
Befouled Love

A young woman, named Anya Miller has a different view of what others call “Love”. Abandoned from her mother she had to learn to survive on her own. But when fate leads a man into her life. Will her view of love change or will she have given up hope and never even bother with love again. -•Update every Saturday•-

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Chapter Seven

I fed Neeko then played with him for a while. I tried to teach him tricks and bribe him with his treats but he only focused on the treats instead of what I was saying. So I gave him a couple treats and went to take a shower and get ready for bed. The next morning I woke up two minutes before my alarm went off. I took a shower got dressed for school ate breakfast, gave Neeko his breakfast and Headed out the door to wait for Hayden, which didn't take long. "Someone looks happy" she said smiling. "I feel like today is a good day" I say back to her. "That's good" she says. "Also happy birthday!" I say to her as I pull out a gift bag from my backpack. The bag is filled with tissue paper at the top and inside is makeup and gift cards. The bag is pink with the number 18 on it." We park near the front entrance and run to our lockers taking anything we will only need for our first class before saying goodbye and parting ways to our first period. Biology is interesting. Mrs. Rossi is a pretty fun teacher. I get to class and Mrs. Rossi just finished writing on the board "No homework for tonight." Everyone was surprised to see that Mrs. Rossi was in a really good mood. Not that she normally isn't in a good mood, she is just in a happier mood. We watched a documentary on the human body and had to take notes on what we thought was important to know and if any information was new to us. The bell rang and it was finally off to second period. I go to my locker and grab my math text book and run to class. Hayden was already there cause she is carrying her backpack. I think is better to just take what you need with you instead of carrying your bag with you to every class. Class starts and Mrs. Perez has a student hand out our work packet we have to finish by the end of class. "How are we going to finish this by the end of class!?" I say to Hayden. She looks at me with a smile and says "Don't worry, I got this." She gets up from her desk and starts walking towards Mrs.Perez. I sink down into my chair hoping that Mrs. Perez doesn't know what Hayden is going to do. Hayden is sweet talking to Mrs. Perez to give us an extension on our work packet. And it actually worked! I don't know what she said but I'm glad it did. Third period came by so fast and I was ready for gym. Today we are playing tennis. Tennis is fun, but it isn't soccer. In my opinion soccer is the best sport. Hayden thinks it's basketball. We like different things, that's what I like most about Hayden, different is good. If everyone was the same then it would get really boring really quickly. Me and Hayden were partners in gym. We both grabbed a racket and I got the tennis ball. We passed the ball back and fourth to each other. We got a really good rhythm until the fire alarm went off making a high pitched sound breaking my focus and placing my attention Mr. Weber for instructions. He leads us out of the building and we line up by class, every teacher has their clip board with the names of the students in the class they are currently in. It is now fourth period and all the teachers are trying to keep the students quiet. Fourth period is half way over when we are finally dismissed by our principal, Mrs. Fletcher. In history class we just focused on our projects, we didn't get much done cause class ended quickly and fifth period started. English class wasn't that bad, I started to read the book. I only got to chapter ten. I can't believe we have to write a thousand word report on "Pride and Prejudice." Finally lunch arrives and I go to meet Hayden who is with Sam and Leah. They are talking about the game Friday. I don't care to listen to their conversation, I tell Hayden I'm going to the study hall and will stay till five cause I asked for the day off at work. Nobody really comes on the week days so I was able to get off. I get to the study hall and I finish the math home work from Monday that will be due tomorrow. Time passes and it is now 4:45. I am finished with my math and I start some more reading. It is now 4:55 I pack my stuff and head towards the doors. I see John leaning against the wall outside. He walks over to his car and pulls it up to the entrance. He rolls down his windows and says "Need a ride?"