
Before my daughters were killed, I returned from the divine realm!

Emotionless God Emperor Yun Mo, in the Wuji realm to control the heavenly artifacts Yanfushanju Tu ...... One Thousand Years, Qi Practice - Foundation Building - Jindan - Yuanying - God Transformation - Transmigration - Ascension to the Wuji Spiritual Realm. Two Thousand Years, Return to the Virtual Body - Body - Mahayana - Ascension to the Wuji Immortal Realm. Three thousand years, True Immortal - Golden Immortal - Dao Ancestor - ascending to the Wuji Divine Realm. Four thousand years, God King - God Emperor - God Emperor - ascended to the throne of the Wuji Emperor. Ten thousand years, Yun Mo did not forget their own, when on earth relatives, friends ...... in this eat people do not spit out the bones of the empire, Yun Mo can only do is no end to cultivation, killing ...... to this day. The light is ten thousand feet, epoch reversal, time and space back.

DaoistOydNd4 · Fantasía
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64 Chs

Chapter 52 First Meeting ...... "Mother in Law"

"What about you? Are you going to leave now? Or will you wait for the descendants of the Yun Family to collect your corpses later?" Yun Mo looked back at the great power of this Elephant Armor Mountain and said without looking at the people of the Yun Family.

An aura of being overwhelmed by the world always put great pressure on the Yun family.


Just like the Feng family, these martial artists, especially the older ones, the higher their cultivation level, the more they were afraid of death.

"I'll send you back to the Lan family to take a look?" After the Yun family members left, Yun Mo said tenderly to Lan Coco.

He couldn't even remember when the change happened, but since returning to Earth these days, Yun Mo's steel-like state of mind would only begin to melt when he saw the two girls, Shishi Xinxin and Lan Coco.

"Uh-huh." Lan Coco nodded.

Chen Han and the others continued to work on collecting the Spirit Wells, the mission that brought them out this time was hard work.

A bottle of Rejuvenation Dan was casually thrown to Chen Han, although Chen Han's injuries were perfectly capable of healing themselves after a while, there was no need for it here in the generous Yun Mo .... .

After descending the mountain, the vehicle traveled to the vicinity of the Lan Family Mansion.

Lan Coco's father Lan Hai in this monogamous society, which can be described as a group of concubines, the only real room is actually Liu Mei.

Liu Mei actually separated from Lan Hai ten years ago. The Lan family's martial arts skills are passed on to men, not women, but unfortunately, despite the large number of wives and concubines, Lan Hai still has countless daughters and not a single man on his knees. ...

That's why the Lan family can't be counted among the first-class families of Kyoto.

The car stopped in front of a villa in a rather remote area.

Liu Mei likes peace and quiet, so she chose such a villa to raise Lan Coco and Lan Lili's two daughters.

In the middle of summer, Lan Lili was in the second half of her freshman year, so she was away from home.

A few days ago, Lan Coco has gone to the phone, Lan Lili knows that Lan Coco did not have things, this only peace of mind to go to school.

Missed nearly two months of classes, Lan Lili does not care.

In the minds of mother and daughter, as long as Lan Coco was not in the Lan family, the whole world was a safe place.

"Is it okay to be alone?" Yun Mo asked.

Lan Coco nodded gently, with a slight look of loss in her eyes, but she quickly covered it up.

When she got out of the car, she was about to ring the doorbell of the mansion, only to see a pair of big hands a step ahead of her ...

"Ding Dong~"

The doorbell rang, and the "popping" sound of walking came from inside the house.

"You ... "Lan Ke Ke looked at the handsome man behind her, her heart was mixed, but even more moved.

"You ... "Lan Ke Ke looked at the handsome man behind him, his heart was mixed, but even more touched.

"Click ..."

Before Lan Coco could say anything, the door inside opened.

"Coco ..."


Although she had already received a call from her daughter, Liu Mei's heart was still ten thousand percent excited to see her daughter appear in front of her unharmed.

Mother and daughter hugged each other and sobbed uncontrollably.

After nearly five minutes, Liu Mei reacted that Lan Ke did not come back alone.

"Hello Auntie, I'm Yun Mo, Shishi and Xinxin's father." Seeing Liu Mei looking at herself, Yun Mo took the lead and introduced herself before Lan Ke could speak.

Liu Mei wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and turned to look at Lan Coco.

