
Rainy Evening

He grabbed me at my collar and I do the same. We both glared at each other and both of us is ready to punch.

"Nate, Charlie stop it! Let go Charlie, let Nate go!" Monica shouted.

I let go of Charlie and threatened him not to follow us or else I would have the guards drag him out. I grabbed Monica in her hands and bring her to our table. I walked fast and at the same time I'm being careful in holding Monica so she doesn't get hurt.

Meg was surprise when she saw her sister.

"Sis what are you doing here?"

"Let's go home Meg, I'll explain later." Meg and Monica did nothing but follow me. I let Meg to drive the car because I was so irritated. We're just quiet inside the car, Meg knows that when I am mad I need to be left alone first. After we arrive we went straight to Meg's room and talk there.

"Okay explain", Meg says.

"I guess it would be best for Monica to explain what happened", I brought the chair closer to her and motioned her to sit.

"That was Charlie, my ex. We just had a little argument earlier and Nate here help me, end of story", Monica said quickly. Then Meg looked at me, expecting me to continue Monica's statement.

"I was going to the CR and heard someone yelling. When I turned around I saw your sister being force by that Charlie to come with him."

"Sis, can we just talk about this tomorrow, I'm tired." Monica begged.

We just let Monica rest and forget about what happened, we didn't even mention it to their parents. The next morning, I left early because I was still checking the new apartment in Pasig I need to make sure everything has been taken care of so that it will be posted as ready for occupancy. It's a two-story building, the wall is caramel color and has six rooms. The electricity, water and fire extinguishers are also in place. I inspected each room to make sure there's no damaged. Door knob, faucet, windows and the CR. Everything is good. Before I left I took a picture of it so that I can post it.

I thought of going to SM East first to buy something for Meg. I called her when I entered the mall and she just said she wanted JCO, I also asked what Monica wants, she says Sansrival Cake so that's all I bought.

While driving along Ortigas, my Father called, I didn't answer and I just let it go until it stops ringing. He called again but I canceled the call. Another ring and this one is coming from Francis, my brother. I just ignore it and just drive faster so that I can go home early.

"France? Where's Monica and Meg?" I asked politely.

"They're in their room, hang on I will call them"

"Oh no, don't bother let me call them. Just kindly prepare this foods, please prepare a Coke as well instead of coffee. Thank you France".

I knocked and went straight to Meg's room. I saw her in the bed and it looks like she just woke up. I kissed her forehead and invited her down to eat. She says she will just have washed her face so I decided to go to Monica's room.

"Monica? Nate here, I bought Sansrival Cake for you, let's go eat downstairs."

She opened the door quickly and looked at me with a happy smile. She really looks cute when she smiles like that.

Nica POV

I go downstairs quickly because of Sansrival Cake. I saw France preparing the cake and there's even a JCO, nice. Sis and Nate also arrive. I took one slice and was about to offer Meg but I saw Nate had already prepared it for her. Well I hope someone will take care of me like Nate took care for my sister.

"By the way guys, I'm back to work next week. Do you want to go out this weekend?" my sister asked.

"Sure! I don't have any plans, how about you Nate? G?"

"Hmmmm...okay. I'll just advance my appointments so that I'll be free on the weekends."

"Perfect!" My sister claps her hands and smile widely at Nate.

While eating we talked about which beach we will spend the weekend. We were so excited and Meg is thinking already what kind of bikini she will wear. But as for me I'm more excited with the banana boat, jet ski and surfing. My phone suddenly rang and was surprise that it's coming from an unknown number.


"Hello who is this?"

"Hey Nica this is Charlie, got your number from Aira. I just call to ask if you're free later, I would like to ask you out for dinner. I just wanted to apologize for what happened last time.

"I will think about it Charlie, no promises, I'll just text you later."

"I understand Nica. Will wait for your message later. Bye-bye."

I hung up the phone and Meg ask who called. I answered it was Charlie. I saw Nate raise her eyebrow while eating cake. I don't know why but I find her reaction funny. After we ate, I called Aira to tell her that Charlie ask me out and I also asked her for advice on whether I should go or not. Without a second thought she forced me to go, I didn't have anything to do so I guess I can go.

I showered and then got ready. I put a little blush on and light peach lipstick and I wore a gold heels to match my red dress. I'm done preparing when I receive a message from Charlie letting me know that he's already downstairs. I check myself again for the last time and went down stairs. I laughed in my mind when I saw Nate and Charlie glaring at each other.

"Hey, let's go?" I smiled at them and said goodbye to Nate.

Charlie and I went to a restaurant in SM North, he was wearing a black pull over and tuck into his black pants. I ordered Vongole and Charlie ordered Carbonara, we ordered Pepperoni Pizza and White Wine as well.

"So, how long will you be here?" I asked Charlie.

"I'm planning to stay for a year this time since I've been gone for a long time. How about you? What's your plan?"

"Right now I'm still thinking if I will go to Europe."

"That's nice, it's a good thing Tito is not forcing you to work in your Company."

"Not really, daddy wants me to do whatever I want. He doesn't want me to be tied to our business since that's not what I want."

"That's so sweet of them. I envy you. My dad keeps on nagging me that it's a waste of time if I'm not going to practice what I have studied. Thank god, mommy always defend me."

"Of course you're a mama's boy", I teased him.

We continued catching up, then some guys approached our table. Found out they're friends of Charlie who also came home from States. They're talking about this Bar and asked Charlie to come as well. This guy didn't even bother to introduce me. Such an ungentle man act. After the guys left it looks like Charlie is in a hurry. And then he suddenly said that he couldn't take me home since he need to go to the Bar. Ugh! This man is really hopeless! I no longer remember why I liked him in the first place.

I said goodbye to Charlie and smile at him even though I'm really pissed off. So how will I go home now, I don't have my car with me so I have no choice but to ride a Taxi. Soon it started to rain. Very G! Very G! I went back and forth because of annoyance and boredom. There's no Taxi, my feet are hurting, and I am getting a little cold because of the wind and rain. I don't have plans to spend an hour here outside the mall so I called daddy, but he didn't answer. I called my sister and good thing she pick up the phone.

"Sis I'm really sorry but can you please pick me up? I'm here outside SM North."

"What? I thought you had a date? The guy picks you up, why he can't take you back home?"

"Sis please reserve the anger later, please... my feet are already sore." I begged her.

"Okay baby sis. I'll be there."

After 15 minutes a car stopped in front of me. Someone wearing a white jacket and black shorts gets out of the car holding an umbrella. He gets closer and closer then I realize it's Nate. What is she doing here??

"Hey Monica, come on let's get in the car so you don't get cold." She removed her jacket and put it on me to keep me warm. We get in the car quickly because it's still raining heavily. Nate turn off the aircon of the car when we got inside because she saw that I'm shivering from the cold.

"Thank you Nate for picking me up Nate, sorry to bother you."

"No worries Monica, your sister mentioned that it will take her a long time before she can pick you up. That's why I volunteered. Are you feeling okay now? Do you still feel cold? Oh! I forgot here, it's hot Choco." She smiles at me while handling the hot choco. I took it right away and said thank you so she could focus on driving. While we're stuck in traffic I got a message from Charlie asking if I got home safely. It was really a mistake to go out with that guy, I just wasted my time.

Nate notice the sudden change in my reaction, "What's with the face?" she asked while still looking at the road.

"It's Charlie." I sighed in annoyance.

"Ow, your date? Can I ask what happened?"

I smiled at her and said that we can talk about it once we're home. She smiles back and says, "Okay Miss, you owe me a story later."