
the beginning of DEO

so one day Superman was flying to put out a fire. Then out of nowhere he got hit and fell down to the earth below .When Superman woke up he was in the in the DEO sitting in front of hunter. He said that the DEO products the world from alien life like you Superman

"What!! do you ? I'm not a threat to humans I'm here to help save them!" Superman protested what he was told.

Then hunter told him there is something is coming. They were scanning the thing and it looked like it came from krypton.tl They showed Superman the picture of what the ship looked like it was sod and small army

How is that possible he was sent to the phantom zone and there was no way out of that place. The krypton's build the phantom zone so no one could escape so that it can really get away from that.We will wait and see how is seen they want and when they get here we'll be ready for them.