Of course, Lan Coco's business had not been hidden from Liu Mei.

"Mom, let's go inside and talk first." Lan Coco said.

"Good, good ... that ..."

"Auntie, call me XiaoMo is good." Yun Mo said modestly.

"Well, Little Mo, come in." Liu Mei said.

Although it was a mansion, the interior of the mansion was very simple, mostly some old items, in the corner of the living room, there was even a sewing machine.

There was also a piece of embroidered cloth on the sewing machine.

The TV was an old-fashioned big-head TV that looked out of place in this villa.

The sofa and coffee table looked quite new, and it was thought that they should have been given away by the developer when the villa was purchased.

"XiaoMo, you sit down first, I'll go make some tea ..." LiuMei nervously invited YunMo to sit on the sofa and then planned to go to the kitchen to find some tea.

"Mom, there's no need to go to so much trouble, we have to go back later." Lan Coco said as she pulled her mother to sit down.

"So soon?" Liu Mei said with some disappointment.

"Mom, why don't you come back to Fanghai with us, I don't want to see you in the Lan family ..."

"Coco, I'm fine here, I'm a wife, where to live is not to live ah, not to mention your sister, she just went to college." Although Lan Hai prefers sons to daughters, but for his daughter's education, Lan Hai is still extraordinarily important.

If Lan Coco had not been unmarried and pregnant at the beginning, which brought a lot of cynicism to the Lan family, Lan Hai would not have treated the mother and daughter so well.

If Lan Coco hadn't been unmarried and pregnant in the first place, bringing a lot of cynicism to the Lan family, Lan Hai wouldn't have treated her so well.

"Mom ..."

"All right Coco, it's XiaoMo's first day here, I don't have anything to entertain here, so don't take offense." Liu Mei quickly changed the subject.

"Auntie, first time at the door, it's good that you don't blame me for being abrupt, this is a gift for auntie." Yun Mo took out a rather simple jade pendant and handed it to Liu Mei.

It was Yun Mo who was negligent and forgot to buy some food on the way here.

"This ..." Liu Mei was a little hesitant to accept Yun Mo's gift, after all, the two of them, although their children were in kindergarten, Yun Mo and Lan Coco had no name and no points ...

"Auntie, you just accept it, me and Coco's things you also need to know, not long after, I will certainly give you a satisfactory answer." Yun Mo said.

For Yun Mo's first impression, Liu Mei still felt good, so she accepted the jade pendant, which was considered a token and an explanation.

When the jade pendant was in his hand, a special feeling spread through Liu Mei's body, as if this blazing sun was not enough to take away that hint of coolness.

"XiaoMo, what kind of work are you doing in Fanghai?" After receiving the gift, Liu Mei started the mode of checking the account ...


Kyoto Airport.

The three elders of the Feng family, a group of elders, did not stay long in the Yun family, as a strong person of the Tongshen realm, breaking an arm was equivalent to losing half of his strength.

How could the eldest elder endure such pain?

"Big Brother, that Merti Pavilion Pavilion Master, what kind of strength is he?" In the waiting hall, the second elder asked.

"At least the ninth level of Passing God." The First Elder estimated.

The reason for this estimate was that the Grand Elder had seen that Yun Mo had not moved to kill himself, so he thought that he should also be afraid of the Feng Clan's Passing God Ninth Level powerhouse coming down from the mountain.

However, what he didn't know was that Yun Mo didn't kill him because he was only afraid that his deadly aura would pollute the bells and whistles of Elephant Armor Mountain.

"So young, ninth stage Tong Shen?" The Third Elder asked in surprise from the side.

"I'm afraid there is a God Realm Exalted behind this young man." The First Elder's face fell.

The Second Elder and the Third Elder didn't dare to speak up right away.

God Realm ... China could have a few God Realms! There were only a handful.

"Hmph, if it's not the Dragon Soul blocking, my Feng family can forcefully occupy the Elephant Armor Mountain, if the Chief Elder is outside the gate, he's only a God Realm Nine, he still can't stop us, even if there's a God Realm Venerable appearing, he wouldn't dare go to war with my Feng family, don't forget that the existence of the martial arts agreement... "The Grand Elder said indignantly.

Martial Dao Agreement ... Martial Dao Laws compiled by Nie Tianlong, the God of War of Huaxia ... Binder of the rules of all martial artists in Huaxia ...