
Other Side 2

Nica POV

“Exactly, Monica. You don’t understand. So it’s better for you not to meddle with it.”

With glaring eyes and a cold tone, Nate left us in the kitchen. I just stood there, and my sister held my hand to comfort me. Shock was evident in my face. An hour passed, and I heard someone knock on the main door. I started to feel nervous. Who is this this time?

“Good evening, food delivery!”

The guy says while smiling widely at Meg. Meg looks at me after she closes the door. She wants to keep the atmosphere light by laughing and saying that Nate ordered a lot of food for us tonight. Unfortunately, she can’t join us. She just stays in her room and never talks to us again. I wanted to ask my sister, but based on how she’s trying to act normal and pretend that nothing happens, it makes me feel like I just have to shrug it off.

I just stare at the TV, not understanding what the movie is all about. I just felt uncomfortable; I don’t know what to feel and am not sure if I will try to understand Nate or be mad about it. I’m not used to her acting that way, nor do I want to be used to it.


I’m helping my sister pack her luggage right now, since she will travel early tomorrow.

"Why is your face like that? "She asked.

“I ah-.”

“Is this about last night? "She continued. I just nodded.

“Let’s just say that there are sides of her that she’s not ready to open up yet.”

"But, I’m just, I don’t know, a little scared? "I answered.

“Scared of what?”

“Nate? "I answer without looking at her.

“Because? "She asked as if Nate’s action last night was just nothing.

I sigh. “I just felt like she’s not Nate, like a different person. Yes, I saw her get mad and almost have a fist fight with Charlie. But it’s reasonable; I understand why she did that—she wanted to protect me. But last night, she dragged her brother just because she wanted to borrow a simple thing. That I cannot comprehend.”

“You can’t comprehend because you’re trying to see it from your own perspective, not Nate's.”

“Can you please stop taking her side? ”

“That’s not what I’m doing. I’m just trying to tell you that there is a simple thing for us that is not simple for others.”

“Yeah right. If you say so.” She was about to say something, but her phone rang.


I rolled my eyes and left the room since she'd finished packing.

Nate and I never talked again after last night. I hate to admit it, but I have this bit of hope that she will text me or call me. Unfortunately, I didn’t get either. If I’m the one at fault, there’s no problem apologizing. But no, it’s her, and I’m not going to make the first move.

Nate POV

“Put this tent in the middle. And please set up the bonfire.” I asked some of my crews to prepare for the camping later. I already called Meg and Roy; as for Nica? I still don’t have the courage to talk to her. I know I offended her last night, and I saw that she was hurt by my action. I know it’s not right, but I can’t control my emotions. My brother is really getting on my nerves, and my father is adding to it.

As much as I wanted to talk to her and explain the sudden burst of my anger, I knew she wouldn’t understand. Most of those people who grew up in a perfect environment with loving parents and a well-off life don’t understand the struggle of having an abusive father and a family full of favoritism.

I want Nica’s stay here to be full of happiness and bliss; that’s why I planned everything, but unfortunately, I’m the one who’s the reason it has been ruined.

Father calling.

Call rejected.

After the crew set up the place for the camping later, I double-checked it to make sure everything was in place. There are three big tents in the middle of the bonfire.

Nica POV

We’re enjoying each other’s company in front of the bonfire, with a mellow song in the background. Roy and her girlfriend keep teasing each other; Meg and I can’t stop eating BBQ, while Nate is glaring at her best friend because he’s acting so cheesy towards her girlfriend. Sometimes Nate and I catch each other stealing glances. After a few minutes, the people who work at Nate’s Bar dropped by to say goodbye. She decided to close the bar early.

“Hey, why don’t you stay for a few hours? We still have a lot of drinks," says Roy.

“Would that be okay with you guys? "Nate looked at us.

“Of course that’s a good idea, come on, guys! "Meg says enthusiastically, while I just nod.

We adjusted ourselves and gave them space. Meg got some beers, and Nate grilled a new batch of BBQ.

I told Meg I needed to go to the CR. I wash my face because it feels so sticky. I was drying my face when Nate entered the CR. We stare at each other for a few seconds, then she just goes towards the sink.

“Nica? I ah-.”

I stopped in front of the door and didn’t bother to give her a glance. She did not say anything after that, so I just went out. When I arrived, Meg gave me a toasted marshmallow. We started enjoying the beautiful voice of Annie, who is singing right now while the other guy is playing the guitar.

“Girl, I wanna give you my heart

Oh in exchange of your soul.”

Nate is back and seated across from me.

“I’m falling for you darling

I’m falling for your eyes, I know”

My phone vibrated, and I was surprised by the sender of the text.


Nate: Nica, I’m sorry if I make you upset.

“Infatuated baby, I need you in my life,

I’m sure.”

I put my phone back in my pocket and didn’t reply.

“Constant kind of loving

Need your kind of numbing

Show me what to feel

Cause I’m home and I’m lonely”


Nate: I act so careless and don’t control my emotions. I’m really sorry, Nica.

I looked at Nate, and she’s already looking. I just gave her a small smile and nodded a little.

Nate: What’s that? Does that mean you forgive me?

I just sent her a smiling emoji.

“Boss your turn! "Another crew says: If there’s one thing I know, is that Nate is good at dancing but not sure about singing.

“Please pass me the guitar.”

Wow, confident. As her hair and collar were being blown by the wind, she started playing the guitar.

“I know you’re fiending on emotion with the lights out,

Stop acting crazy baby, you should really lie down.”

After singing the first few lyrics, Nate looks at me.

“Can we have a minute I need to say

This feeling’s overwhelming don’t wanna stay

Tell me do you miss me, got me on a fifty, these girls are all the same”

I was so lost while looking into her eyes that I didn’t notice Meg was no longer by my side. Am I crazy if I assume that this song is for me? Are these lyrics the words she wanted to tell me?

“I just wanna love you like I’m losing all my days

But whatever this is I want it

Whatever this is I want it.

Is it the way that its making me feel

Telling no lies cause I know that it’s real

Oh baby

Whatever this is I want it.”

And she smiles at me after singing the last part. All of them applaud, while me? I stare at her while she walks towards me.

“Hey.” She smiles at me. Her sweet smile


“Uh, are you okay? Do you want another drink? Or BBQ? I’ll get one for you.” I just laughed.

“Calm down, Nate; I’m cool, okay? I think I already ate six BBQs.”

“Oh okay. I see.” She starts rubbing her palm against her knee. It’s funny, maybe she still thinks that I’m still mad at her. So I held her hand.

“It’s okay now, Nate. We’re okay.”

We held hands for, I don’t know, how long, but we just kept it low. I don’t want to gain any suspicious looks from anyone here, especially my sister.