
Before The Clock Strikes Twelve

Cruellla D'vila is a child brought and raised in the human world, living an ordinary life, unaware of her origin and abilities. To everyone, she is destruction. Her existence feared. She wasn't supposed to be born and so her mother had to cast a spell on her. Putting her to sleep for 500 years to protect her from other clans. She  grew up in a small town called Greenville. An average teenager who hated her simple yet complicated life; always getting into trouble, always being bullied in school and expelled whenever she defended herself from the bullies. She wished for a different life and indeed  she got her wish granted the moment she discovered the truth. The simple life she once had was gone and now she faced an even bigger challenge. Now she's at the center of a new foreseen war between the four powerful clans , each fighting for dominance but with Cruella in their way, they must get rid of her to accomplish their agenda. This new life is even worse than her previous normal human lifestyle because now she's struggling to get use to these new powers, this new personality, falling in love with her guardian which is forbidden in their clan and preparing for a war which began even before her birth. But little did she know those are the least of her problems, little did she know her greatest threat hides in the shadows, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Who or what could possibly be her greatest threat? Will she be able to handle all these responsibilities? Or will she run back to the human world to seek refuge?

Catherineajuruchi · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
24 Chs

Four celestial tribes

Jason flipped the table, causing everything on it to break, including the table.

How could he have allowed this to happen? His first mission, after 107 years of wait came to an end under three weeks. He had to find a way to fix this.

He can't be the only guardian that wasn't assigned to a powerful being. He can't let his father's legacy go down the drain like this.

"Think Jason think!" He yelled at himself, pulling his hair out of frustration.

He wished he could take back time, he wouldn't have bitten Maggie. He wouldn't have allowed Cruella push him into near madness.

Now Maggie is turning , all thanks to his stupidity.

Even Maggie will someday get assigned to a powerful being when she's ready,he couldn't bear this

He has waited for a century for this mission and now it's here, it's gone?No, there must be something he can do...there must be someone that can help.

Jason paused a bit. He smiled slightly as he remembered one person strong enough to control time itself.

He let out a sigh of relief. If he can convince Daven to take things back, then he can correct his mistake.

Realising there is a little hope for him, he vanished, destination..Black forest.

(Elsa's HOME)

Cruella slowly opened her eyes.

Her eyes scanned the surrounding for a while before she realized where she is.

How did she get to this crazy ladies home again?

The last thing she remembered is asking to go to. hospital...this is clearly not a hospital!

"I see you're awake," she heard the crazy ladies voice. "I'm not crazy, quit thinking that!" Elsa snapped.

"How-how did you know I had that in mind?"

"Cause that's part of my gift. You see Cruella,what we have isn't power, we have gifts.

Every gift, be it destructive or not is a blessing because when we put in into good use, we end up doing things no normal human can think of doing. We end up making a positive impact on this little world of ours."

Cruella almost rolled her eyes.

And she says she's not crazy? What's all this nonsense talk about power? she thought.

"Cruella I'm warning you, don't you dare call me crazy again!" Elsa half yelled glaring at Cruella, causing her to flinch.

She suddenly realized her weakness is gone.

"Yes, I took it away." Elsa said after hearing her thoughts.

"Thank you," Cruella said bowing slightly. Something about this woman terrifies her.

"Oh no don't thank me. It's gonna come back and unless you complete the transformation process,you might not even have the strength to blink anymore.

"Wh-what are you saying? What process?"

"Cruella, I know all these may come as a shock to you but it's better you're told now before it's too late."

"Before what's too late?"

"Your body has stayed too long without being consumed."

"Consumed by what?" Cruella asked frowning a bit.

Elsa sighed knowing that what she's about to say next will sound crazy.

"Cruella, your 541 years old and still untouched. Your powers are trying to surface but until the rites are complete, you will keep getting weaker as time goes by."

Cruella couldn't control it anymore. She broke into a histerical laughter.

Seriously this woman needs to see a psychiatrist. 541 years old? That's impossible.

Elsa got irritated with Cruella's thoughts and decided to give her prove instead.

She waved her hand infront of them both and they disappeared, appearing in her backyard garden.

Cruella's laughter died instantly and she looked around a bit confused.

"You see Cruella, you're not the only one with a gift of teleportation. Every creature possesses four to five abilities except Irish."

"What is an Irish?" Cruella asked.

"I'm glad you asked. You are an Irish," Elsa said smiling slightly. Irish are feared because they are the most powerful of all creatures that lived.

They posses infinite powers that up till this day, we don't know them all yet."

Cruella looked at the beautiful garden they were in. Maybe this is some kind of illusion or so.

