
Before The Clock Strikes Twelve

Cruellla D'vila is a child brought and raised in the human world, living an ordinary life, unaware of her origin and abilities. To everyone, she is destruction. Her existence feared. She wasn't supposed to be born and so her mother had to cast a spell on her. Putting her to sleep for 500 years to protect her from other clans. She  grew up in a small town called Greenville. An average teenager who hated her simple yet complicated life; always getting into trouble, always being bullied in school and expelled whenever she defended herself from the bullies. She wished for a different life and indeed  she got her wish granted the moment she discovered the truth. The simple life she once had was gone and now she faced an even bigger challenge. Now she's at the center of a new foreseen war between the four powerful clans , each fighting for dominance but with Cruella in their way, they must get rid of her to accomplish their agenda. This new life is even worse than her previous normal human lifestyle because now she's struggling to get use to these new powers, this new personality, falling in love with her guardian which is forbidden in their clan and preparing for a war which began even before her birth. But little did she know those are the least of her problems, little did she know her greatest threat hides in the shadows, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Who or what could possibly be her greatest threat? Will she be able to handle all these responsibilities? Or will she run back to the human world to seek refuge?

Catherineajuruchi · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
24 Chs


"What's the problem?" Nila asked looking exhausted. she already had enough problems and didn't need more.

"It's Maggie, she's loosing it."



Maggie could be seen pulling at the locked rails. Her eyes were bloodshot with pale skin. She looked like she had no blood running through her veins.

"What happened to her?" Cruella asked in horror. This isn't the kind of monster parents show their kids to scare the crap out of them..this is actually life..it's the real deal.

"She needs to feed." Elsa answered calmly.

"Feed? She looks like she's going to die and why is she so aggressive?" Nila asked walking closer to the cage but the sudden rational movement from Maggie caused he to stop In her tracks.

"Shes also grieving, she's sensed Jason's absence and that's why she's like this." Elsa added.

"Isnt there anyway we can help her? She looks like she's hurting." Cruella asked looking at Maggie.

"We've tried giving her blood but it's not changing her state..we don't know what else to do," Lucia pitched in.

They all watched Maggie silently as she trashed around the cage. She had brusies all over her hands and legs from her struggle.

"What happens if she doesn't go back to her normal state?" Cruella asked worriedly.

"She may die, she's not fully turned yet and this kind of madness is likely to shut her down." Estella whose been quiet all this while spoke up.

"If I go back in time, can I save her?" Cruella asked looking intently at Nila.

"I don't know, we didn't even hear Palena's third vision..what if it's a trap? what if she's using us again as her pawns?"

"I think we need to go back to her. If my going back in time would save Maggie and probably bring back Jason, then I'm going." Cruella declared.

"Cruella I get you wanna help but going back in time won't bring back Jason, he's already dead and only a Necromancer's blood or a Necromancer can bring him back." Elsa said .

"Then I'll get a Necromancer then, how hard can it be?"

"Cruella Necromancers are extinct..it will be almost impossible to find one or get their blood, just accept the fact that Jason's gone." Ethan said somewhat coldly earning a hard glare from Cruella.

"I*m going back in time right? it won't be that hard anymore.. please take me to Palena.. maybe I can save us all and also help in this war, I don't wanna be a liability," She said that last part as a whisper.

"We can't trust Palena..I'm not in support of you going back to her." Nila protested.

"Yh and she lied to me for over 500years, what makes you think she isn't lieing now?" Estella said with a frown. She really couldn't believe she's been a fool for five centuries, trianing in anger for the day to come when she'll have her revenge on a woman that didn't even know she exist until now. She wouldn't make that mistake to trust anyone like that anymore..she wouldn't make that mistake to let people use her as a pawn or be blinded by love like Logan had done.

"I think you should just think about this first, we would watch Maggie for now but I suggest you don't rush into conclusion." Elsa advised her, leading them out of the room into the living room.

"I want to go home mom, I wanna see Xavier," Cruella said and Nila nodded at her.

"I'll take you," Ethan said , wrapping his arm around her waist before teleporting them both to her home.

"Do you think sending her back is a good idea?, what if it's really the only way to stop all these?" Nila asked looking intently at Elsa.

"I don't know what we should do but I know if we don't do something quick, she's gonna die." Elsa replied looking at the direction of Maggie's room.



"You can go back now, I'll be safe with my brother." Cruella said as soon as Ethan appeared in the living room.

"What makes you think I'm leaving? I'm not gonna let the same mistake happen twice."

"So you're saying my brother will harm me?"

"No Cruella, I'm saying as your guardian, I'm suppose to be close to you at all times." he said and for a moment Cruella could notice a glimpse of worry and genuine concern in his facial expression but it disappeared as quick as it came , replacing it with his usual poker face. She rolled her eyes, heading upstairs to Xavier's room.

"Come in," Xavier said before she could even knock. She came in with a broad smile.

"I've really missed you brother but I'm quite curious to know why you came back so early." Cruella said jumping on his bed.

"Its along story, mom will explain later," He smiled at her.

"Hm.."she nodded, biting her lower lips as if trying to stop herself from saying any other thing.

