

Theresa is a teenage girl who has been through a lot but things will change after she meet Katelyn

Oribhabor_Ese · Adolescente
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12 Chs

Chapter 5

I open my eyes to the bright shine of the morning sun. I look to my side and see Katelyn sleeping.

"She's so beautiful" I whisper to myself as I grab my phone from the bed side table.

Oh shit. I have a lot of messages from Sophia and my mom. Well a a lot of messages from Sophia and one from my mom


[Theresa pick up!! It's urgent



[Sweetie please come home it's urgent



[You have to leave the country by 12pm tomorrow.]



[Theresa pick up your phone!!



[Gosh. I should have asked for Katelyn's address before you left.


[26 missed called from sis ]

[7 missed calls from mom]

What could be wrong? I feel so nauseous and everywhere is spinning.

"Good morning" Katelyn says as she lifts her back from the bed. "Why do you look like someone that was just told she has a bomb in her body system?"

"What time is it" I ask, ignoring Katelyn's words.

"It's 9:52am and you'd know that if you just looked at your phone that's right in your hand" Katelyn says and chuckles

"I have to go home now" I ignore her again.

"What's wrong Theresa? Talk to me please" Katelyn sounds very worried.

She sees that i have my phone in my hand so she picks it up and reads the messages. "Theresa what's this about?"

"Just take me home right now" I insist

"Okay we can talk on our way to your house"

Katelyn and I rushed out of the house, still in our PJ's and we entered into Katelyn's car. Katelyn drove as fast as she could and got me to my house in 15 minutes.

I rand the bell continuously till Sophia opened the door.

"Thank God." Sophia sighs "We have to leave now"

I walk into the house and see my parents in the living room. "Honey, I was so scared. Here's your ticket and your passport. You have to leave for Singapore right now. I'm sure you already know what you're going there for. Just be strong okay? Your dad and I will join you there tomorrow. We have a little work to do first." My mom says and all I feel is anger and hurt.

"Work, work, work!! When will you realize that Theresa is your daughter and my sister and she should be your top priority. Whatever is happening right now is because of you. If it wasn't for the fact that he knows us personally and called your personal line, Theresa would be in a very critical state a month from now. If anything happens to her, it'll be you fault! You and dad have been the worst parents to Theresa. Even if she's not your child, the least you could do i care about her life" Sophia says with so much anger and disappointment present in her voice.

What did she mean by "even if she's not your child"

After seconds of silence and not a word from my parents, Sophia breaks the silence; "Exactly, just as I expected. Typical." She walks to me and hugs me, "I'm coming with you, I got a ticket yesterday night. Let's leave now."

Katelyn still looks confused by the whole family drama she just witnessed. "Theresa I'm coming with you" Katelyn adds.

"No, you don't have to. I'm alone in this" I say to Katelyn, making my way to the front door. "You'll never be alone in anything as long as I'm here. We might have only known each other for like what, two week? Time don't matter. I feel like I've known you forever" Katelyn says and follows me behind.

"You don't even have your passport with you"

"I have it with me, I always have my passport in my purse in case of situations like this" Katelyn says

"Oh really? That's smart" Sophia says

Katelyn laughs out loud, "I'm just kidding. I grabbed it before we left my house after I saw the messages about Theresa having to leave the country."

"Well isn't that sweet"

"What did you mean when you said even if I'm not their child" I asked

"Which airport by the way?" Katelyn asks as she starts her car.

"Millers airport" Sophia replies.

I'm drowning in my thoughts. I can feel my depression kicking in right now. Do my parents hate me this much?

"Would someone explain what's going on?" Katelyn breaks the silence with her question. "Sophia?" She asks, waiting for Sophia to speak as it is obvious I don't want to talk.

"Okay. 6 months ago, Katelyn had a tumor in her head so she underwent brain surgery. After two weeks, she did a scan. We wanted to be sure that there were no chances if it growing back but due to some reasons, the scan result took more than expected. We then had an agreement with the surgeon that we were going to fly back home and he would send the results to my mom, since they knew each other personally. He sent my mom and email, telling her that Theresa would have to come back for another surgery but my mom ignored the email knowing fully well that Dr. Ashton wouldn't send her an email if it doesn't concern Theresa's surgery" Sophia explains and immediately releases a sigh.

"Oh my God. Theresa I'm so sorry" Katelyn says, taking a hold of my hand.

"It's fine."

"You don't even have a ticket, how are you going to get into the plane ?" Sophia asks

"Don't worry about that" Katelyn says, sounding so certain that she had a way to enter the plane. "let's lighten the mood up a little bit" she puts on music.

"I hate this song, please change it" I raise an eyebrow.

"Oh thank you for finally speaking" Katelyn and Sophia laughs.

45 minutes later.

We finally arrive at the airport and Katelyn tosses her car keys to the first security guard she came across as he greeted her; "good morning ma'am" and she replies "good morning Nathan and please stop calling me ma'am. You're older than me with just like 6 years" she laughs.

Sophia and I just watch them looking really confused. Why are the airport staffs so familiar with Katelyn?

As we walk into the airport, we hear an announcement saying our flight has departed.

"Oh no!" Sophia says sounding frustrated and I just stand here, numb.

"Don't worry I'll handle it" Katelyn says, trying to calm us down.

Katelyn makes a quick phone call and two men approached us and leads us to another part of the airport "what's going on?" I ask as the men as the men lead us into what seems like a private plane.

"Just get in, I'll explain" Katelyn says.

We all get in and we're guided on the safety precautions.

"My name is Katelyn Miller, daughter of Trevor Miller who happens to be the owner of this airport" Katelyn confesses

"Woah" I say in shock.

"That's dope dope dopeeee" Sophia hails.

Sophia and Katelyn are talking and I vision starts to slowly get blurry. My tummy rolls and it feels like the world is spinning. My eyes flicker for a while and finally closes.

In the midst of the fading voices I hear in my head, the last real thing I hear is Katelyn and Sophia screaming my name "Theresa!!!!"