
Begging To Differ: Unwanted To Be Princess Consort

Zhi Qeixia was always a top student but suddenly one day her whole family even she caught in a demise. Her father passed away, mother was unknown whether alive or dead, younger sister was in coma and she dropped out because of her strange illness. Because of that she shoulder every responsibility put in her shoulders. She who used to be timid, weak, crybaby and unsocial changed into much mature and easygoing. And became of her strange illness she'll die in a few weeks time but it was quicken when someone stabbed her in her heart. She thought it was her end but the Special Fate Temple's guardian, the ughhh deity like Mumo Qi offer her a new life. She was given a 'suprise'. Her whole family that she thought she can't see again was there with two extra overprotective older brother. Suprisingly, she became the Zhilan's grand princess(their kingdom). Then there's also her scumbag ex-boyfriend Fang Moran, the Lu Nan's fourth prince who came to break the engagement which she doesn't care anymore merely take it for fun. All this, her strange illness became a torturous and lethal poison which can kill her on her 20. To avoid repeating the same former life's mistakes, she've been decided to learn medicine, poisons, martial arts and everything that she deemed useful and interesting skills. She also got a new title, Sovereign Princess with a vassal kingdom of their Zhilan to operate. Along with this she unexpectedly meet a devil who's name was forbidden to mention. He's the so cleanfreak, a warfreak, troublemaker and super above deity's handsomeness higher than Mumo Qi's. His name was was Ming Si YiHan, the third prince that can defy everyone's orders even his father's. Having numerous wealth and have everything everyone wants, many people envy him. And yet of all this the two great people became enemies! They met in such unique and strange way... Author:shistine

shistineJdLd1 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

Chapter One: Became Sick

Scroll Scroll Scroll... Keep scrolling! But no matter how many times she did the name Zhi Qeixia never appeared  in the list of with honors nor with high honors.

The girl named Zhi Qeixia felt distressed and started to felt bad.

It can't be! How did this happened?!

Zhi Qeixia always been a top student who always study very hard! She's always active in every extra curricular  activities and no single activity missed. Her average grades were always excellent and never been lower than 90. She's also the president of School Union Government. And she always ensure to do her best but it looks like she didn't this time.

Zhi Qeixia's general grades shockingly turned to 87 -which never happened but it now happened twice! It's kinda humiliating and people around her started being arrogant and always insulting her. Many, it was one of the reasons why she somehow became sick, seriously sick!

But that's just a superficial reason, the main reason was not long after Zhi Qeixia's whole family met unexpected miserable accidents she turned in a vegetative state.

Many matters were unattended especially her studies and she even gradually neglected her everyday life if not for some maids in the mansion helping her maybe she'll already been dead.

They find the most excellent doctors all over the place but met with a disappointing result. "I'm sorry...But this doctor here can't cure Lady Zhi's strange illness. It seems like this one never saw something similar symptoms and situation to this illness."

The whole mansion was worried. Their master was already long gone with the ancestors while his body was in the ancestral tomb yard. On the other hand, their madam was missing and unknown whether dead or alive. As for their second young miss, she was still in coma and now their first miss caught up with a strange disease what will they do if... They don't dare to think any further or else they will only going to hurt their own feelings.

At first the mansion's people only thought it was common for a doctor to diagnosed and can't cure their first young lady but they became more panicky as more and more doctors told the same thing as what was the very first doctor told them.

Until almost many maids, butlers and other people do whatever they can to find miracle yet there was no one who can cure her. They became feeling more hopeless as day by day passed.

This illness was rather strange. Zhi Qeixia found out that she slowly losing her five senses. There's a time that she can no longer walked accordingly. Her visions became more and more blurry. Soon the originally delicious and nutritious foods turned unpalatable. And can only faintly smell things. Fortunately her hearing doesn't affected or else her situation will be more dire.

Every day she felt distressed and it was added to her mourning along her father's death. She couldn't go to the funeral day which she've been feeling guilty and sad. Many maids and butlers trying to comfort her.

"First miss don't worry we'll find a miraculous doctor to cure you...So please don't feel sad. If master know this he might became sad too...First miss do you want that to happened?" Geniune worries was evident to the maid named Chu Hua.

She looked at her first miss who's eyes were swollen red from crying. She knew that this teenage girl was always alone and timid, also a crybaby. She really wished she can do something to make her first miss felt at ease. She hoped!

"Right right! First young miss we'll find that miraculous doctor or else you might think us being incompetent people." This was the most trusted person of Zhi Hongjun, Ke Dazhi.

He was Zhi Qeixia's father's childhood friend. He helped their family many times more than the number of her fingers on her hands and toes can count.

"First miss ,please wait for our good news!"

Many warm comforts filled Zhi Qeixia's room which make her heart warm. She wiped all the tears away and smiled brightly. She felt quite thankful. At this difficult times she have no family member with her but this guys doesn't let her felt alone and sad. They catered everything she needed without complain and even being extra considerate.

"Then I'll be waiting patiently...Ohh what about my sister's side? Is she okay? Is there a sign of waking up?... Then what about mother's whereabouts, is there a news?"

Longing, Zhi Qeixia's heart was longing for her family's love. Though this people can make her better it was still different from family's accompany.


The whole room filled with ackwardness and tension. They keep looking each other, shooting meaningful gazes to each other but they didn't dared to speak.

"Uhhh... Fir-first miss don't worry about second miss...The doctor said her condition was s-stable. Though... There was still no sign of waking up but... but at least, second... second miss is not in a life threat-threatening situation now..." It was another maid named Chuan Lin stuttered while trying to break the tension in the air and at the same time answering one of their first young miss' questions.

"Ohh...I just hope she'll be okay soon. There's still many dangers lurking in the dark, as always... And mom was..." Zhi Qeixia shedded a tear again but she immediately wipe it out before anyone see it.

But some maid see this. They were really felt so sorry and pitied their Zhi Qeixia and masters. Their situation suddenly turned into misfortune. It also happened in sequence. So suspicious! Is the Heaven punishing them but why?

Zhi Qeixia didn't probed more about her mother's situation because she have the conclusion of the matters that it was still the same as what was the previous- no one knew whether she's alive or not. She can only pray for evryones's life turned better soon. But she doesn't know that her nightmare just began.

*☆*¤ Chapter One Finished ¤*☆*¤

A/N: Hello my dear readers! 14 yrs old shistine is here... Do you like my story? You can vote if yes.

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<*☆*● To Be Continued ●*☆*>