
Before The Clock Strikes Twelve

Cruellla D'vila is a child brought and raised in the human world, living an ordinary life, unaware of her origin and abilities. To everyone, she is destruction. Her existence feared. She wasn't supposed to be born and so her mother had to cast a spell on her. Putting her to sleep for 500 years to protect her from other clans. She  grew up in a small town called Greenville. An average teenager who hated her simple yet complicated life; always getting into trouble, always being bullied in school and expelled whenever she defended herself from the bullies. She wished for a different life and indeed  she got her wish granted the moment she discovered the truth. The simple life she once had was gone and now she faced an even bigger challenge. Now she's at the center of a new foreseen war between the four powerful clans , each fighting for dominance but with Cruella in their way, they must get rid of her to accomplish their agenda. This new life is even worse than her previous normal human lifestyle because now she's struggling to get use to these new powers, this new personality, falling in love with her guardian which is forbidden in their clan and preparing for a war which began even before her birth. But little did she know those are the least of her problems, little did she know her greatest threat hides in the shadows, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Who or what could possibly be her greatest threat? Will she be able to handle all these responsibilities? Or will she run back to the human world to seek refuge?

Catherineajuruchi · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
24 Chs


Cruella slowly opened her eyes to find herself in an unfamiliar environment, she couldn't recall falling asleep after taking the woman's hand. She made to move but realized she's been shackled.

"Oh come on! I'm not a wild animal that needs shackles!" She yelled dragging the chains.

"I can see you're awake," the woman's voice rang out but Cruella couldn't see her.

"You liar! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!"

"And yet you did." She said coming closer to Cruella.

"Why did you shackle me ? what do you want from me?"

"Well Irish, it's very simple. I'm saving you."

"From what? Cause the only one I need saving from is you!" Cruella yelled, tugging at the chains.

"Well with that temper, we're never gonna get along. Do you remember my pet Ripper?" Azula said snapping her hand and immediately the human face spider crawled into the room.

"Get that thing away from me! Please! Cruella screamed in terror.

"Now we are talking. If you keep on being humble, then we would get along just fine."

"Why are you doing this? I'm just a kid..I haven't done anything to you."

"Just a kid?" Azula repeated with a surprise look. "You think you're just a kid? Your 5 centuries old young lady."

"That's what the crazy lady said," Cruella muttered.

"And the crazy lady is indeed correct." Azula said with an evil smile.

"What are you going to do to me?"

"What Palena should have done five hundred years ago, get rid of you. You're a ticking time bomb Irish, you shouldn't be existing."

"No you can't do that. You don't know what you're saying..you don't know my future..."

"Oh I know your future alright. If we should make our move to overthrown other clans with you in the picture, then it's the end of the world for us all."

"So that's why you want to get rid of me? Because I'm an obstruction to your evil plan?"

"Exactly. For centuries the Irish has always been noted as the most powerful creatures amongst other clans and they've been leading but now that the last Irish king is gone, we have a chance to level up. We would show the other clans that we are also strong and they will all bow to us...we would rule this world." Azula said lifting her hands up as if she's making an incantation that Cruella couldn't help but let out a loud chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Azula asked with an obvious frown.

"You sound like all those supervillains in a comic movie," she answered still laughing, all these while praying that her plan works. Her main aim was to buy herself time because she knew once Azula finished her speech, she would do something bad to her...she just needs to stall and wait for Jason to come save her.



"Ethan I trusted you to keep my daughter safe!!! How could you let Azula take her?" Nila cried. She was already freaking out. She knew this day would come but she never expected it to be too soon and Cruella barely knows how to fight or use her powers , Azula would rip her apart at this level.

"I-I'm.." Ethan couldn't say anything to defend himself. Indeed he had messed up. He knew with this act, Nila would probably asked for another guardian for Cruella. He new he had like Jason, failed his task.

"Wait, where's Jason?" He asked instead. Nila looked around as well but it seems while they were busy regretting mistakes, Jason had snuck out.

"We need to go after him, he can't handle the Grutina's on his own..he's gonna get himself killed," Ethan rushed his words.

"Don't you think I know that?  Going there without a plan would get us all killed! This is all my fault." Nila said pulling her hair.

Ethan creased his forehead at her. "What do you mean?" he asked looking intently at her.


"Fine Irish, you want to turn this into a comic movie huh," Azula said , a more devilish grin on her face. "Let me show you what supervillains do to their foes before killing them," she said and snapped her hand. Ripper started coming closer to Cruella , stretching out it's head and revealing it's razor sharp fangs.

"What are you doing, get that thing away from me!What's it going to do to me!" Cruella screamed moving back until the shackles prevented her from taking further steps.

"It's simply going to drain your powers, although I've never heard of anyone surviving after being sucked by a Ripper...that's why it's called a Ripper," Azula said letting out an evil victorious laughter.

"Please, take it away! Please! Cruella screamed as Ripper kept coming closer to her. She could feel her hot tears glide down her cheeks, burning her slightly. The sight alone for terrified her.

"Fine, I guess it's too early to kill you," Azula said, snapping her hand again, Ripper gave her a disappointed look before crawling away from Cruella and  she breathed loudly in relief the moment it was gone. What kind or creature is this?

"We should make this more fun don't you think?" Azula said, leaving the room.

