
Begging To Differ: Unwanted To Be Princess Consort

Zhi Qeixia was always a top student but suddenly one day her whole family even she caught in a demise. Her father passed away, mother was unknown whether alive or dead, younger sister was in coma and she dropped out because of her strange illness. Because of that she shoulder every responsibility put in her shoulders. She who used to be timid, weak, crybaby and unsocial changed into much mature and easygoing. And became of her strange illness she'll die in a few weeks time but it was quicken when someone stabbed her in her heart. She thought it was her end but the Special Fate Temple's guardian, the ughhh deity like Mumo Qi offer her a new life. She was given a 'suprise'. Her whole family that she thought she can't see again was there with two extra overprotective older brother. Suprisingly, she became the Zhilan's grand princess(their kingdom). Then there's also her scumbag ex-boyfriend Fang Moran, the Lu Nan's fourth prince who came to break the engagement which she doesn't care anymore merely take it for fun. All this, her strange illness became a torturous and lethal poison which can kill her on her 20. To avoid repeating the same former life's mistakes, she've been decided to learn medicine, poisons, martial arts and everything that she deemed useful and interesting skills. She also got a new title, Sovereign Princess with a vassal kingdom of their Zhilan to operate. Along with this she unexpectedly meet a devil who's name was forbidden to mention. He's the so cleanfreak, a warfreak, troublemaker and super above deity's handsomeness higher than Mumo Qi's. His name was was Ming Si YiHan, the third prince that can defy everyone's orders even his father's. Having numerous wealth and have everything everyone wants, many people envy him. And yet of all this the two great people became enemies! They met in such unique and strange way... Author:shistine

shistineJdLd1 · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Chapter Seven: The Death Of Zhilan's Grand Princess

Date: July 3, 2021

Time: 9:36 pm

The Death Of Zhilan's Grand Princess

"Yo-your majesties...This...This one can't really feel the pulse... We-were so incompetent... We let you down... We should take the blame! We let the Grand Princess Qeixia suffer for so long!!! Her sufferings end with such grievance! We ...we deserves something more painful than to die...!!!"

The thirteen imperial elite physicians on their duty green robes uniform with the symbol of the Zhilan's royal family's private elite physicians immediately went down on their knees, trembling, begging to be punished and kowtowing until their foreheads bleed. They kept doing this but no one react.

It's a shame for them to be an imperial elite physicians. For a decades of researching and formulating for the antidote, they couldn't save nor lessen the sufferings of a princess, the most loved grand princess of Zhilan kingdom.

They even promised and dedicated their lives to cure the grand princess and yet, here, in front of them was her pained cold dead body.

They saw how she grew. Everyday, her life was a torture. No medicine or any other medical treatment of a best physician can make the grand princess relieved. But she's strong for keeping on fighting though the price was being isolated from the outer world and people's presence.

The truth she may looked tough, she was lonely, scared, weak, timid, envious, and hurt. She doesn't have any friends or whatsoever. Only her family was the reason of her to keep alive.

But the royal family of Zhilan was became careless a little. They didn't expect that someone, a enemies spy would dare to put mild poison that enough to trigger her triple chaotic poison in her body in their grand princess' foods.

Because of a careless act, they lost the strong grand princess whom they loved the most. *sigh what a tragedy...

Pitter patter...

The rain outside the Huang Xia Pavillion keep pouring heavily until now. It's like the whole kingdom was mourning. Even the loud sorrowful howl of foxes and wolves pack can be heard across the Astral Rayless Forest or maybe the whole Zhilan kingdom.

It's adding to the depressing atmosphere of the palace. People from miles away heard the ominous sad howl became anxious, curious, many wake up from their slumber.

Everyone who can hear it unknowingly feel the pain and sorrow of those spiritual creatures. No one can measure how great is the pain they're feeling.

What's going on? Who's Zhilan's royal member was dying?

It was a lifelong tradition and sign if any royal member of the Zhilan kingdom died, the whole kingdom would feel remorseful. For even each and every creatures and the likes would cry as if being abondoned. Members of the Zhilan's royal family ancestors was said to be gods or goddess for them. So yeah they felt aggrieved.

The atmosphere in the room was, depressing and extremely heartbreaking.

"My daughter!!! It's mother's fault! I should-should've protected you from harm! *sobs...My  daughter, I... You can blame it all to mother!," the saddening and grieving cries and self-blaming of a beautiful elegant woman claded in yellow pheonix royal clothing near the silver curtained bed. She was the mother of the whole Zhilan, Empress Zhao!

"Didn't you said the last time that you liked to play in the forest?...If you wake up, we can go there... As long you wake up father will promised to give everything you want!"

The usually strict and sharp emperor was beside Empress Zhao, shedding tears like waters of river down his cheek, nonstop. His expression was guilty, sad and also have self-blame. But he didn't let a single whimper out and softly convinced his daughter as if she really can wake up.

In the corner, two princes with different astonishing handsomeness stood straight. If their father, the emperor can't even masked his sad and mournful expression then they were much worse.

Their eyes were full of pain, sorrow, extreme despair, disbelief, disappointment, tiredness and regrets. Tears flowed like waters of river, nonstop. Snots shoot out from their noses and damaging their princely image.

One was still wearing a silver armor from the battlefield. He's the second prince. He shouldn't arrived here in hurry after gaining victory.

But he hurried to returned back to his birthland after he heard a earth shattering news. His world literally shattered when he heard that his first younger sister caught in an long awaited ending. He should have been welcome by happy, proud, warm and excited atmosphere.

Where did those expectations ran off to? Here! Her first younger sister, the Grand Princess of Zhilan was lying in her bedchamber lifeless. Instead of such expected scenarios, everything he witnessed today was a total contrary... Why is that?

On the other hand, besides him was his eldest brother, the next heir of the throne, the crown prince. He gazed at him, giving a meaningful glances. They knew no painful words can compare to what they felt.

Their family and kingdom was peaceful who would dare to poison their younger sister's foods?!

There was only four kingdoms surrounded Zhilan; Hong Bei means red north it was where desserted place was. They are known for best in creating craftsmanship and blacksmithing. Weapons are mostly made in black steel and iron and other hard and sturdy materials.

Lu Nan means yellow south it covered in white snow all year round food was most scarce here. It was difficult traveling there because of extreme freezing temperature. So they rarely go to the other kingdom.

Then there's Dong Lan means blue east where an ocean ahead in their shore took place and they created wines and other liquor. They also good at creating accessories especially with corals, pearls and so on. Many merchants from different kingdoms of other continents were doing most of transactions here.

Huang Xi means greean west lushy emerald mountains. People were known best in healing and using poison. If it was them... But they're are always loyal to Zhilan.

*☆*¤Chapter Seven Finished¤*☆*

<*☆*•To Be Continued•*☆*>