
Before F.R.O.N.D.E.R: Epilogue

A US Marine and two other US Soldiers got to another world when they were working on an operation, caused by the strangeness of the location's phenomenon. They got there. These modern military personnel shortly managed to make progress in that world, and become the Lords of a Kingdom named Warsaw. However, that Kingdom's about to have a war...  This story's available on Wattpad, Scribblehub, Royal Road, Webnovel and the newly added app Inkitt.

Biller2005 · Fantasía
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94 Chs

C244: 2060 (Part 1)

C244: 2060 (Part 1)

Rigen's perspective

Right now, we are surrounded by soldiers. They aim at us, with their loaded firearms. My people are very confused and afraid. Especially Shera and Reimi, both of them keep looking around in panic.

"Get your hands in the air!". - A soldier yelled, his voice was very loud as if he was wearing a loudspeaker

"What should we do now, John?!". - My wife asked me

"We're gonna be ok, Shera". - Though I don't know if we're gonna be alright or not

"Enough yelling, soldiers!". - All of sudden, an aged man's voice came out

The yard later is filled with silence. Soldiers who were yelling previously, have now stopped and keep calm. However. Some of them are still pointing their rifles at us, especially those who stand far away from the front guys.

I'm very blind right now... I don't know where I am exactly. Or who are these people... they look... familiar?

"Sir?". - A soldier looked at the aged man, he approached him

I look at the soldier carefully, trying to catch some details in his appearance. Hmmm... he is a white guy, seems to be young, an enlisted. He wears a green military uniform with stripes, the jungle feature.

Somehow I spot the US military insignias in his uniform... he is equipped with a pistol on the left side belt. Now I look closer to his left side shoulder. Hmmm... ranked First Class Sergeant. His uniform's right side nameplate is... Lowarwitz. On the left side is a line of words, "U.S. ARMY".

"Nothing here for y'all to see!". - A woman who stood beside the aged man said out loud.  "Dismiss! Dismiss!". - She kept waving her hands, telling the US soldiers to get away from the place

I don't focus on the woman or the soldiers. But I know those boys are getting away from us, I sense they're doing it. However... some are still staring at us. Especially those who wear green combat uniforms, those guys glance at us while standing on guard.

I glance at a US guardsman, he wears black glasses while guarding the place. His mouth is chewing something... while his hand is touching his lowered rifle, an M4 carbine.

I must be calm right now. Somehow, I just got into the modern world. The world which I thought I would never have a chance to return again, even when I die. However... my eyes and my sensation are not fucking with me at all. I'm here, along with my wife and others, watching this unbelievable scene.

"Woahh...". - I accidentally saw Reimi surprised as she looked above the building

"Something is coming...". - All of sudden, my wife noticed a helicopter's blowing sounds

It comes behind us, or exactly in the sky. However, I don't care about the things they are looking at or being stunned at. My eyes, are now, focusing on the aged man. I see his face... to be... exactly mine...

I mean... he is more aged, and he is shorter. But somehow he's talking to that woman, he's whispering to her something. His eyes, I can feel him glance at me sometimes.

That aged man is a US military officer. I see he is ranked Colonel, according to his military shoulder board. After a long time speaking to the woman, they finally approach us. The aged man steps to me, facing me.

I take a little look at the young woman. She seems to be an officer as well... she wears a green military uniform for US officers. She is a white, has brown short hair to her ears, brown eyes. She looks like the aged man's bodyguard.

"Hmmm...". - He went silent a moment.  "You're not aging at all... son". - Done saying, he glanced at Hatano, as if he was surprised.  "And you are still alive as well...". - He closed his eyes, as if trying to calm down after witnessing our appearance

"Seylee, delay the go". - He ordered the woman behind him

The woman whose name is Seylee nods to the aged man. She's a Lieutenant. Right after taking the order, she raises her right wrist and stares at it. I'm figuring out what she is doing... using a thing like a smartwatch?

"Oh...". - Reimi later noticed the previous military car

(It's moving...). - Shit... she got cautious once again

(Don't be too stunned, Reimi).  (Especially... do not use Englis, tell everyone to do the same).

