
Begging To Differ: Unwanted To Be Princess Consort

Zhi Qeixia was always a top student but suddenly one day her whole family even she caught in a demise. Her father passed away, mother was unknown whether alive or dead, younger sister was in coma and she dropped out because of her strange illness. Because of that she shoulder every responsibility put in her shoulders. She who used to be timid, weak, crybaby and unsocial changed into much mature and easygoing. And became of her strange illness she'll die in a few weeks time but it was quicken when someone stabbed her in her heart. She thought it was her end but the Special Fate Temple's guardian, the ughhh deity like Mumo Qi offer her a new life. She was given a 'suprise'. Her whole family that she thought she can't see again was there with two extra overprotective older brother. Suprisingly, she became the Zhilan's grand princess(their kingdom). Then there's also her scumbag ex-boyfriend Fang Moran, the Lu Nan's fourth prince who came to break the engagement which she doesn't care anymore merely take it for fun. All this, her strange illness became a torturous and lethal poison which can kill her on her 20. To avoid repeating the same former life's mistakes, she've been decided to learn medicine, poisons, martial arts and everything that she deemed useful and interesting skills. She also got a new title, Sovereign Princess with a vassal kingdom of their Zhilan to operate. Along with this she unexpectedly meet a devil who's name was forbidden to mention. He's the so cleanfreak, a warfreak, troublemaker and super above deity's handsomeness higher than Mumo Qi's. His name was was Ming Si YiHan, the third prince that can defy everyone's orders even his father's. Having numerous wealth and have everything everyone wants, many people envy him. And yet of all this the two great people became enemies! They met in such unique and strange way... Author:shistine

shistineJdLd1 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

Chapter Four: Part Of Childhood Memories

Date: June 14, 2021

Time: 11:25 am

Part of Childhood Memories

After removing some pesky spies on the company Zhi Qeixia felt much better. Yesterday her uncle fortunately agreed at last after many persuasion.

She thought that after three years of having no choice but to decide to dropped out, she can now continue going to school! How nice! But she knew she still can't personally. Not with her strange illness attacking her most of the times.

By the way those unexpected incidents...Her father, Zhi Hongjun died along with thousands people on a bombed ship while her younger sister, Zhi Hongyin meet with a car accident and until now still in coma. Her mother, Zhao Qinyue escaped from killing attempts of some organization and still unknown whether dead or alive.

While she, her boyfriend, Fang Moran break up with her two days after knowing that she got strange illness and hook up to another rich girl which she doesn't care anymore. She knew that he's such a scumbag, turning his back after knowing that she met many problems. She can't count on this guy even a little help. Letting her face everything alone, she doesn't have much hopes getting a boyfriend again.

She's not really a strong girl but as time and challenges passed she molded to be much stronger. In the past until now she doesn't take anymore risk on making friends because there's a painful reason. But shockingly she can somehow get along well with others.

But now everyone outside her walls was intrigued. What happened? Everyone wanted to know what happened these three years. From a top student suddenly dropped out for an unknown reason and now she may come back again? But it announced that she can't personally go to school so she'll take online classes.

The situation make everyone suddenly became curious and worried but some green-eyed people were happy. But soon they turned angry. They have higher chance to ascend to the top of the class without Zhi Qeixia on those three years but she came back!

But though some were worried they don't visit the Zhi's Mansion.

What's more she can do? No one's gonna help her. His father already died, sister was still in coma, mother was unknown if dead or alive, the mansion maids were all dissmissed and far away, then her boyfriend- no ex- boyfriend already break up with her and her classmates doesn't have the heart to help nor nor visit her.

Maybe even the god was going to be stingy too on giving her a helping hand. All she can do was to wait for her day to end. Really pitiful and unfortunate... *sigh.

Unknowingly Zhi Qeixia started thinking the past. Yes she was a super introvert and timid person. She still remembered the day when she have her very first and last friend. That was the cute and brave Tao Yingying.

Zhi Qeixia always bullied at that time and it was Tao Yingying who helped her scare the bad bullies.

"Hi! I'm Tao Yingying and your friend!" That cute and brave Tao Yingying immediately said when she stretched her hand for her to help Zhi Qeixia to stand up.

Zhi Qeixia looked at her bright eyes and smilling face when suddenly she felt stuffy inside. That was sign of an upcoming tears. Then she burst with river water down her cheeks. With a snot appeared from her nose and reddish eyes due to prolonged crying, Zhi Qiexia accepted the genuine friendship.

"Promise me that you'll never leaves my side and be my friend no matter what!"

"Okay! I, Tao Yingying, promise my friend Zhi Qeixia that I'll never leaves her side and be her friend no matter what!"

With that ought the two girls in new friendship laughed happily and smiled brightly to each other.

But good thing didn't last long. After a year, the news of Tao's family caught off with demise. Tao Yingying with her whole family died tragically from murder of their enemy which was a big and powerful family.

Zhi Qeixia felt extremely brokenhearted and loose hope of having another friend. A promise, is it really meant to be broken?

And there's another reminiscing. She was maybe seven years old at that time and her family was once started from scratch. They only lived on a shabby house and small vegetable garden. Her father, Zhi Hongjun, was a post man and her mother, Zhao Qinyue was just a housewife. With Zhao Qinyue they can still saved a hundred copper coins.

It was a hard but happy life. Zhi Hongjun's salary was enough for them to eat for three days. Fortunately Zhao Qinyue was good at managing especially money which saved them from trouble. Though they're poor no one was hungry and everyone was in good condition. After some time of saving money Zhi Qeixia's parents took a great risk on starting a business.

The whole family of four bought chickens and cattles to raise. Zhi Hongjun go to the mountains on his extra days to catch pheasants and other games to sell in the market. Nowadays this games were rare and much more expensive than beef.

Then they bought lands to planted more varieties of vegetables and fruits even rare flowers. Zhi Qeixia with Zhi Hongyin take care of this lands.

They keep doing this until they finally bought a good place to start the restaurant. At first they only created few dishes.

Maybe you don't know, Zhi Qeixia was such a talented cook. You can always licked the dishes clean if you ate her cooked foods.Her sister was also a good desert maker.

Everyone did their best in their part. Soon their restaurant was flourishing and moneys were like water poured down, seemingly endless. That was just the beginning.

They tried to expand different businesses. It continued until it reach its peak. But now what happened? All the hard works were gone. Now it was almost the downfall of their Zhi's bussiness many despicable people wants to covet everything. And hers and her sister's life became more endangered!

*☆*¤ Chapter Four Finished ¤*☆*

<*☆*● To Be Continued ●*☆*>

A/N: Can I call you guys a friend? I swear I don't have that much friends! Maybe I have but almost all are fake *sigh...

shistine feels happy if there is some vote, comment or follows. She just need motivation and inspiration!!!