
Before my daughters were killed, I returned from the divine realm!

Emotionless God Emperor Yun Mo, in the Wuji realm to control the heavenly artifacts Yanfushanju Tu ...... One Thousand Years, Qi Practice - Foundation Building - Jindan - Yuanying - God Transformation - Transmigration - Ascension to the Wuji Spiritual Realm. Two Thousand Years, Return to the Virtual Body - Body - Mahayana - Ascension to the Wuji Immortal Realm. Three thousand years, True Immortal - Golden Immortal - Dao Ancestor - ascending to the Wuji Divine Realm. Four thousand years, God King - God Emperor - God Emperor - ascended to the throne of the Wuji Emperor. Ten thousand years, Yun Mo did not forget their own, when on earth relatives, friends ...... in this eat people do not spit out the bones of the empire, Yun Mo can only do is no end to cultivation, killing ...... to this day. The light is ten thousand feet, epoch reversal, time and space back.

DaoistOydNd4 · Fantasía
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64 Chs

Chapter 1: Soul Through the Red Dust Abyss


China, Fanghai City, Sunflower Orphanage.

As a large-scale orphanage with national key funding in Fanghai City, it was currently being attacked by a group of illegally smuggled European mercenaries, and was in a state of disrepair.

Buzz~ Buzz~

A ghostly green light flickered somewhere from time to time.

Those mercenaries looked as if they had seen an incomparable treasure, and they rushed madly to the place where the light was.

"Damn it, Captain, those bastards really didn't have us in their sights."

In front of a ruin, a heavily armed soldier behind a brave woman blew the head off a mercenary.

"Cut the crap, no matter what they are and what they're here for, smuggling into China and wreaking havoc in Fanghai, I have the right to let them all meet the King of Hell, notify the Seahawk Squad and report the kill order." The woman held a sniper rifle in her hand and said to the soldiers around her.


Everyone who came along with the woman did not care about the mercenaries at that time, but rushed to help the surviving teachers as well as the children in the orphanage.

"Grandma Liu, Grandma Liu, wake up."

On the other side of the ruins, two little girls as delicate as porcelain dolls were crouching in front of a disfigured old woman, shaking the old woman's body with both hands.

It was just a pity that the Grandma Liu in their mouths had already returned to the Yellow Springs.

"Sister, is Grandma Liu dead? Her body is full of blood ..."

"No, Grandma Liu won't die, Grandma Liu said that all good people live long lives, Grandma Liu can live to be a hundred years old ... woo woo woo woo woo ..."

The two little girls look exactly the same, if you do not look closely for a few hours, is absolutely not distinguish who is the older sister, who is the younger sister, although they are less than five years old, but in the orphanage life of the girls, never than the normal family of children in the cognitive understanding of things know a little more.

Just now, a grenade exploded in front of the two girls, this Grandma Liu unhesitatingly protected the two under her body, and with her own body, withstood all the force of this explosion.

"Got the stuff, retreat!"

When the scattered mercenaries received the command in the earpiece, they all showed their abilities, and under the dazzled eyes of a group of Chinese guards, they grew wings to fly into the sky and hide from the ground.

At this time, the woman with the sniper rifle realized that these people were all originally European psychics, the equivalent of Chinese martial artists.

"Captain, the detector detected two more faint life breaths at the ruins to the east, they should be two small children." The soldier beside her held an instrument and said to the woman.

"Hurry to save them." Saying that, the two of them put their sniper rifles behind their backs and turned toward the east.

As if the sky had sensed something, at that moment, the sky above the entire Fanghai City suddenly turned dark, followed by dense thunder and torrential rain.

The wind followed suit.

Miracle happened, where the rain drops on the alien, as if encountered a strong sulfuric acid general, all lost their ability to fly in the sky wings corroded by the torrential rain, fell to the ground, recluse to the ground, as if by the crust of the earth's extrusion, alive by the land was drowned, the bones of the corpse without survival ...

Miracle happened, all stained with raindrops of the alien, as if encountered a strong sulfuric acid in general, all lost their ability to fly in the sky wings were corroded by the rainstorm, fell to the ground, recluse to the ground as if by the crust of the earth's extrusion, alive by the land to drown the bones, no survivors...

And the people of the sea eagle squad, but unaffected, it seems that this rainstorm is specialized in punishing these aberrations to come.

What was even more terrifying was that the thunder in the dark clouds was an extremely dazzling crimson color, and for a while, the sky above the Sunflower Orphanage looked like the end of the world.


Red thunder cohesion, a touch of soul composed entirely of thunder in the rapid reunion ... immediately after, through the soul as the center, bones, muscles, reunited into an extremely handsome man.