Everyone was using the native language Englis from the previous world... now they must change it immediately. In this modern world, we use English to communicate, not the broken "Englis" in their world.

(Everything will be okay, Shera). - I told my wife to calm down, I grabbed her hand and not letting it out

(What is it?). - She was curious about the car moving on its own

(I'll explain to you later).  (Now try to be "normal", don't make things go bad, don't be too surprised).

"I know all of you are very... confused". - The aged man said to us.  "Get in my office, we will have a little talk in there... and". - He looked at every one of us before talking once again.  "I will try to get y'all get it... I didn't expect to face this event either". - Finishing his talk, he stepped forward

"Please follow Col. Cawess". - Lt. Seeley blocked the way, she told us to turn behind to follow the man named Cawess

Cawess...? Hmmm... I got it a little bit. At first I thought we were back to my previous world, but turned out... the outcome wasn't like that.

From what I remember, this world isn't the world where I was born and lived before being summoned to Euro Grant. This world is similar to my world, but it is another dimension, a world of war.

I came here when the world was having the third world war... it's a long story to tell.

The man who is leading the road, the one is leading us to another place. He is John Cawess if I remember well. When I got to this world, he was one of the buddies in blood who fought alongside me through war and losses.

Most of the buddies died, and he was the only one who lived in the end. He seems to be aged, which means the post-war has gone away for a long time. I didn't expect to see him in the form of a military officer at all. I thought he retired and got another job.

Shera Rigen's perspective

Somehow my husband follows the aged man named Cawess. That's what I'm also doing although our members very disagree with John. We are following a man whose background and identity are unclear to us.

We are now walking inside a large white building, which seems to be built for military purposes. John is keeping up with the aged man, they are... having a few words with each other or something.

"Where are we, my Highness?". - Reimi got close to me.  "John... he is talking to the man who we don't know anything about". - She kept whispering, didn't know a guardsman was glancing at her when she passed by him

"I don't...". - I wanted to talk, but those guards kept looking at us in their curiosity.  "We will talk later... now we need to keep silent". - Both of us kept walking together

"Who are you?". - Sarah kept up with my husband and asked the man beside him.  "You two... look like... a twin?". - I agree with Sarah. My husband's face and that aged man's are too similar, the only is John is taller and younger while the man is opposite

"Talk about that later, Sarah". - John later looked behind to check on us.  "Move closer". - Then he returned to chat with the aged man

"Can you eavesdrop on him?". - I ordered Reimi to let me know my husband's conversation with Cawess

"His device blocked me from doing that". - Reimi looked at me while talking, she kept her eyes on the road when she finished

"Ohh... excuse me". - Reimi apologized to a soldier as she bumped into him while going

Turned out we went in the wrong direction because of chatting without paying attention to where we went. Although she apologized to the soldier by using English, I realized that we lack... things to communicate.

I mean... English is the language of my husband's previous world. We've learned it, we know what are these soldiers talking about as we pass them. But we can't communicate well, we lack practice and... and we often communicate in our native.

"What should we do now...?". - Reimi was a bit afraid, she immediately pushed me closer to John and kept up with the group

"Here it is...". - Col. Cawess stopped in front of a door

Instead of opening the door, the Colonel looks at the right side wall. I try to peek him... spotting him showing his face to a glowing panel closely.

All of sudden, the room's door opens on its own. My mouth opens up a bit wide, because I get surprised at what I am seeing... this is unbelievable.

"It opened on its own...!". - Reimi tapped my back a few times, feeling panicked.  "This place is so scary... uhhh...". - She looked all around, from behind to in front of her in panic

"Ohhh... sci-fi stuff". - Sarah wasn't stunned to see that thing at all. She even looked at the panel as if she was interested in it

"Sci-fi...?". - Reimi and I stared at each other, trying to figure out its meaning

"But it's dark inside, isn't it?". - Hatano asked the Colonel.  "Hmmm... it will turn on...?". - Hatano later stepped inside the room which was covered in black

"Woahhhh...!".  "Look look...!". - I know, Reimi! I know!

