
Begging To Differ: Unwanted To Be Princess Consort

Zhi Qeixia was always a top student but suddenly one day her whole family even she caught in a demise. Her father passed away, mother was unknown whether alive or dead, younger sister was in coma and she dropped out because of her strange illness. Because of that she shoulder every responsibility put in her shoulders. She who used to be timid, weak, crybaby and unsocial changed into much mature and easygoing. And became of her strange illness she'll die in a few weeks time but it was quicken when someone stabbed her in her heart. She thought it was her end but the Special Fate Temple's guardian, the ughhh deity like Mumo Qi offer her a new life. She was given a 'suprise'. Her whole family that she thought she can't see again was there with two extra overprotective older brother. Suprisingly, she became the Zhilan's grand princess(their kingdom). Then there's also her scumbag ex-boyfriend Fang Moran, the Lu Nan's fourth prince who came to break the engagement which she doesn't care anymore merely take it for fun. All this, her strange illness became a torturous and lethal poison which can kill her on her 20. To avoid repeating the same former life's mistakes, she've been decided to learn medicine, poisons, martial arts and everything that she deemed useful and interesting skills. She also got a new title, Sovereign Princess with a vassal kingdom of their Zhilan to operate. Along with this she unexpectedly meet a devil who's name was forbidden to mention. He's the so cleanfreak, a warfreak, troublemaker and super above deity's handsomeness higher than Mumo Qi's. His name was was Ming Si YiHan, the third prince that can defy everyone's orders even his father's. Having numerous wealth and have everything everyone wants, many people envy him. And yet of all this the two great people became enemies! They met in such unique and strange way... Author:shistine

shistineJdLd1 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

Chapter Six: Special Fate Temple

Special Fate Temple


"The thing that I really hate before to the most is making the things that people will regret someday!"

The origin of the voice was near but also it felt distant. It's angry and complicated expressions can clearly be discerned from it. But the voice seemed from a child's but at the same time it wasn't, it's like a man...Old man but... ugh so confusing!!!

Zhi Qeixia was curious so she opened her eyes. She immediately froze after attempted on taking a peep at the figure. She thought there was someone but there was...

But there was truly nothing at all, really!!! She looked up here, there, downwards, left and right... everywhere... But still truly found nothing at all, really!

She was infuriated for finding nothing! The whole place was empty. Only fascinating and wonderful luminous pearls and expensive furnitures were the only things placed and filling the cloudy room.

"What are you looking at, brat?! Are you planning to steal my things?! There is still a grandpa here, can't you see?!" Zhi Qeixia was startled by the deafening sound suddenly erupted. She immediately stood straight and yelped.

"Mama Mia!!! Ahhhh!!! Ghooooost!!!"

"Bah! What Mama Mia? What ghost? There was only your grandpa! Guardian Mumo Qi here!" Annoyed, the fly sized figure whose mistaken as a ghost floatted between the two big bright dark onyx eyes of Zhi Qeixia.

Shocked seeing unknown creature in front of her eyes Zhi Qeixia wanted to crushed it.

"Bug! Ahhhh! Buggggg! Mom! Dad! Younger sister! Ahhh a bug! What a disgusting bug!" She frighteningly shouted while continued slapping and catching the so-called bug. Sure she's not a timid and crybaby girl anymore but still, she found bugs, insect, pest and parasites are ugly, disgusting but frightening.

The 'bug' was seriously so fast and it can dodged all of the snow like slender hand's attack of Zhi Qeixia. She was exhausted and vexed in no time so she immediately stopped. The 'bug' hovered around her, clearly mocking at her.

She's feeling quite upset. Why would little bug can't be killed?! Before Zhi Qeixia fully explode ahe shifted away her vision on the 'bug' and the whole room caught her attention.

"Aren't I'm dead?... So maybe this is the Yama Hall of the Netherworld? It seems not like it though," she guessed doubly.