"Heh ~ heh heh heh heh ~"

The dark laughter made the Heavenly Dao of Earth tremble.

"Red Dust Abyss, even though you buried 100,000 gods, you still failed to bury me!"

A streak of refined light flowed out of the man's eyes.

"Crackle crackle~"

The man casually moved his body that had been transformed by the Meteoric Inferno Thunder and skillfully found a piece of clothing from the Divine Realm's most precious treasure, the Yan Fu Mountain Dwelling Map, before looking at the world in front of him.

"The feeling of time and space traveling back is really average, the power is not even as good as the Nine Eleven Thunder Tribulation that my Immortal Emperor ascended to God King experienced ... . No, this place is?"

The man was about to spit out some words, but when he saw the scenery in front of him, his heart was inexplicably excited.

"Fanghai City ..."

Seemingly thinking of something in general, he rushed to look at the large clock hanging on the tallest building in Fanghai City again ...

"2019 ..."

"Oh, hahahaha~ This time and space backtracking actually brought me to Earth in 2019."

In a flash, a memory was recalled from the man's mind.

The man's name was Yun Mo, in the year 2014 on Earth, when he graduated from college and went out to look for a job, he was swept into the Wuji realm by a strange space-time rift, and after ten thousand years, Yun Mo ascended to the throne of the emperor by virtue of the Divine Realm's supreme treasure, the Yanfu Mountain Dwelling Diagram.

Unexpectedly, the secret of the Yanfu Mountain Dwelling Diagram was leaked, and the three great god emperors joined hands to use the power of the Red Dust Abyss to erode people's hearts, forcing Yun Mo to self-destruct.

Accidentally, this also activated the true ability of the Yan Fu Mountain Dwelling Diagram, regressing time and space, causing Yun Mo's emperor soul to arrive in Fang Hai City on Earth in 2019.

"For ten thousand years, I have not found a way to return to Earth, I did not expect that when time regresses, space actually follows, Mother? Five years of time, you should be fine, son is back ..."

He unconsciously stepped into the air, but did not expect to step into the air.



Ten thousand meters in the air, free fall.

Ten thousand meters in the air, free fall.

Meanwhile, in front of the ruins of the Sunflower Orphanage.

The two mercenaries wondered why their own powers had vanished into thin air as their teammates fell into the hands of the Chinese one by one.

"Fark~ If we get caught by the Chinese soldiers, we're finished ..."

"Grandma Liu, wooooooo~"

When they suddenly saw the two little girls in front of them, the eyes of the two mercenaries lit up.

Chinese people are the most kind-hearted, these two little children, but their life-saving straw ah, grabbed two people as hostages, they can definitely leave China smoothly.

"Heh heh heh, two little sisters, count your blessings."

As the words fell, the two little girls looked at the two mercenaries at the same time.

"It's you, you're the ones who killed Grandma Liu, you're not good people, oooooooo~"

Since these mercenaries wore almost the same clothes, there was no difference between them in the eyes of the two little girls.

"Damn it, the old man's bull pen character has killed countless people, today he was actually accused by a child of killing a woman." The Desert Eagle in his hand was raised.

"You two, obediently go with the old man."

Looking at the mercenaries coming slowly, the two little girls immediately hugged the group, revealing deep fear in their eyes, completely unable to understand what the two mercenaries were babbling about.

"You guys, don't come over, Grandma Liu said, bad guys, bad guys will be struck by lightning." One of the little girls trembled and said.

"Struck by lightning? The whole orphanage has been bombed by the old man and his men, look at this God, apart from farting and sprinkling some water, he dares to let me be struck by lightning? Hahaha~"


"Ah~" Just as the little girl closed her eyes, thinking that the two mercenaries were going to shoot her, Yun Mo's body freefalled like the two mercenaries were being crushed into a meat cake, at the same time, the red thunder around her body was still zipping and zipping endlessly.

"What is the situation, the body can be transformed instantly, the aura recovery within the Spirit Sea is actually so slow ... Oh yes, this is after all the Earth ... realm level is not high."

Struggling to get up from the ground, Yun Mo weakly patted the dirt on his body, completely unaware that he had just returned to Fanghai City and killed two foreigners.

At that moment, all the visions in Fanghai City were lifted, and the red thunder jumped around Yun Mo's body for a few moments as he also lost his voice.

Standing here, Yun Mo, at this moment, like an ordinary person.

Only to make Yun Mo do not know is that belongs to the Yan Fu Mountain Dwelling Figure of the blue lotus, at this time is flooded with glittering blue light, in Yun Mo s shoulder gradually forming ...