
Before my daughters were killed, I returned from the divine realm!

Emotionless God Emperor Yun Mo, in the Wuji realm to control the heavenly artifacts Yanfushanju Tu ...... One Thousand Years, Qi Practice - Foundation Building - Jindan - Yuanying - God Transformation - Transmigration - Ascension to the Wuji Spiritual Realm. Two Thousand Years, Return to the Virtual Body - Body - Mahayana - Ascension to the Wuji Immortal Realm. Three thousand years, True Immortal - Golden Immortal - Dao Ancestor - ascending to the Wuji Divine Realm. Four thousand years, God King - God Emperor - God Emperor - ascended to the throne of the Wuji Emperor. Ten thousand years, Yun Mo did not forget their own, when on earth relatives, friends ...... in this eat people do not spit out the bones of the empire, Yun Mo can only do is no end to cultivation, killing ...... to this day. The light is ten thousand feet, epoch reversal, time and space back.

DaoistOydNd4 · Fantasía
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64 Chs

Chapter 10: Going out to practice.

"Say the second thing."

Under Su Ying's expectant gaze, Yun Mo filled another cup of water for Su Ying.

"Cough~ Uh, the second thing is that I would like to apologize to you on behalf of the Su family." Su Ying said sincerely.

"Why?" Yun Mo stood up, went to the kitchen, turned off the fire, served two bowls of abalone rice porridge, and told Shishi Xinxin who was playing outside to come inside for breakfast.

Then he sat back down on the sofa and waited for Su Ying's next words.

Smell that rich fragrance, Su Ying some undeniable drool, froze for half a day, from not caring about their own food and drink Su Ying, even late night duty also just a bucket of instant noodles instead of meals, at this time the five organs of the temple, but there is some undeniable.

However, as the big sister of Fanghai City Seahawk Squad, how could Su Ying be so unstable.

Forcibly suppressing the hunger in her stomach, Su Ying continued:

"Your mother's Lido Skin Care, three years ago, was taken over by my eldest uncle's family, when your mother was taken away by your Yun family, the Lido Mansion was divided by a few of Fanghai City's leading companies, after all, there is a cheap not to take advantage of the son of a bitch ..."

Yun Mo just calmly sipped his water, not interested in any of this in the slightest.

Being happy and angry was the standard for Emperor Yun Mo.

"Aren't you angry at all?" Su Ying looked at Yun Mo.

"In this world, something that is yours is yours, and something that is not yours, if you take it, then you have to bear the karma that comes with that thing." Yun Mo rarely explained.

"Che, talk so metaphysical." Su Ying had noticed that something was wrong with Yun Mo ever since she walked in the door, and it was only then that she could see exactly what was wrong.

Yun Mo had cut his hair short, and his clothes were proper home clothes, wearing big pants and small slippers, with Yun Mo's handsome face, it was really durable.

Sure enough, yesterday at noon, he was in the cos

put it down.

"Well, your Yun family is a big family, for Qin Qing's matter, I can't find out anything, thank you for the water, it's very good." Su Ying put the empty cup on the coffee table and was about to get up and leave.

"Thank you for this." Yun Mo took out a piece of paper and scribbled some slogans.

Looking at Su Ying's breath, she was afraid that she would break through the internal strength in the past few days, but her gongfu was disorganized, so Yun Mo casually wrote down some inhalation and exhalation application techniques and handed them to Su Ying.

"What is this?" Su Ying looked at the small piece of paper suspiciously. Then, the further down she looked, the wider her eyes got, and Yun Mo was afraid that her eyes would pop out of their sockets.

"This, how do you know my gongfu route?" Su Ying asked Yun Mo with some doubt.

"It doesn't matter, does it?" Yun Mo said mysteriously.

"Uh~" Su Ying knew how precious this little piece of paper in her hand was, so she ignored Yun Mo's superficial answer.

"The Liu family will get what they deserve, don't worry, as for this invitation, take it with you." Yun Mo also served himself a bowl of congee and sat down at the table.

"The Liu family will get what they deserve, you don't need to worry, as for the invitation, take it away." Yun Mo served himself a bowl of congee as well and sat down at the table.

An invitation with his own daughter's mother's name and an unknown man's name together, Yun Mo was afraid of a momentary itch to let the Liu family go up in smoke right now.

"You're afraid?" Su Ying looked at Yun Mo with disdain.

Yun Mo did not answer Su Ying this time.

