
Before my daughters were killed, I returned from the divine realm!

Emotionless God Emperor Yun Mo, in the Wuji realm to control the heavenly artifacts Yanfushanju Tu ...... One Thousand Years, Qi Practice - Foundation Building - Jindan - Yuanying - God Transformation - Transmigration - Ascension to the Wuji Spiritual Realm. Two Thousand Years, Return to the Virtual Body - Body - Mahayana - Ascension to the Wuji Immortal Realm. Three thousand years, True Immortal - Golden Immortal - Dao Ancestor - ascending to the Wuji Divine Realm. Four thousand years, God King - God Emperor - God Emperor - ascended to the throne of the Wuji Emperor. Ten thousand years, Yun Mo did not forget their own, when on earth relatives, friends ...... in this eat people do not spit out the bones of the empire, Yun Mo can only do is no end to cultivation, killing ...... to this day. The light is ten thousand feet, epoch reversal, time and space back.

DaoistOydNd4 · Fantasía
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64 Chs

Chapter 4: Star River Garden

Fanghai City, Xinghe Road.

Yun Mo held his child and walked slowly, looking at the changes in Fanghai during this time.

In five years, the greenery of Fanghai City had become more beautiful, the streets had become wider, and the forest of skyscrapers had become taller and taller.

After all, it was a first-tier city that was developing very fast, and at that time, the houses near Xinghe Road were 40,000 to 50,000 per square meter.

This price made it impossible for many workers to own a house on Xinghe Road for the rest of their lives.

"Daddy, I'm hungry."

"Daddy, I'm hungry too."

It was already afternoon, and the two little girls' stomachs began to growl.

"There's a restaurant over there, let's go get something to eat first." Yun Mo said as he looked at a rather well decorated restaurant.

"Yes, daddy, is there any of that reddish meat ah." Xin Xin asked.

"Yes, it is all there, Xin Xin can eat whatever she wants." Yun Mo said sympathetically, then the family entered the restaurant.

Because Yun Mo's dress was something special, coupled with Yun Mo's as well as the two girls' super high face value, as soon as they entered the restaurant, there was a line of eyes staring at them.

"Sir, may I ask what you would like to eat?" After Yun Mo sat down, the owner greeted him with a smile.

"One order of Coke Chicken Wings, one order of Potato Beef, and a few random vegetarian dishes." Yun Mo said casually.

"Yes sir, please wait." After saying that, the boss hurriedly went to prepare.

A moment later.

"Father, Shishi and Xinxin will be very good, can you stop letting us down?" Shishi, who was sitting across from Yun Mo, suddenly said.

"Abandon?" Hearing this term, Yun Mo suddenly felt some heartache.

"Shishi, why would you say that Father is abandoning you?" Yun Mo asked.

"Because I remember when I was very, very young, there was a white-bearded old grandfather who told grandma and grandpa that Shishi and I were sick and wouldn't live much longer, so they just, just didn't want me and my sister anymore." XinXin said with big teary eyes.

For XinXin to say such words, this incident must have happened when the second daughter was about two or three years old.

Girls don't remember things when they're young, but XinXin could actually remember this matter up until now, so it could be seen how much of an impact this matter had on the child.

As for what kind of diseases the two children had? Yun Mo didn't care at all.

Mundane diseases were really not worth mentioning to Yun Mo.

"Did Mom abandon you?" Yun Mo asked.

"No dad, it's grandpa, grandpa is mean and cruel to us." Shishi hurriedly explained.

"No dad, it's grandpa, grandpa is mean to us." Shishi hurriedly explained.

"Xinxin, Shishi, don't worry, dad is back now, in the future, no one will dare to be mean to you." Yun Mo assured.

"Daddy is so nice, Trojan Horse."

The two of them, Xin Xin and Shishi, ran into Yun Mo's arms, and one on each side kissed Yun Mo.

In response, Yun Mo enjoyed it, this kind of cozy feeling was something he hadn't experienced in tens of thousands of years in the midst of the Peerless Realm.

