
Before my daughters were killed, I returned from the divine realm!

Emotionless God Emperor Yun Mo, in the Wuji realm to control the heavenly artifacts Yanfushanju Tu ...... One Thousand Years, Qi Practice - Foundation Building - Jindan - Yuanying - God Transformation - Transmigration - Ascension to the Wuji Spiritual Realm. Two Thousand Years, Return to the Virtual Body - Body - Mahayana - Ascension to the Wuji Immortal Realm. Three thousand years, True Immortal - Golden Immortal - Dao Ancestor - ascending to the Wuji Divine Realm. Four thousand years, God King - God Emperor - God Emperor - ascended to the throne of the Wuji Emperor. Ten thousand years, Yun Mo did not forget their own, when on earth relatives, friends ...... in this eat people do not spit out the bones of the empire, Yun Mo can only do is no end to cultivation, killing ...... to this day. The light is ten thousand feet, epoch reversal, time and space back.

DaoistOydNd4 · Fantasía
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64 Chs

Chapter 28 - Su Ying Robbing Medicine

"Although I only have this piece of chalcedony now, but in a few days, my Heavenly Pavilion will hold an auction, in which there will be a piece of green chalcedony entrusted to my Heavenly Pavilion for auction, three days later, I will make sure that Mr. shoot this piece of green chalcedony, Mr. look at it ..."

A golden invitation letter was handed to Yun Mo.

Yun Mo took the invitation, "No harm, in that case, that green chalcedony, I will come back to pick it up three days later."

"In that case, thank you, sir, Xiao Qian, all of sir's consumption in all stores in the Heavenly Pavilion will be discounted by 50% today." Mo Wen ordered.

"Yes, elder."

"In that case, I won't bother you anymore." Yun Mo led the crowd out of the living room. Since there was such a favorable discount, Yun Mo did not disappoint Mo Wen's good intentions and took the two little girls on a big shopping spree.

The day passed quickly.

Back at Star River Garden, it was already ten o'clock at night.

Although it wasn't her first time staying here, Lan Coco was still a bit formal.

"Mom, Mom, let's listen to Dad's story together in a while, okay?" Shishi and Xinxin pulled Lan Coco along on the way to the bathroom and said.


Because Lan Coco was there, the two little girls took a little longer to take a bath today, and it took a whole hour for the three girls to put on their pajamas and lie down on the bed.

"Dad, last time we talked about how the dark elf Nina and the light elf Gaius escaped this part of the wedding ..." Yun Mo did not think that the two little girls actually remembered that clearly.

So he leaned on the bed with Lan Coco on his left and right and continued to talk.

Lan Coco had thought that Yun Mo would tell the two little girls all kinds of fairy tales, but who wrote this Elf Kingdom, so interesting ah.

A family of four coaxing the child to sleep, Lan Ke was deeply immersed in this cozy family atmosphere and could not get out.

For more than twenty years, how could he ever feel this ...

Looking at Yun Mo's beautiful face, Lan Ke Ke was a little lost in thought.

She envied her two daughters for having such a patient father.

Perhaps because they were tired from shopping today, the two little girls fell asleep in less than twenty minutes.

Gently covering them with a blanket, Yun Mo looked at the slightly sad Lan Coco beside him:

"What's wrong? Homesick?"

Lan Ke Ke nodded.

"Mom and sister don't know what it's like."

"Call if you miss them, or go back to see them." Yun Mo said.

Lan Coco wanted to say something.

Lan Coco wanted to say something over and over again.

Cell phone, seems to be father snatched away, how to go home to see, go back, can still come back? Looking at the sleeping little girls, Lan Coco's nose sour again.

Yun Mo turned around, gently opened the curtains, and looked at the starry sky outside the window.

Everything was so calm and peaceful.

Maybe this was the Transfiguration, maybe this was the Red Dust practicing the heart.

Ever since Yun Mo knew that he had two daughters, Yun Mo's state of mind was rising.

"Thank you." Lan Coco whispered.

"No need to thank you, I can see that the two little girls are eager to have a mother." Yun Mo said.

"They are? What do you mean?" Lan Ke Ke asked.

"Nothing, I just hope that until Shishi and Xinxin reach adulthood, you will be able to stay by their side." Yun Mo said.