After a moment of silence, Su Ying still took away the invitation on the coffee table and silently closed the door of the mansion room and left.

"Daddy, it smells so good, can I have another bowl?" Shishi said to Yun Mo with her empty bowl.

Yun Mo lovingly gave Shishi another bowl while looking at his two daughters, slightly thinking, this can't go on ah, my Yun Mo Emperor's daughter, how can she look a little introverted it~.

So Yun Mo's mind had some ideas.After dinner, Yun Mo took Shishi and Xinxin out, rode the bus, bought clothes, went to the amusement park, and specifically went to places with lots of people to hone the two little girls' social phobia.

The effect of honing is quite obvious.

At the beginning of the two girls walking head down, do not dare to look at the streets of these unfamiliar uncles and aunts.

But because of the existence of Yun Mo, the two of them do not want to interact with strangers also have no way to ...

In a day, the temperament of the two little girls was no longer so shy.

At the same time.

Inside the Pearl Mansion in Fanghai City.

Dozens of powerful auras almost leveled the building.

If anyone from the great families of Fanghai City were here, they would have realized that almost all of the underground forces of Fanghai City, large and small, had actually gathered and were divided into two groups facing each other.

"Chen Han!"

At the front, there was a middle-aged man who looked almost identical to Chen Han, at this time, the man was furiously staring at Chen Han in front of him, he was very confused, obviously, after completely crushing him yesterday, he was lucky enough to escape to the Misty Nine Mountains, today he was trying to gather his men to search for his corpse.

I did not expect to just get the news, his own in the west of the city warehouse of a group of minions, all were terminated.

Next to the middle-aged man, is that the so-called White Cloud View Taoist priest, dressed in a fairy-like appearance, but when Yun Mo here, will see that the Taoist priest's body cultivation has been eaten up by an evil spiritual force.

He would soon become a walking corpse.

"Chen Ming, I can't imagine, good is rewarded with good and evil is rewarded with evil, those brothers in your warehouse in the west of the city, I will arrange the best coffins for them." Chen Han hugged his bubble.

Today, he came here to take back the Pearl Mansion that belonged to him, and at the same time, to clean up the Black Axe Gang.

"Your Yang life was sucked up by my pet for forty years, and you were actually able to recover overnight, it seems like you got some kind of chance." The old Taoist said calmly.

"Your Yang life has been sucked up by my pet for forty years, and you can actually recover in one night, it seems that you have gotten some kind of opportunity. The old Taoist said calmly.

No matter what opportunities he had, if I can suck your Yang Life once, I can do it a second time.

"Demon Taoist, your White Cloud Sightseeing has been full of evil for the past ten years, don't think that I don't know that almost all of the major and minor missing persons cases in Fang Hai City have something to do with your White Cloud Sightseeing. Chen Han said.

"Known to you? So what?" The old Taoist priest said with a grin.

"Not good ...," Chen Han said fearlessly.

"Haha, hahahahahaha, Chen Ming, this time, ten virgins, not too much." The old Taoist said with a lewd smile.

"Not too much, master, Chen Han is all yours, as for his men, I will help brainwash them." Chen Ming also said with a smile.

"Good, baby, your food is here again." Accompanying the words of the old Taoist priest, a cloudy wind spread within the Pearl Mansion.

The scenario was still the same.

The ghostly baby that had sucked up forty years of Chen Han's Yang life had reappeared.

Only this time, Chen Han had no fear in his heart.




Accompanied by the shocked looks of the two men, only to see Chen Han's body seemingly covered with a layer of golden light, a powerful qi energy left his body and directly shattered that ghost baby.

All the surrounding Yin Qi followed suit, disappearing without a trace.

"Qi energy leaving the body, golden light coating the body, you've actually acquired a Buddhist technique and crossed over to the Patriarch's realm?" The old Taoist priest said in shock.

"What? Martial arts sect master?"

Those who raised brats like them were most afraid of the external astral energy of the sect master and the Buddhist cultivation techniques of the Buddhist sect.

It was too bad that the old Daoist had overthought it.

Even Chen Han didn't know what the golden light that appeared outside his body meant, all Chen Han knew was that it could make him invulnerable to swords and spears.

The dregs of the pill that Yun Mo had given to Chen Han were the dregs condensed from the refinement of the Ninth Grade Body Forging Pill. As for the effectiveness of this Body Forging Dan? ...

In fact, at that time, Yun Mo was refining the elixir for a puppy under his seat to help that puppy forge a golden body with ....