nothingness.

" Over here" I looked at the corner to my left. It was a dark alley, an abandoned one. I squinted my eyes again to see more clearly. This time I was met with a masculine silhouette. He held one leg against the wall.

I walked towards him not sure what I was hoping for. Suddenly, I started getting nervous. What was I going to say I came to see him for, if he asked? But when I was about one and half feet away from him, I felt his arm grab me. He drew me so close to him, I could smell the cigarette on his breath. His hand around my waist and our feets touching but our nose a good two or three metres away from each other.

"What do you want, miss Brown?" My formal address felt like silk against my ear. His voice did things to me I wouldn't like to admit.

"What do you mean?" My voice was so soft, I could hardly hear myself.

"You feel it too, don't you?" his hands trailed my arms, leaving a cluster of goose bumps wherever they touched.