To be honest, I'm holding back my emotions as John ordered me to do. I'm very surprised to see those things since we were outside till we got into this white building.

But the thing which makes me surprised the most, isn't the belongings of this building or its around people. I feel very surprised at my husband's and his subordinates' behaviors. They do surprised, but not as much as exaggerated as Reimi.

They do surprise too, but not stunned at all. As if John and his subordinates are familiar with these superior things. Somehow it makes me come to a conclusion. Well... could this be John's previous world?

"Seeley, coffee". - Col. Cawess ordered the woman to come into the room

"Alright, Sir". - She went in swiftly like a wind

"All of you look like coming from the stone age".  "Giggles". - The man talked to my husband after looking at us for a while, then he giggled

A moment later, my husband and his subordinates walk inside the room. So do Reimi and me, we follow from behind.

"Woahh...". - Reimi raised her forearm to cover her eyes because the light was very bright

I'm thinking about looking around the room. And if I can, I want to try something, like touching and examining things in this office room. However... I'm afraid that I will cause trouble. Although surrounded by new things, I don't dare to look for one to examine.

I was about to approach my husband... but I stopped. Because I see him sitting on a table... opposite the Colonel. Though they don't talk much, I feel that John and this Colonel are good friends or sort of that. I feel that.

They are sitting at the table, and are waiting for Lt. Seeley's service. That's about John and the aged man. Hatano and Sarah are walking around the room so causally. There's a bookshelf on the right side, Hatano and Sarah are approaching it.

"This room... is big, isn't it?". - Reimi was looking above while speaking to me

"It's an average one... but the furniture". - I looked around the room, I felt the way its furniture was set was quite well-made and convenient.  "It's perfect, they set things fit in such a room like this, from every corner".

"I wonder where we have gotten lost, my Highness".

Yeah, Reimi. I also wonder like you, about this mysterious place, it's strange. We were running away from my brother. And somehow we got here all of sudden.

Honestly, I'm still nervous about this place. Now I only have John and Reimi to be my only relatives... I've separated from my parents, my uncle, my homeland and my brother. This time... I just want to have a happy family.

"What if we can't return?".

"I won't happen". - I told her to calm down.  "Remember... maybe it will be like the way we met John". - I asked her to look at my husband.  "Goddess sent him and those girls to us, maybe... she intentionally sent us here".

Reimi nods after hearing my explanation. Maybe the Goddess intentionally sent us here... that's my theory. However, I don't believe much in my theory...

"What's she doing...?". - Reimi pointed to Lt. Seeley

I look in that direction... I can see the woman standing before a... box? I don't know. The box is placed on a small table, made from... I don't know either. But I see brown liquids pour down the cups which are put on a plate.

"At first... this room was very... dark". - Reimi looked at me after looking above.  "Somehow it got shiny, very bright when we got in...". - She approached a wall.  "What's the material that made this room?". - She rubbed her finger on a side of the wall.  "Not from wood... bricks?".

"Not many windows are here too". - I stepped to her position.  "You feel the air is good, don't you?". - I raised my hand, feeling the coolness of the room... it's weird

"They don't use the power from the outside wind". - Reimi was figuring out why the Colonel's room did not have many windows.  "The long box on the roof...? It makes... cold?". - She pointed to the roof

I look up, and see a yellow long box placed on the roof. I look at its surface, it has a line of cover, as if to open and close when it's needed. Maybe the cold came out of it.

"It's... an air conditioner". - Reimi's Advisor suddenly spoke up

"Air conditioner?". - I got confused

"In short, it changes the room's temperature... there's needless to use the outside sources".

"How could they...?". - Reimi kept looking at the air conditioner with her surprise. She was also trying to figure out how it works

"There isn't a torch or a lantern in the room...?". - Then she looked around once again.  "That shining thing makes the white light, right?". - Reimi stopped looking around, she focused on a bright thing

"It's an electricity light...".  "Don't look straight at it, it's harmful to your eyes".