"But wow this is beautiful and wonderful. I didn't expected that-," Zhi Qeixia's praising was cutted off by the thunderous voice of Mumo Qi, the mistaken 'ghost' and a 'bug'.

"It was not the hellish and gruesome Yama Hall! Don't compare that disgusting and hateful dumpster to my heaven like Special Fate Temple!"

After irking out, Mumo Qi folded his arms and stayed silent for a while before rattling again.

"Let me tell you kid, don't you ever think of stealing my things, you can get nothing! Stealing was bad thing to do! Also I hate it the most when someone compared my things to the others!!! Or your fate will turned to be ugly one!"

Zhi Qeixia was dumbfounded. Though she didn't saw someone but she heard a threatening voice and she's super duper angry at it.

I didn't do anything! What's your problem with me?! And wait- why would you put my fate into this?!

She felt like leaving this place but where to? Her dark onyx eyes roamed around the lavish room for the second  time and there she saw many similar white door in a corner she doesn't noticed before.

"Brat! Where are you going?! Stay right there!!!," the voice bellowed, interrupting her when she's going to open one white door that nearest to her.

With angry and gloomy expression she turned her head towards the voice. She thought she'll going to see no one again but she was wrong.

She felt an awe seeing a young man clad in white cloud embroidered clothes. His long white and silver hair was kept nicely by the purest white jade haid coronet. His sharp white eyebrows and lashes accentuated his gold eyes that are clear and full of wisdom but there's also an angry and dangerous glint on it. His jawline was great with red lips- it seemed redder than Zhi Qeixia's.

The overall? He's like a god in heaven! Oh my, how handsome!!! Zhi Qeixia never seen such handsome young man before!

"Hey!!! Brat, stop drooling over my perfect handsome figure! It disgusted me!!!," the deity like young man's narcissistic ranting helped Zhi Qeixia to snapped back into reality.

But seriously? He's so handso- pei! Stop thinking someone's handsomeness! When did Zhi Qeixia started appreciating other's beauty? She shook her head, straightened her back and got serious.

So back to topic..."You are?," she asked still in awe. "Didn't I already introduced myself earlier?! I said I'm a grandpa-no! The guardian of the Special Fate Temple, Mumo Qi! The one you called 'ghost' and a 'bug'," feeling resentful Mumo Qi reintroduced himself.

Humph! Such bad temper!

"What?" She continued pretending to be deaf made someone wanted to throttle her but unexpectedly he stopped himself from doing so.

"I'm- never mind just call me grandpa!," He, the guardian of this place, decided to became a generously lenient just this time.

That's just because this lady's soul should be in best state before transfering her into a suitable body. If not his master will show him no mercy for abusing his superiorness.

"The what? You're grandpa? It doesn't suits you, a handsome and young deity," she said sincerely making Mumo Qi to blush.

He pretended to cough to remove embarrassment. " Just go! You're special so you've given a good reincarnation! Remember to thank me later for my generosity!," after that he pushed the confused Zhi Qeixia into one of the white door.

"Argghhhhh!!!! Generosity my ass! You're planning on killing me! Wait- I already died didn't I? Then wha- ahhhhhh!!! Just you waittttt!!!," her angry loud voice reverberated in Mumo Qi's ears making him feeling deaf.

He knew he's childish to retaliate this way. Yeah, he's mean! He didn't even let her prepared herself!!! Anyway what reincarnation's situation will she face?

*☆*¤ Chapter Six Finished ¤*☆*

<*☆*● To Be Continued ●*☆*>

A/N: shistine feels sad! They said my story is boring and should stop writing. What they said hit me. It makes me feels discouraged and I really wanted to cry!

Can there's someone to tell me honestly if my story that boring and sucks?

I need someone's comments, votes and follows... Can you guys help me show them that my story is not what they thought like!

Yes, I lacked in many things and it takes me great effort to finish one chapter so I greately appreciate and thankful for someone even a single person to notice my story!!!