
Before my daughters were killed, I returned from the divine realm!

Emotionless God Emperor Yun Mo, in the Wuji realm to control the heavenly artifacts Yanfushanju Tu ...... One Thousand Years, Qi Practice - Foundation Building - Jindan - Yuanying - God Transformation - Transmigration - Ascension to the Wuji Spiritual Realm. Two Thousand Years, Return to the Virtual Body - Body - Mahayana - Ascension to the Wuji Immortal Realm. Three thousand years, True Immortal - Golden Immortal - Dao Ancestor - ascending to the Wuji Divine Realm. Four thousand years, God King - God Emperor - God Emperor - ascended to the throne of the Wuji Emperor. Ten thousand years, Yun Mo did not forget their own, when on earth relatives, friends ...... in this eat people do not spit out the bones of the empire, Yun Mo can only do is no end to cultivation, killing ...... to this day. The light is ten thousand feet, epoch reversal, time and space back.

DaoistOydNd4 · Fantasía
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64 Chs

Chapter 54: Reunion of Teacher and Student

"Shishi Xinxin, what would you like to eat today?" Lan Coco asked.

"Mom, I want to eat McDonald's."

"Mom, Little Fatty said McDonald's is delicious."

Lan Coco looked at Yun Mo.

"There's a McDonald's right in front of us, let's go eat there." Yun Mo was not a fan of such high calorie food and did not recommend it to the children, but since the two girls were willing to go, it was not impossible to have a meal.

The family of four walked into this reasonably sized store, and since it was dinner time, the hall was unusually hot.

This McDonald's not only sells fried chicken and such, there are also a lot of buns, noodles, low prices, is a blessing for the workers in the neighborhood.

Yun Mo looked at it, a burrito was only ten dollars, and a bowl of beef ramen was only fifteen dollars. The prices were already very fair in this first-class city.

"Daddy daddy, I want to eat this ...," XinXin said, pointing to a large chicken wing on the picture.

Yun Mo skillfully took out his cell phone, scanned the code, and placed the order.

Coincidentally, a table inside had just finished eating, and a table that could seat six people was empty.

"Shishi Xinxin, go ahead and take a seat." Lan Coco pointed to the empty table over there, and the two little girls rushed over, holding hands.

Yun Mo and Lan Coco, on the other hand, waited at the front counter for the food to come out.

In this kind of fast food restaurant, the food was usually served very quickly.

Not long after the two little girls sat down, a grandmother with a sturdy gait and a head full of silver hair walked over, holding a bowl of ramen noodles in her hands, and looked left and right, but could not find a suitable seat.

"Grandma, there are empty seats here, come sit here." Seeing this, XinXin ran over to the old granny's side, tugged on the corner of her coat, and said.

"Oh~ Thank you, what a well-behaved child." Seeing the twins, the old grandmother praised them fondly and sat down next to the two girls.

"Father said we should respect the old and love the young, respect the old in front and love the young in the back, even if my sister and I give up our seats for you, it's still appropriate." XinXin said in the face of the old grandmother's praise.

These words were all taught by Yun Mo during the days he took the two girls on the bus and subway.

"Hehe, to be able to teach you two little girls, your father must be a kind person." The old grandmother couldn't help but sigh in her heart, these two girls really had good guidance.

At that time, Yun Mo and Lan Coco came to the table with a plate of food each.

"Teacher Ouyang?"


Two voices came out of Yun Mo's and Lan Coco's mouths at the same time.

Two voices coming out of Yun Mo's and Lan Coco's mouths at the same time.

"You are? Yun Mo! Lan Coco?" The old grandmother sitting next to the two little girls stood up and looked at her two disciples in disbelief.

"Teacher, why are you here?" Lan Ke Ke stepped forward and hugged Ouyang Qian.

As it turned out, this grandmother was none other than Yun Mo's thesis advisor, Lan Coco's teacher, Professor Ouyang of the Literature Department of Kyoto University, Ouyang Qian.

