
Before The Clock Strikes Twelve

Cruellla D'vila is a child brought and raised in the human world, living an ordinary life, unaware of her origin and abilities. To everyone, she is destruction. Her existence feared. She wasn't supposed to be born and so her mother had to cast a spell on her. Putting her to sleep for 500 years to protect her from other clans. She  grew up in a small town called Greenville. An average teenager who hated her simple yet complicated life; always getting into trouble, always being bullied in school and expelled whenever she defended herself from the bullies. She wished for a different life and indeed  she got her wish granted the moment she discovered the truth. The simple life she once had was gone and now she faced an even bigger challenge. Now she's at the center of a new foreseen war between the four powerful clans , each fighting for dominance but with Cruella in their way, they must get rid of her to accomplish their agenda. This new life is even worse than her previous normal human lifestyle because now she's struggling to get use to these new powers, this new personality, falling in love with her guardian which is forbidden in their clan and preparing for a war which began even before her birth. But little did she know those are the least of her problems, little did she know her greatest threat hides in the shadows, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Who or what could possibly be her greatest threat? Will she be able to handle all these responsibilities? Or will she run back to the human world to seek refuge?

Catherineajuruchi · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Red moon's day

"This is Neville, your home remember?" Nila said coming out of the house.

"Neville?" Cruella repeated, trying to take in the view before her. This is nothing compared to the human world. She could see different houses , each having their own glorious front garden which were like vitamins to the eyes.

The garden had variety of flowers like Lilies , Roses, Daisy's, Sunflower, Barbados and it even had fruit trees and berry bushes planted around to add to the already beautiful view. The air around was just undescribably satisfying. She wouldn't mind spending her day just admiring this place..it was indeed an epic view.

"So this is where you lived?" Cruella asked still spacing at the garden.

"What do you mean where I lived? I'm still living here." Nila chuckled. "I hope you're feeling better, I really don't like the fact that I have to always settle a fight between you two." She added looking at Jason and Cruella.

Cruella suddenly remembered the man behind her. This man is not Jason, if Jason's this guy, she couldn't imagine who would answer Maggie or her school.

"You are not Jason, I know Jason and he looks nothing like you." She stated but the man only rolled his eyes at her.

"Here we go again" He muttered but supriselly, she heard it, although not to everyone else.

"Cruella I think you should just apologize and end this little drama.. Jason's trying his best here and from what I can see, you're quite a handful to him." Nila said rubbing her hand a little.

"Apologize? For what..I just got here, whatever happened between you and the Cruella before is non of my business. I just came here to save my friend.." Cruella said somewhat angry.

Jason and Nila looked at themselves a bit confused but Nila signaled for him not to say anything.

"Okay baby but you need to go get ready for school now, you're late." Nila smiled leading her into the house again. Cruella decided to keep mute for now. She was curious to go to school, to see if things also changed. Nila led her back to her room, giving her space to bath and get dressed. When she got out of the bathroom, she saw a red short skirt, white long sleeves shirt and a red tie laying on her bed.

"Wait, uniform?!" She half yelled. She's never worn uniform to school before, why on earth did her mom put her in this school? She picked it up, turning to the mirror to look at herself.

"This is ridiculous, there's no way I'm wearing this."

(Hosna Academia)

Cruella could be seen entering the school building with an angry face. She looked at every student going about their business with their uniforms, no one even seem to notice her..well who would with her ridiculous uniform. Her mom had tied her hair in a cute ponytail, warning her strictly not to let it fall. She had packed different fruits in her lunch bag which Cruella found childish even though she loved fruits. She looked like an eight year old attending school for the first time and it felt so stupid now knowing that this isn't her actually reality, or is it?

"I don't even know my locker room, how the hell am I suppose to drop all these?" She muttered but suddenly students started looking at her strangely, like she had said something absurd.

"Well if it isn't Screwella, so nice of you to finally show up after what happened last time." Cruella heard a familiar voice speak.

"Maggie?, how is it possible that you're here? I-I thought you're a hu.." Cruella covered her mouth before she could blurt the last word out. She didn't want to expose herself or make these humans suspicious of her.

