
behind the veil

“Why must I lose everyone close to me, why does this ill fate keeps repeating itself? Why?…” Sandra has desperate desire to change her ill-repeating fate after constantly experiencing suffering and mishaps where ever possible. A fate where everyone close to her has to be killed brutally by a ruthless manipulator, where she loses all that she has and can’t do anything about it. This fate will follow her in all her life span until she discovers the hidden truth behind this and do what is needed to do. However, will she accomplish this task or continue with this play of her life? *Disclaimer: the cover photo doesn't belong to this author.*

drop_pen · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
29 Chs


"wait, ar...are you behind what happened yesterday?" Sandra manage to ask with a cracked voice. She hesitated before she walked out from her shield (her brother's back) and struggles to keep her balance to avoid collapsing because her legs became jelly at the sight of Miss Wevon.

Miss Wevon smiled when she heard her. She knew a little threat will do the trick. She can't possibly answer the question they seek with Sandra treating her like she was a demon. She turned and said "great! please." Gesturing them to go inside the gate wearing a pleasant smile.

Suddenly she sighed and frowned when she noticed Sandra's uniform. She recalled that Jade will arrive anytime soon to take them to school. "Oh right, it's best you remain where you are…well, why don't we get this over with? let me have your pendent." She said stretching out her hand towards Sandra.

"heh" Hearing that, Liam who quietly stood by the side sneered and briefly looked up like she was a clown. His reaction didn't attract Miss Wevon gaze; she still treated him like he was invisible. Her gazes were focused on Sandra who had immediately held her pendent with reflex, the instant she requested for it. she valued the pendent, although she recently got it.

Sandra looked at her astonishly wondering how she knew about her pendent. she had always worn it beneath her clothes and at the moment it was beneath her uniform. the only possible way Miss Wevon knew of the pendent reformed in her head (she is a witch).

Liam rebuked and finally asked. "greedy…what do you need the pendent for? To sell it? Sandra can't give that to you. how did you know of it? did you attack us to get your hands on the pendent? I see, this was your plan". He was convinced that Miss Wevon was behind what had happened, she attacked them because of the pendent.

She glared at the boy acting older than his age and weaved her hand like she was chasing off a buzzing fly. She totally ignored him and continued speaking to Sandra "if you don't want what happened yesterday to repeat itself. Hand over the pendent. oh, to clear your doubt, I have no hand in what happened yesterday. it was all caused by the pendent around your neck..." she once again glared at the little boy with no manners who had opened his mouth to speak, cutting her off.

"pendent? that's absurd. How can a pendent?…oh, your greed for the pendent made you bully us." Liam stated boldly looking up, straight into her eyes. 'how special is this pendent?' he thought.

After hearing Liam's remark, Miss Wevon frustratingly covered her eyes for a moment and said "if you don't hand the pendent over to me. What will happen next time will be worse. You might end up losing your life." She was straight forward. she knew she was still a child, so she has to watch the kind of language she uses on her but She had no time to talk soft on her.

Sandra got the pendent on the Day Jade bought her green bag, that was four days ago. Jade found the pendent in the bag when she got home, it wasn't among what she paid for. She guessed they mistakenly put it in the bag. She returned it to the mall the following day but the workers there said it was a gift that came with the bag.

Sandra couldn't take her eyes off the pendent ever since she saw it. It was like a strong force was drawing her to it, she insisted on having it so Jade gifted it to her.

Sandra felt so delighted, fulfilled and at peace the moment she got hold of the pendent, like she has found something so dear to her that she has been searching for. Ever since then she has been wearing the pendent round her neck.

"how can a pendent kill me? please, how have we wronged you? If we have, we are sorry. Yesterday's experience is enough. Let this …" Sandra finds it hard to believe Miss Wevon's words and asked lightly with a soft childish voice.

After hearing her voice that sounded like she was pleading. "sky" she said gently, referring to Sandra. "I have no right or power to hurt or punish you…". she sincerely looked into her eyes then tilted her head towards Liam and frowned "but for him…" she didn't continue but maintained her ugly look.

She moved her gaze back to Sandra and said "I have no hand in what happened, I didn't get involved at all. Mogo is receiving her punishment for pulling you out of the vision you were in. If I had involved myself, I would have been dead by now."

She sighed sadly before she continued "…that green stone on your neck is the cause of your sudden change and what happened yesterday. green is actually not the color of the stone, its a proof that it is infected." She said firmly with a serious expression. "It will hurt you if it still remains in your possession…and yes, Jade has no idea about this, she got that pendant together with that bag." She gestured to the bag on Liam's hand. She spoke gently to her. Since she won't understand if she was to rush it and Sandra might end up not giving her the pendent.

She paid attention to her facial expression and was able to detect her doubt. "…Don't worry, the bag is not infected as well" She immediately assured her after she saw the expression concerning the last sentence that she said, she looked at Sandra and said softly "give me the pendant…this could cost you your life.".

Sandra slowly unhooked the pendent and stared at her, thinking whether she should trust her. she felt a very deep connection to the pendent like it was hers, like it was made just for her. she felt like she can't live without the pendent. As she slowly unhooked the pendent, she repeatedly heard a deep voice that sounded familiar telling her 'no matter what don't take off the pendent' in a commanding tone.

She moved her gaze from Miss Wevon to Liam wondering whether she was the only one that heard the voice.

"sky, give the pendent to me for your safety. I promise to return it" Miss Wevon assured her.

'if the pendent is really infected. Its best to give it to the witch to remove it to avoid it causing harm to people around it. anyways she will return it.' she concluded in her mind and reluctantly gave it to Miss Wevon but held onto the chain.

"Sandra are sure of what you are doing?" Liam asked surprisingly. He had seen how much Sandra loved the pendent. Sandra just stared at him with a confused expression still holding onto the gold butterfly chain of the pendent.

"don't worry, you will have it back, When I remove the bug inside it." She said with a worried look, hoping that Sandra will completely hand over the pendent to her.

she smiled as soon as Sandra loosened up her grip from the chain. she raised the pendent to her face admiring the beautiful work of art and slowly traced her fingers on the pendent where carvings of fishes and clouds above them. she altered slowly with amazement "Skyb…" she turned to Sandra with the same look of amazement in her eyes and said "Sky is beautiful".