"Jason, where are you?" Cruella muttered. She was beginning to tear up again, she knew sooner or later this woman would kill her.



"Estella listen! This isn't the time to reveal yourself, she shouldn't find out now! Just wait a little longer!" Palena yelled.

"A little longer? Azula has my sister! If I wait a little longer I might not have a sister to reveal myself to anymore." Estella protested.

"Nothing will happen to your sister, she's in my future vision. if anything would happen to her now then I shouldn't be seeing her."

"Palena your visions have always been right but what if my sister surviving today would be if I go to her? I can't just stay here and wait for those lazy guardians to get themselves killed in the name of saving her."

"Estella is right mom, we need to at least make sure she's okay." Logan intervened, earning a smile from Estella for always having her back.

"Fine...but whatever consequences there is will be on you," Palena said before leaving them.

"Thanks Logan, You always have my back."

"Honestly I'm with mom on this, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't save your sister," he said and opened the door for her. "So what's the plan?" he added.

"Honestly, I don't have any," she said placing her hand on his shoulders and they both disappeared instantly, appearing in front of an old house .

"That's weird...why would Azula bring my sister to a witch house?" She asked scanning her environment.

"She must have known we would come looking for her so she didn't want us to know their main territory." Logan answered and almost immediately, they were surrounded by Rippers.

"Shit! It's a trap! She yelled and the Rippers charged at them with full force.


"Ahh!.. Please stop!" Cruella screamed her lungs out as the 13th wip landed on her back. Azula had ordered two guys to give her 30 wip. 15 per guy and the first guy was still in 13 yet she felt like she's going to die if one more landed on her back. One thing that's certain is that her back would carry so many scars after this.

Another wip landed again and she slid from the table hitting her head hard on the floor. She could feel her hot tears running down her already burning cheeks. This was too much pain for a 16 year old to bear.

All these while she felt like something in her was trying to surface, something strong. She kept shaking her head , trying to snap out of whatever wanted to take control of her body. She feared that the moment she did, she might actually die. The raised her again to the table and made to wip her when suddenly the guy holding the wip dropped dead. The other guy looked around in fear but saw no one. He looked at the weak Cruella and before he could look up, he felt something Pierce his hand.

He looked down at it and dropped dead immediately. That was a 10 seconds poison dart that Jason had fired at them. He made himself visible again and rushed to Cruella. She was too weak and in so much pain to even notice what happened. She laid there expecting the next wip to come but it never did.

"Cruella!" Jason yelled, obvious pain could be sensed in his tone. He had let her down, he failed to protect her from getting hurt.

"Cruella I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry," he repeated, trying to raise her up but didn't know where to touch. Her entire back was bloody and it touched other parts of her body so he didn't know where the actual wound was. Cruella weakly opened her eyes and smiled.

"Ja-Ja-son...I knew..I knew you'd c-ome . She stuttered with her last strength before falling asleep.

"Cruella! Cruella no stay with me!" Jason yelled lifting her up immediately. He made to leave but was stopped by a certain pain he felt at his abdomen. His gaze slowly travelled down towards his abdomen and saw a claw protruding forth. Ripper removed it's claw and bit him harder making him fall to his knees, at the same time trying his best not to drop Cruella admisst the pain he was going through. Blood oozed out from his abdomen and his mouth, painting his shirt as well as Cruella's cloth.

"So you thought it would be that easy huh?" Azula laughed while entering the room. Ripper had already started sucking from him , draining him of his powers, his energy, his life.

"Don't worry, I'll take her," Azula said dragging Cruella out of Jason's weak hold.

He fell immediately, turning pale each second as Ripper sucked non stop. Azula dragged Cruella out of the room not minding if she hit any part of her body on obstacles or the blood that stained the floor. She got to the hallway and stopped in her tracks. She widened her eyes in shock of whom stood before her. She knew people would come to rescue Cruella but she never expected Cruella to come rescue herself. Is she from the future? The Cruella infront of her looked very angry and Azula knew she was dead if she spent any more minute looking at her, so she made to chant her spell but before she could even utter a word, her head had been ripped off from her body.

Being a supernatural being, she didn't die immediately, her eyes balls moved to see who beheaded her but couldn't because the person held her head from behind.

"Cruella!" Estella shouted in pain and rushed to pick her up . She almost started shading tears seeing her sister in that state.

"You!" she yelled referring to the beheaded Azula. "I will make you pay for this!" She said taking a knife.

Logan handed her Azula's head and she began marking her face while Azula screamed in pain, blood flowing like a water slide. This is the most painful way to die. The pain of not being with your body plus the one this other Cruella inflicted on her.

When Estella felt she had done enough to her face, she set her body on fire, causing Azula to scream as she kept feeling the pain, the burns.

"Please kill me!" She begged while screaming as he body burnt non stop. Estella ignored her and carried Cruella out of the hallway with Logan following suit , leaving Azula to her torment.


Ethan appeared infront the house and found dead Rippers lying around. He went inside and found no one coming to attack him. Is this really the place? He had to listen to Nila's story before coming here. He just hoped he's not too late. He started checking every room until he got to the last one where he saw another dead Ripper and three dead guys. He made to leave but paused, recognizing one of the guys there...Jason? He rushed to him and froze. The Ripper must have sucked him dry, he couldn't believe it but then if the Ripper killed him, who killed the Ripper? And where is Cruella?