"Human? Who are you calling human you weak Irish!" Another girl yelled from behind, causing Cruella to frown.

"I never called anyone…wait you can read minds?" Cruella asked. Come to think of it, the school name seemed kind of odd.

"Looks like someone woke up at the wrong side of the bed." Maggie laughed, walking away with her cliques. "Oh and I hope you're ready for tomorrow night Irish, I can't wait to watch you fall." She called out before exiting the hallway.

Cruella stood there confused, thinking of what just happened and what tomorrow night is. A student walked by and she immediately called his attention.

"Excuse me but is there any special occasion tomorrow night?" she asked politely. The guy just nodded at her before walking away again.

Something about him seemed off but Cruella just ignored it and chased after him.

"Hey wait up please, what's tomorrow night?!" she yelled as she tried catching up to him.

"its Red moon's day, now stop following me Irish," he answered before walking away again.

"Red moon's day? What's that?" she asked herself, taking out her phone to browse when suddenly it got snatched away from her. She slowly lifted her head and her gaze locked with a pair of angry green eyes.

"Why aren't you in class Irish?" The mean looking Gentleman asked.

"I..I don't know my whereabouts?" the tone she used at the last part made it sound more like a question than an answer.

The man's face hardened even more and he immediately grabbed her collar, lifting her effortlessly to his face level. It's obvious he has super strength. One could tell even without him showing off by his appearance.

"Are you trying to skip class knowing fully well that tomorrow is RMD?" he asked in a low but obviously angered tone.

"What's RMD? Oh wait Red moon's day?"

The man ignored her and carried her straight to the classroom, interrupting the teacher present.

"I caught a runaway student, keep an eye on this one," he instructed putting Cruella down before exiting the class.

The teacher glared at Cruella and she immediately rushed to take her sit. The only empty sit is the one next to the guy she met earlier and he looked kind of displeased that she's sitting next to him.

Why do people dislike her so much? And what is this school? She thought when someone tapped her from behind.

"What?" she asked recognizing the girl from earlier who could read thoughts.

"Would you quiet down, some of us are trying to learn." The girl said with a frown.

"I'm sorry but can't you just not read my thoughts?" Cruella asked almost rolling her eyes.

"Its not easy if you're right next to me, that's why we are here, to learn how to use our powers." The girl replied and faced the teacher.

"Oh so this is like a school of magic huh, that's cool. Wait so that means Maggie's not human?" Cruella asked causing the girl to frown.

"Hey Irish quit asking questions like a newbie, you've been here longer a month so why the questions? Of course this is a magical school says the name -Home Of Supernaturals Academia (Hosna Academia) and yes Maggie isn't human, she's a Necromancer's daughter now focus before you get me into trouble, the girl complained before facing the teacher again.

Cruella pondered a while on what she said. Maggie a Necromancer's daughter? Wait does this mean she's not turning due to Jason's bite but her necromancers power? That means Maggie is the key to bringing Jason back.

"Hey shut it I'm trying to concentrate here." The girl said glaring at Cruella.

"What's your name?" Cruella asked with a smile.

"If I tell you will you quiet down?" She asked and Cruella nodded.

"Fine, I'm Amber now shut it." She said and faced the teacher but it was too late. Mr Olenio had already started approaching them and from what Amber could read from his thoughts, he wasn't happy they were distracted in his class.

"Amber, could you tell the class why you've decided to be a nuisance while others are learning?" Mr Olenio asked taking off his glasses.

"Mr Olenio I'm sorry but I'm the one who distracted her." Cruella defended, thinking it would solve the case but it only got her into another round of trouble.

"Well in that case Irish, how about you go and help us solve that equation on the board. It seems you know it all too well to be distracting others." He said handing her a marker.

Cruella's eye balls almost left it's sucket. She hated geometry even though she always passed it in her formal school but she's never had to solve it in class or worse infront of students whom she was sure hated her.

"Don't keep us waiting Irish," Olenio said giving her a little space to stand up.