
Before The Clock Strikes Twelve

Cruellla D'vila is a child brought and raised in the human world, living an ordinary life, unaware of her origin and abilities. To everyone, she is destruction. Her existence feared. She wasn't supposed to be born and so her mother had to cast a spell on her. Putting her to sleep for 500 years to protect her from other clans. She  grew up in a small town called Greenville. An average teenager who hated her simple yet complicated life; always getting into trouble, always being bullied in school and expelled whenever she defended herself from the bullies. She wished for a different life and indeed  she got her wish granted the moment she discovered the truth. The simple life she once had was gone and now she faced an even bigger challenge. Now she's at the center of a new foreseen war between the four powerful clans , each fighting for dominance but with Cruella in their way, they must get rid of her to accomplish their agenda. This new life is even worse than her previous normal human lifestyle because now she's struggling to get use to these new powers, this new personality, falling in love with her guardian which is forbidden in their clan and preparing for a war which began even before her birth. But little did she know those are the least of her problems, little did she know her greatest threat hides in the shadows, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Who or what could possibly be her greatest threat? Will she be able to handle all these responsibilities? Or will she run back to the human world to seek refuge?

Catherineajuruchi · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
24 Chs


"Are you trying to violate me in my sleep, Cruella?" Ethan suddenly voiced out causing Cruella's whole being to still. Her eyeballs were literally bulging out of it's sockets such that any more strain would make them fall off.

She knew she had no excuse to cover her agenda but the word he used to describe it didn't seem to fit. She only wanted to kiss him not... good heavens!

"Vio-late you? I-I..." Cruella found herself searching for words. She cursed her damn emotions for putting her into this mess. How can she let herself be driven to this extent? This never happened with Jason at all, so why should it happen now especially with poker face Ethan?

"It's alright Cruella, you can kiss and jump me all you want, just not tonight" He said with his eyes still shut.

Cruella's jaw dropped at his statement. Her lips parted then closed severally without uttering a word. How can he just say such like they were talking about the weather?

"I wasn't going to..." She trailed off the moment he opened his eyes, peering those pitch black eyes at her. She suddenly realized how close their faces were and jolted backwards. Ethan slowly lifted himself from the couch but he didn't look at her, rather his gaze  fixated on the stairs as if expecting someone to descend. Cruella followed his line of sight and her jaw dropped at the person who descended the stairs. She looked like she wasn't sure of her vision or rather felt like it so she turned to look at Ethan and to her surprise, he also carried that shocked expression as well.

"So you're the one whom sent me to the future? Too scared to handle your war I see." The lady before them voiced out, she had a slight frown on her face but it disappeared the moment her gaze fell on Ethan. "You're here as well?" she asked him but in a moderate tone this time.

"I...how is this possible?" Cruella found herself voicing out this one question out of the thirty-five she had within.

"What? You thought I would just stay in your timeline waiting to disappear? I'm stronger Cruella and this is my world. Besides, I wouldn't miss red moons day for anything. I've been training my ass with that annoying boyfriend of mom's for months and I need to shut that crazy necromancers daughter." She said almost in a rush. "What should I call you? Cruella second? Or do you have a different name?"

"I... I'm not sure...how do we explain this to mother? Or even the school principal?" Cruella asked. She already guessed this Cruella before her is the original Cruella of this timeline and now that she mentioned red moons day, she's more than glad to have her here, that way she won't have to worry about getting stripped of her powers as she now has someone who can replace her.

"You'll just tell her the truth and as for the school, you can pretend to be Estella if you want but I'm keeping my name. I'll just call you Ella to make things less complicated."

"You know about Estella? I want to meet her please, I need to see her..can you take me back please?"

Even though Cruella didn't have a strong bond with Estella, she was more than glad to know she had a twin sister because she's always felt like a part of her was missing, until she met Estella. She really wanted to see her so badly no matter how shortened their time together would be. Another person she wanted to see so bad is her mom from her own timeline, she needed her advice because she really don't know why she's here. As far as she could tell, things here are normal just a bit more...in fact a lot more magical.

"I'm sorry Ella but you can only travel back alone. That a power we possess even without being a time-traveller but it's a solo act and from what I can observe, you don't have that because you're yet to unlock eighty percent of your powers. You're still pure." She said, her gaze trailing and resting on Cruella's crotch. "It's not too late though," she added with a smirk before diverting her gaze to Ethan.

Cruella's eyes were wide open now, fully understanding what she means by 'its not too late'.

She knew that for her powers to fully surface, she would have to be fully prepared. Being a hybrid isn't as fantastic as it sounds because it has its advantage and disadvantage.. disadvantage being the uncontrolable desires that won't subside until they are satisfied. Vampires were known for their blood thirst and also thirst for pleasure. Most of the r18 fantasy novels she read never failed to leave that part out, especially this habitual act of drinking blood from their partners while at it. Although the novels made it seem like a pleasurable act, she somewhat found that terrifying. But come to think of it now, she really needed to stop holding back and just get this over with so she could actualize her full potentials and finally stop being regarded as a weak Irish. But she couldn't just do that with anyone right? It has to be with someone she's in love with and also someone who loves her in return.

"I don't think it's the right time yet." Cruella finally replied with burning cheeks.

She lowered her gaze in an attempt to hide the blush but neither Ethan nor the other Cruella failed to notice it.

"Well in that case I hope you don't mind me borrowing him for tonight, I need to be fully focused for tomorrow and he's just too tempting to ignore." She said licking her lips seductively while her gaze fixated on Ethan.