However, when Yun Mo saw the way these two daughters spoke cautiously in front of him, fearing that he would abandon them, he felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.

"Lan family, is it? You dare to leave my Yun Mo's daughters in the shade ...."

"Hello, sir, serve your meal."

Just as Yun Mo was chatting with his daughters, several colorful and fragrant dishes were placed on the table.

The waiter also thoughtfully moved two high chairs as well as two cute little towels.

"Thank you." Yun Mo was very satisfied with the service at this restaurant.

Afterwards, the two little girls began to devour their food.

The food at the Sunflower Orphanage was actually not bad, but compared to a normal restaurant, it was still a bit worse.

"Eat slowly, let's go home after eating and Daddy will take you to see the big house." Yun Mo said.

"Big house, sister, we can live in a big house again." XinXin said happily.

With this food, Yun Mo did not have much of an appetite, but in order to provide for his two daughters, Yun Mo still ate some.

"Did you go to the south of the city today at noon, I heard the Sunflower Orphanage was bombed." A table next to them started talking.

"Bombed? What kind of people? Bombing an orphanage, what kind of mind is that?"

"I heard that the orphanage seems to have some kind of treasure."


"That's right. Whoever blew up the orphanage was a foreigner."

"Damn, a foreigner? Come to China to bomb the orphanage, don't pull me, I have to lift the helicopter to show our country's strength ..."


"Excuse me, may I ask, you said that the Sunflower Orphanage was bombed, is it true?" At this time, a young girl at the next table stood up and asked the few who were chatting.

"A thousand times true, it happened around ten o'clock in the morning, a lot of people died, now this side is on alert."

Hearing these words, the young girl's face changed dramatically and she ran out like crazy.

Hearing this sentence, the young girl's face changed dramatically and she ran out like crazy.

The people at this table had a puzzled look on their faces.

Only Yun Mo realized that the aura of this young girl was the same as the aura of the bloodline of Grandma Liu as described by the two little girls.

As for the so-called treasure, Yun Mo had also felt it at the orphanage back then, a piece of refined wood attribute essence was just a piece of wood attribute essence, it was indeed a treasure for ordinary martial artists, but it was useless to Yun Mo.

"Daddy, we've finished eating."

A plate of food was eaten by the two little girls.

Since it was a small bowl of dishes, none of the portions were very large.

"Let's go, let's go home."

Yun Mo gave the boss a few RMB he had casually collected from those mercenaries and led the two bouncing little girls to the place he remembered.

Star River Garden.

The most honorable place in Fanghai City.

When Yun Mo's mother Qin Qing's business was doing very well, she bought a small villa in Star River Garden, and the two of them truly had their first home.

Passing by the building where his mother worked, Yun Mo couldn't help but feel a little sad.

"Stop, which building?" The security guards of Star River Garden were all retired soldiers of high quality, and they would do some identity verification on everyone who entered Star River Garden.

"Star District, Building 6."

"Star District, Building 6?" The security guard was confused for a while, this mansion, it seemed like no one had been there for more than three years, and immediately suspected that Yun Mo was up to no good, and wanted to make a move to take Yun Mo down first before making a decision.

"If you are not sure of my identity, I would advise you to consult an old guard with more than five years of service." Under Yun Mo's gaze, the security guard was somewhat inexplicably nervous, as if as soon as he made a move, the handsome young man in front of him would immediately counter it.

"Please wait."

The guard went back to the security booth to inform the others.

Not long after, a gray-haired grandfather came in.

"Grandpa Gao, goodbye." Seeing the visitor, Yun Mo greeted him with a smile.

"You're the kid from the Xiao Qin family, Yun Mo?" The grandfather looked at Yun Mo for half a day and asked.

"It's me!" Yun Mo nodded.

"You're back, hahahahahaha, you're finally back ah, you don't know, after you disappeared, Xiao Qin was heartbroken, what kind of heartbreak?" The boss said happily.