Is this your way of confessing to me in disguise?

Lan Coco thought to herself.

"Whoosh~" At that moment, several figures scurried away from Yun Mo's line of sight.

"You know Su Ying?" Yun Mo said blandly.

"Well, you see, she's my hairdresser, when I was a kid, I often came to Fanghai to play, and as we came and went, the two of us got to know each other." Lan Ke Ke said.


Yun Mo walked over and grabbed one of Lan Coco's hands, and then the two of them instantly disappeared.

Lan Coco only felt a blackness in front of her eyes, and when she opened her eyes again, she realized that she and Yun Mo had actually arrived at the foot of the Misty Nine Mountains.

Because Lan Ke Ke's Ice Saint Condensation Body had been stimulated and awakened by Yun Mo that night five years ago, Lan Ke Ke had not only survived past the age of twenty-five, but her cultivation ability was also quite good.

The condensation flame held back the condensation ice, and it was only in those twenty years that Lan Ke Ke's body hadn't shown any abnormalities.

One of the advantages of the Sacred Body was that once activated, even if one did not practice any techniques, the body would actively accumulate spiritual energy.

Therefore, Yun Mo could instantly carry Lan Coco for a short distance without causing Lan Coco any discomfort.


"Misty Nine Mountains."

"Then just now ..."

"Shadow Instant, a high-level martial art."

"Shadow Instant, a high-level martial art."

As soon as Lan Coco opened her mouth, Yun Mo knew what Lan Coco was going to ask, so he replied very quickly, not intending to hide his strength from Lan Coco.

This caused Lan Coco to be very confused, because after four years of college, Lan Coco really didn't know that Yun Mo was actually a martial artist.

At this point, Lan Coco realized why Yun Mo had wondered if he recognized Su Ying.

In the distance, three figures were gradually approaching.

At the forefront was Su Ying.

At this time, Su Ying was rather miserable, her clothes were messy and vaguely exposed, and she was holding a strange flower in her hand as she fled at a fast pace.

And those chasing Su Ying were two burly men, the big man's eyes revealing a lecherous light.

"Little bitch, you stole that big man's flower and you're leaving without leaving anything behind?"

"Hehehe, big brother, this bitch doesn't need to leave anything behind, we both let her take something on the line, hahahaha"


"Little Shadow!" Lan Coco saw the situation and shouted loudly, Su Ying is Lan Coco's best and only friend at the same time.

When she heard the words "Little Shadow", Su Ying first thought that she was hallucinating, but when she saw the two people standing in front of her, it was as if she grabbed a lifesaving straw and rushed towards Yun Mo.

After all, in Su Ying's investigation, Yun Mo was the prince of the Yun family, and those two people behind him would never dare to be reckless in front of Yun Mo. Not to mention, Yun Mo's cultivation might be stronger than theirs. Unfortunately, Su Ying did not know that Yun Mo and the Yun family did not have a rough relationship.

"Coco?" Standing in front of them, Su Ying could no longer hold on, and her body was about to fall forward.

Lan Coco rushed to support Su Ying when she saw this.

"Shadow, how did you get that?" Lan Coco asked worriedly.

"Coco, did you escape?" Su Ying asked while looking at Yun Mo, "That's right, with Grand Duke Yun around, how could you marry into the Liu family?"

Su Ying was very weak at this moment, every time she said a sentence, she had to cough up a mouthful of blood, so she thought that she had suffered a very serious internal injury.

"Aigoo, the little beauty actually found us a big beauty, is this an intentional act since we are two brothers?" The two big men also stopped and looked at Lan Coco in her pajamas, the lustful light in their eyes increasing.

"Coco, take this flower, help, help me, save, save Yanzi ... cough." Su Ying handed the strange large flower in her hand to Lan Coco.

"Yun Mo ..." Lan Ke Ke looked at Su Ying like this and did not know what to do, at this time, she could only turn to Yun Mo for help.

Yun Mo crouched down, grabbed Su Ying's wrist, and realized that half of his five organs had been destroyed, and all of his major organs were broken, so it could be said that he had suffered a very serious injury.

But this so-called serious injury in front of Yun Mo, it is still somewhat ... inadequate.