"I don't think that'll be a good idea, I'll be here tomorrow, goodnight." Ethan said and disappeared before they could say another word.

"Well that sucks. So Ella what do we do now? You're boyfriend doesn't seem to be in a good mood tonight." She said slumping on the couch.

"He is not my boyfriend, Estella." Cruella said sharply, earning herself a hard glare. "Please just let me call you Estella, it'll be weird calling you Cruella when I'm also Cruella.

"Well if that's the problem then you can call me Cora, short for Corajoso." Cora said.

"Corajoso? What is that french?" Cruella asked with a slight chuckle.

"No silly, it's Portuguese which means brave. That way I get to keep my name and answer something cool." Cora smirked.

"So now you're here, you're going to fight the Ripper tomorrow right? Because I can't fight those creatures, I'll just get myself killed or worse..."

"What could be worse than dieing?" Cora asked smiling slightly. She isn't smiling because of what Cruella said but to the fact that tomorrow is the day she finally gets to show Maggie how strong she's become after what happened last time. She would humiliate Maggie the same way she got humiliated and worse, she would make sure Maggie gets stripped off her powers but before that she had her mission to accomplish, which is to get hold of her blood. A Necromancer's blood can do wonders in the right hand and cause chaos in the wrong hands.

"Being powerless in a world full of powerful beings is worse than dieing. I rather die than live like that." Cruella answered before ascending the stairs. She would get a goodnight sleep now and tomorrow she won't have anything to worry about anymore, now that Cora is here. "Goodnight Cora, I wish you goodluck tomorrow." she said without glancing back at the now unhappy Cora.

'You'll need that luck more than I do Cruella, if only you knew what awaits you in your timeline. Coming here won't save you, it's your destiny.' Cora said within as she knew Cruella would definitely hear her if she whispered or muttered it. That's the only ability that don't need any special ritual for activation.


In Cruella's room, she laid on her bed without combing her tangled but dried hair after having her bath earlier. She couldn't wait for tomorrow, now that Cora is here, she felt excited. At least now she has nothing to worry about, except her powers. She knew that sooner or later, she would need to complete the ritual to activate her powers and stop depending on others for protection.

She shut her eyes close, taking deeps breaths and slowly drifted off to sleep.

She suddenly found herself in an open field, loud noise of swords clashing and war screams could be heard but she couldn't see it. She looked down at her hand and noticed she still had her Pj's on but why is her hand covered in blood. She slowly turned around and that is when she saw the main battle field, she couldn't believe her eyes. Dogs the size of hippopotamus were clawing at each other, wolves of different shades were also at their own battle. She noticed two wolves which had white tail, different from the rest. They are obviously the alpha of their pack and It seems they -both the dogs and wolves, including vampires and other magical beings- were on separate teams, each fighting on behalf of their clan. She still couldn't understand why her hands were covered in blood. Suddenly, she spotted someone familiar, someone that she's not even suppose to see but that wasn't what caught her attention. Jason!, her own Jason from her timeline, he was engaged in a serious battle with...Ethan?

Jason suddenly turned to her and their gaze locked, he smiled at her, causing Cruella's heart to skip a bit but the smile suddenly disappeared the moment Ethan's sword pierced through his war garment, penetrating his flesh and protruding at the other end. Cruella's eyes widened and she suddenly found it difficult to breathe.

"Jason!" She screamed, running to him. Ethan pulled out his sword from Jason's body and he fell to the ground immediately. Cruella fell with him as well, gathering him with her small and still bloody hands.

"Jason no, you can't leave me again, not again." She said, rocking him like she's trying to put a baby to sleep. She could already feel the hot tears sliding down her cheeks.

Jason smiled at her admisst the pain he's going through. It seems the sword Ethan used had been poisoned as his skin began to turn grey.

"It's all your fault." She heard Ethan say from behind her but didn't turn to look at him as her attention was on Jason.

Jason's hand weakly reached out and cupped her small face. He smiled at her again which only caused her to shed more tears. How can he be smiling at this critical moment.

"Do it." he uttered before his eyelids closed and his body became lifeless.

"Noo, Jason wake up. Don't go..not again!" Cruella cried out. She didn't stop to process what Jason had said neither did she notice the people that now surrounded her. They eventually started chanting something which finally caught her attention and she turned her head to see them all.

"De lucht, het vuur, het water, de aarde terugkeer terugkeer terugkeer" they kept chanting, with their hands up.

"What are they saying?" She asked no one.

"It's the Luxia spell in reverse," Ethan answered her as he is the only one not chanting amongst them.

"They want to put me to sleep again?" Cruella asked with widened eyes. Her heartbeat had already quickened and it felt like she is going to have a panic attack if it doesn't decrease any moment.

"No Cruella, they are going to strip you of your powers and banish you to Gevangenis." Ethan said and she could fully observe a wicked smirk on his face. She knew Gevangenis is a place for notorious supernatural beings but why would they put her there? What did she do? Why did she see Jason again and why did he die again? Why was he fighting Ethan?

So many 'WHY' and yet no one to answer this questions.

Suddenly she was jerked up and that's when it dawn on her that it all was a nightmare. She was still breathing very fast and her bed drenched with sweat as well as her clothes.

"It's alright Cruella just breathe, it's just a nightmare" Ethan said, rubbing her back in an attempt to calm her.

He pulled her into his embrace not minding her drenched state. Cruella still tried processing all that happened in her dream. She didn't know if she should take it as an ordinary nightmare or a message. If it's an ordinary nightmare then she had nothing to worry about but if it's a message, then that means Jason is alive or will be brought back to life..but by whom?