"Cruella stop denying what I'm saying. I speak the truth. I'm only telling you this now so you can prepare on time. A war is coming, a war between the four celestial tribes. All seeking dominant leadership over the rest. If we don't tell you this now and get you prepared, you might be the one to initiate this war and if an Irish should go mad, it's the end of mankind." Elsa said gazing intently at Cruella, trying to observe her reaction to each statement.

Cruella couldn't deny she found what this woman said hard to believe, but she just decided to pay a little attention.

"So how does this explain my weakness?" she asked.

"Like I said earlier, your powers are surfacing but your body is weak."

"How do I make it strong?"

"You need to mate." Elsa said causing Cruella to blink more than required.

"Ma-mate? I'm only 16. How can you be asking a 16 year old to go have sex? Now I see you're indeed crazy! Send me home!" Cruella half yelled.

"Cruella, I won't force you to believe all I've said. I'm only telling you now so you can prepare for what's to come."

"You're telling me to go loose my virginity at 16, does that even make sense?"

"Cruella you're not 16, you're 541 years old."

"Right, I'm 5 centuries old, how do you expect me to believe this ? Just send me home already. I want to see my mom!"

"Fine, you can ask your mom then, she'll tell you herself," Elsa said , waving her hand and slowly, Cruella disappeared.

(Black forest)

"Cecilia, Cecilia?" Jason called , standing at the forest entrance.

Seconds later, wolves could be seen coming out of the forest, ready to devour any threat. A woman on white gown slowly emerged, with the wolves infront of her.

"Cecilia it's me, Jason."

"I know who you are son of Anthony Star, the greatest guardian of all time. Yet you were dumb enough to drink blood from a human girl" Cecilia scoffed

"You-you know about that?"Jason asked feeling ashamed.

"Well of course, nothing is unknown here. I also know you're here to convince Daven to take you back in time, he's never gonna do it."

"Please Cecilia, I-I can't just stop being a guardian. It's a fall in my father's name and my generation to come."

"Well you should have thought of that before biting that human."

"Please Cecilia, you're the only one that can convince him to speak to me. Just grant me an audience with him , that's all I ask."

Cecilia was about saying something but froze.

Jason sighed in relief as he knew what that means. There's only one creature on earth that can freeze time and that's no other than Daven, the time god.

"Jason Star, son of Anthony Star, what brings you to my home?" Daven asked even though he already heard his earlier discussion with Cecilia.

Jason got on one knee with his head bowed low.

"An eye for an eye is what they say,I've come in my father's name to seek a favor from you whom he favoured centuries ago." Jason said.

"Clever boy. What you don't understand is the gravity of your demand, taking back time to correct one mistake will change a lot of possible bright futures." Daven said carrying an emotionless expression.

"If I'm not her guardian anymore, there won't be a future to talk about,"Jason replied.

Daven chuckled. "What makes you say that?"

"I know I've only known her for few weeks but she's a handful. She won't accept anyone else as her guardian. She needs m and i'm the only one who can tame her.

"Hmm and where did you get this idea, wait lemme guess, from Palena's vision?" Daven scoffed. Since she foresaw a war a melenuim ago and told him his father would come back victorious but his father died in the war, he stopped believing her visions.

"I know you don't give value to Palena's visions but you know she's always right. "

"Always right? I used to depend on Palena's vision in the past, until she foresaw my father's death as his victory."

"I'm sorry about that Daven, but that's a one time thing. You can't disregard her visions for a one time mistake." Jason said.

Daven was starting to loose his temper but he knew he had to stay composed.

"I can't grant your request Jason, however I can help you remain her guardian admisst your mate but it comes with a price."

"I'll accept anything," Jason said and Daven nodded disappearing immediately and at that same moment, Cecilia stopped being a statue.

She hated whenever he did that to her. it always feels like she's missed a century of her life after.


Cruella laid on her bed thinking of what Elsa told her. Could it be true? She couldn't wait for her mom to come back so she could ask her. Her phone vibrated and she picked it up almost immediately and saw a text from her mom and Pedro.

Of course she clicked that of her mom first.

To Cruella;

"Baby something came up, I won't be coming home tonight. I'll ask Ethan to watch you okay?

Love you." Mom.

Cruella dropped her phone after reading her mom's message. She hated the idea of Ethan coming over. That guy hardly smiles.

She misses Jason already and it's barely two days.

The door bell rang and she reluctantly left her room to open it.

She held the nob for a while, preparing herself to see the poker face Ethan.

She turned it, pulling the door open and gaps on whom she saw.
