
Behind The Terrifying Darkness

A fishy smell wafted around the place. Men, old people, even innocent children lay motionless with cold body temperatures. A man stood indifferently around where the bodies were scattered. Holding the sword that was still stained with blood, he headed for a place that was not affected by a single drop of red stain that adorned his surroundings. He knelt down to caress the pale cheek of a girl hidden behind the shield he had created. He took off the fluttering black cloth he was wearing and gently draped the robe that had been stained with warmth over the girl. "You see." "They died because of you." "You should never have run away from me." "Let's go back Rosalia." whispered the young man softly among the gusts of the night wind that choked.

Renza_Lo · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs



The sound of a loud slap echoed through the large room.

"Look at the results of your deeds." cold sentences spoken by the perpetrator who did the slap.

The teenage boy who became a victim of his father's anger looked down. Not daring to reply or look his father in the eye. Feeling guilty because his actions caused a big problem.

"Father... scolding Antonio won't solve the problem." heard the soft strains of a girl who had just entered the room.

Glowing white skin, golden blonde hair and blue eyes that were as clear as the ocean. Not forgetting her red lips that make one yearn to feel how sweet the taste is left in those thin lips. The girl had birthmarks under her eyes which established her as the most beautiful girl in the fairy race.

Unlike the fairies in most fairy tales who are petite and have wings, the fairy race does not have wings. Their race is known for the beauty that overshadows their bodies. Not only were their beauty the hallmark of the fairy race, but their bodies always radiated life energy to the creatures around them.

Unfortunately, this one advantage was also a disaster for their race. Most of them were hunted by magicians who wanted to use their bodies as a mixture to make their potions. Or other races who want to take advantage of the vitality of their lives.

The fairy race is a weak race. They could not face the attacks that were aiming for their lives. Therefore, they could only hide. Create a shield that can hide their existence. The shield didn't just protect them from the outside world. But it also isolates them from the outside world. That's why, some people think that the fairy race has long since disappeared.

"Look at your little brother's recklessness. His actions can make the fairy race disappear from civilization." the king was still filled with anger.

"Perhaps it's not that bad Father. We can learn the weakness of the pillars of the shield. So, strengthening it is no longer a problem." the fairy girl explained slowly.

"Those put together aren't ordinary stones, Rose. Once they're crushed, it won't be easy to put them back together." The fairy king sighed tiredly.

"Antonio didn't mean to spoil it either, Father. He just couldn't control his curiosity about the outside world." the fairy still explained meekly.

The strut is the basic part that makes the shield work. If it was destroyed, then the shield would definitely not be able to protect them. Because as soon as the shield is turned off, the area around the fairy kingdom responds immediately. Various plants that were about to die suddenly flourished. Various rivers and other springs that were polluted with dirt immediately became clear. This causes their existence to be known by other nations.

The person who became the king of the fairy race massaged his throbbing temples. He naturally understood that scolding his stupid son and complaining to his beautiful daughter would not solve the problem.

But it couldn't be helped, he was overcome with anger after getting an invitation to the six races gathering banquet. There are actually seven races today, but one of the races was removed from the agenda 300 years ago.

"There are still three more days to prepare, Father."

"We'd better think about how we prepare for the banquet later. And we can't waste every precious second repairing the fairy shield right away." the girl tried to divert her father's anger.

"You're right Rose. I will prepare the knights who will be in charge of escorting you tomorrow. I make sure that they are the best knights who will not be easily defeated." although he confidently said such words to his eldest daughter, it was undeniable that he was worried for her safety.

If He could, He would prefer to attend the banquet himself. But he was bound by his duty as king. The territory should not be left empty. Currently, he is the one who controls everything that happens in the fairy kingdom. He had no other queen after the death of the mother of his children. He doesn't want the children he loves to have a stepmother.

Although maybe not all stepmothers are evil, but he does not want to take the slightest risk when it comes to his children. If only the shield wasn't broken. But that's just wishful thinking. The rice had turned to mush, and he had to think of a way to quickly repair the damaged shield.

It was not without reason that the fairy race formed a shield to cover their existence. Long ago, they were a weak race at the bottom of the chain of power. But their innate ability makes their race always hunted by other races. Even though things had improved since a hundred years ago, but the fear of being hunted down had been planted deep in their hearts.

"You don't have to worry Father. The banquet will only take a few days. Not a few years." Rosalia smiled softly, trying to calm her father's worries.

"You're a good girl Rose." the father of course knew the hidden meaning of his daughter's words.

After discussing some things that his daughter needed to be wary of, the person who was now the ruler of the fairy race went to immediately take care of the chaos that had occurred in his kingdom after the destruction of their shield. Before reaching the door, he did not forget to glare at his youngest son who immediately shuddered in fear when his eyes met their father's.

"Sorry, sister." the young man who was called Antonio only dared to speak after his father left.

"Next time, you should ask Father's permission or tell Big Sister something like that." the girl softly stroked the blond hair of the young man who was several years her junior.

"I know, big sister. I won't do anything like that again." the young man felt very guilty.

Because of him, his older sister had to go to the place where the other races gathered. He had not yet reached adulthood. So, he could not follow his older sister to the banquet.

He would never be able to forgive himself if something else really happened to his older sister.

After leaving the meeting place, the beautiful girl who had the nickname Rose returned to her room. Walking down the aisle full of blooming flowers. It emitted a sweet fragrance that filled the entire palace.

The girl's line of sight shifted to their royal garden. A wide variety of flowers and plants adorn the entire garden making it look very bright and filled with life. The fountain carved with white jade adds to the beauty of the palace garden. Very beautiful. It was an image that would appear in the minds of everyone who entered their territory.

The fairy kingdom is a kingdom that is fertile and full of minerals. It's all inseparable from their innate talent that brings vitality to other living beings. Making their territory very rich and being another reason that makes other races feel greedy for the wealth they have.

The girl clutched the invitation letter written in gold ink in her hand. The quality of the paper is very soft and emits a nice smell. Of course even though the paper looked very soft, it was not easily torn or damaged.

Thinking of the upcoming banquet, she couldn't help but let out a tired sigh. She only hoped that the banquet would end smoothly.