"You don't have to torture yourself like that, go on and ask already," Xavier chuckled.

"I-I just don't her why you acted like you knew nothing about magic for so long. Do you..do you also have powers? or should I say gifts?"

"Well Cruella, we all had a roles to play in this little film of ours. We don't question the part given to us but go with it as long as we are past of the cast." he said studying her expression and when he noticed she wasn't getting him, he sighed fully facing her now.

"What I'm trying to say is that I did what I did to help out..I didn't have powers at first but with time I developed it.."

"What's your power?" Cruella cut in, sitting up straight.

"I'm what they call Perfeito. I'm immune to all magic."

"So you're saying.."

"Yes I'm saying I can't die from magic or anything supernatural related infact I can't die at all..well I'll die but I'll always come back to life."

"Wow that's cool.. Xavy, I want to go back in time.. relive the years I missed.." Cruella paused trying to see his reaction but he gave her non.

"You're not gonna stop me?" she added.

"Why should I? it's your life not mine." He shrugged.

"But don't you think it's dangerous? What if...what if my going there would actually cause the war to come sooner than expected in this time, I don't want to be the cause of another disaster." she added sadly.

"Cruella, a war is coming wether we like it or not, going back in time won't change it neither would it be your fault but you do have a chance of protecting yourself because then you'll learn to use your powers..all of them, so if you feel you need to go back, who am I to stop you?" he said giving her a warm smile. Cruella nodded at him , rising from the bed.

"You're going already?" He frowned a bit.

"Maggie's life's in danger, she needs my help." She replied before hugging him tight. "I'm gonna miss you Xavy, take care of mom for me okay?"

"You he careful, we'll be waiting for you."Xavier replied hugging her back. They broke the hug seconds later and she left his room to the living room. Ethan's head rested on his palms while on the couch but he got up immediately he sensed her coming.

"Take me to Palena," she commanded.

"Aren't you going to wait for your mom and sister first?"

"I rather not, it'll make this harder than it already is," she answered plainly. Ethan nodded, pulling her closer and wrapping his arm on her waist like he did earlier. He looked down at her face for a brief moment before teleporting to Elsa's home.


"Well it seems you're smart Irish, I didn't think you'll agree to this immediately," Palena smiled taking out a bottle from her potion shelf.

"Just get on with it already," Cruella said almost rolling her eyes.

"Lay down on the couch and close your eyes." she Instructed and Cruella did as told.

"Now I want you to think of nothing but your name, don't think of wars or Maggie or anyone just keep repeating your name," she added and Cruella nodded again.

Palena opened the bottle and dropped three drops of the liquid into Cruella's slightly opened mouth. She began chanting a spell while Cruella kept calling her name within.

"Cruella D'vila, Cruella D'vila, Cruella D'vila.." Cruella kept calling and as she did it seems to her like her body is being lifted off the couch and placed on a furry bed. She could no longer hear what palena was chanting, infact she couldn't hear anything at all. Slowly she began hearing the sound of the early morning breeze blowing through the window and she could actually feel it.

"Cruella? Cruella are you okay?" Cruella could hear her mom calling her name while knocking on the door.

She Immediately opened her eyes and found herself in a different room.

"Did it work?" She muttered, looking around.

"Cruella please just open up, you can't keep doing this," Nila said again and Cruella immediately jumped off the bed , running towards the door to open it.

"Mom!" She exclaimed hugging Nila as tight as possible.

"So does this mean you're not mad anymore?" Nila chuckled hugging her back.

"Why was I mad? and whose room is this?" Cruella asked breaking the hug.

Nila only looked at her speechless. She shook her head with a slight chuckle before saying,

"I think you should probably eat now, you're asking silly questions. C'mon I made your favorite."

"Meatballs?" Cruella asked, eyes wide open and the moment Nila nodded, she ran out of the room in an attempt to get to the dinner but she stopped in her tracks as she couldn't tell the way that leads to the diner.

"Whats wrong?" Nila asked frowning a bit.

"Look if it's because of Jason, he's done eating and won't be joining..."

"Jason!" Cruella cut in looking at her with wide eyes.

"Yes isn't he the reason you were.." Before Nila could finish her sentence, Cruella ran off even though she had no clue where she's running to, all she knew was that she wanted to see Jason so bad. She's missed him like hell.

She kept running through every corner of the house until she burst outside only to see a male figure with his backside to her.

She stopped instantly, taking a deep breath. Her heartbeat quickened and she fought for composure. This Jason might not remember her like that and so she need not jump on him just yet.

"Jason?" she called and slowly he turned to her but a frown settled on both their faces the moment they saw each other.

"You're not Jason, she frowned hard as she looked at the man before her. He looked nothing like Jason, not that he's ugly but he had no resemblance to Jason and he looked a little older as well.

Her eyes finally left his face and settled on her surrounding, causing her jaw to fall open.

"Where exactly am I?" She asked looking at the breathtaking landscape before her.

"This is Neville, your home remember?" Nila said coming out of the house.

"Neville?" Cruella repeated, trying to take in the view before her.