"I really didn't expect to see you in Fanghai." Ouyang Qian said with tears of joy.

Yun Mo was a great disciple of Ouyang Qian, and the two of them had a very good relationship with Ouyang Qian at Kyoto University.

After all, Ouyang Qian was very appreciative of children who loved Chinese literature.

"These two little ones are yours?"

"Mentor, they are the children of Coco and I. Sister Yun Shi, Sister Yun Xin, Shi Shi Xin Xin, quickly call Grandmother Ancestor." Yun Mo introduced.

"Ai~ what grandmother, the name calling is so unpleasant, just call grandmother Ouyang." Ouyang Qian sat down and tenderly touched the two girls' little hands and said.

"Grandma Ouyang ...," the two girls shouted obediently, making Ouyang Qian happy and full of smiles.

"Good boy, really good!"

"Teacher, how long have you been in Fanghai?" Lan Coco asked.

"Just came two years ago, the grandson joined the army, and did not have time to serve me as an old woman, so he bought me a villa in Star River Garden, and also asked me to hire a nanny, he is really when his grandmother I can not go ah.

As soon as he left, I fired the nanny!" Ouyang Qian said.

Yun Mo looked at Ouyang Qian that a homemade sanitary clothing, fell into a deep thought ... this character of his mentor, he is very clear, not to obey the old, good face ...

"Mentor, then you are?"

"Do not mention it, just went to the interview sanitation, want to find a job for this society to contribute to it, you also know, I can not be idle, it's old, has long passed the standard of recruitment".

"Teacher, are you also in Star River Garden?" Lan Coco asked.

"Yes, my grandson bought me such a big mansion, how can I live alone?" Ouyang Qian said. "You also live in ..."

"Teacher, we're in the Star District 6 building."

"I'm in the Star District 8 building ..."


Some people looked at each other and smiled.

A few people looked at each other and smiled.

Unexpectedly, after such a long time, they actually didn't realize that they had become neighbors with Teacher Ouyang.

"Teacher, if you don't mind, the student opened a bookstore, you go to help me look at the door when you are empty, read books and so on, isn't it better than you going to work as a sanitation worker?" Yun Mo tried to say.

"Bookstore?" Ouyang Qian smiled, "I really didn't misread you kid, that job ah, teacher took it!"

"That's great, after dinner in a while, I'll take you to my store to take a walk and see if the environment is satisfactory for you." Yun Mo said.

"Good ..."

A meal that was quickly finished with laughter.

But the feedback received by the two little girls was not good ... came with excitement and went with slight disappointment.

"It's not good ... not as good as Dad's cooking ..."

In a line of four people, out of a line of five people, well Yun Mo's car is spacious enough, Ouyang Qian and the two little girls sitting in the back of the car talking and laughing.


When the crowd got out of the car and came into the Yazhai.

Ouyang Qian and Yun Mo froze at the same time.

Ouyang Qian froze because from the moment they entered the door, the scent of books filled every corner of Yazhai, including the inscriptions on the tablets, as well as the decorations and furnishings inside the shop, all of which were a paradise for readers.

And Yun Mo was stunned, at the place where the gold card was being recharged, there were two martial artists with red faces, holding their breath, sitting cross-legged opposite each other, as if they were facing each other ...

"Aiya, Big Boss, you're finally back, I've been watching the shop for you all day."

Noon because of late back to the company Ai He, in the workplace is the more stay the more boring, so he called colleagues to cover for their own duty, their own quiet and returned to the middle of the Ya Zhai.

"What's wrong with them?" Yun Mo asked, pointing at the two red-faced martial artists.

"They're ah, competing, in a competition of who stayed longer ..." Ai He said breathlessly.

Yun Mo shook his head.

Fighting against dense spiritual forces was helpful in improving one's cultivation, but this kind of improvement was painful. Since there was no harm in it, Yun Mo had no intention of reminding them.

The two little girls gave Ouyang Qian a purple gold card like the one given to Ai He, and led this Grandma Ouyang around as they chatted.