"You do... familiar with them?". - I asked Advisor


"Is this John's world?". - We could've been brought to his previous world, I think

"From the outside... it does look like it".  "But it's different from the inside".

"Don't ask me, I don't know much about it".  "Though I don't know what world we have just gotten in... at least we came to United States".  "This is John's homeland from what I know".

"Hey, get here". - All of sudden, John called us

We turn around and see others waiting. John's waiting for me or something, there's a seat on the couch that he wants me to sit on. Hatano and Sarah are still surrounding the bookshelf. Maybe they will join us later.

(I'm sorry... I was just a bit). - I came to my husband).  (A bit... confused... sorry, John). - Then I sat on the couch, beside my dear husband

"Your friends speak a strange language, Sergeant". - The aged man talked to me.  "Young lady... just feel free at home, don't like this one". - He pointed to Reimi, who was standing behind the couch to guard me

"Nod...". - Feeling unfamiliar with things, I wrapped my husband's hand tighter and got closer to him

"Here you go". - Lt. Seeley came before us. She put down on the table every cup of brown liquid

"You're too slow... fix it". - Col. Cawess felt unhappy with his subordinate

Lt. Seeley nods to her superior, she immediately stays away. She gets to the room's door, standing with her back pressing on the door. She puts her hands together, straight standing.

"Stop roaming around". - John reminded Sarah and Hatano, as if he wanted them to gather before him

"Sorry, Commander". - Sarah returned to us with a black-covered book in her hand

"Did someone... write it for fun? It's so detailed written...". - She put the book on the table

I look at the black-covered book, and I focus on its title, which words are written in red color. This color seems to be put here to catch the eyes of readers or something.

"Third World War: The Timeline Of Events - Untold Truths And Lies" - That's the book's name. Its below following is "Vladimir Vritalvasky" - it seems to be the author of the book.

"What did you find it in?". - John asked her

"Japanese fishing boats sink Chinese warships". - Later she saw someone picking up the book that she dropped earlier.  "Ahhh, sis!". - Hatano opened the book to its first page

"Excuse me, Sir". - She sat beside Col. Cawess.  "...". - She silently read the book, she did not care about our existence

"The events in the book are real... ummm... Private". - Done saying, the Colonel enjoyed the brown liquid cup.  "Enjoy coffee if you like". - He drank a little bit before putting it down on the table

"Ah, sorry". - Sarah sat beside my husband.  "I don't get it". - Very opposite to old Sarah, now she is quite grown up and more serious than before

I immediately get on the corner of the couch. I pull my husband with me to the corner while paying attention to Sarah's nervous question. Col. Cawess listens to her story till the end of the line, all the things. He sighs a little bit, and then returns looking.

"Alright...". - He looked at every one of us.  "Shall we...? Begin, right now...?".

"Nod". - John nodded, asking the Colonel to begin

"Right...". - He took a breath.  "Why don't we... introduce ourselves first? The story will be quite long to tell".

"Me first". - He nodded to us.  "I'm Colonel John Hawkrey Cawess, I co-command the-".  "Sorry... I should say in short". - He started again. 

"I'm Colonel John H. Cawess".  "Sergeant John Rigen is a friend of mine". - He glanced at my husband with his hopeful eyes, as if telling us John was his long-time no-see friend.  "He fought alongside me through the war... that's a long story to tell y'all".

"Sergeant John Rigen from the US Marines... his friend...". - My husband introduced in short

"Well... I'm Sarah Hatano, from the United States Army". - Sarah put her hand on the middle of her chest during her introduction.  "I don't know how did you two meet each other...".  "But nice to see you, Colonel Cawess...".

"Shizuka Hatano, US Army, Private, his subordinate". - Hatano introduced herself while her eyes and her mind were still sticking in the book

"Ummm... me?". - Reimi pointed to herself

"Nod". - I nodded

"Ummm...". - Don't worry, Reimi! You can speak English well, try to get used to it

"Just introduce your name and say you're her bodyguard". - My husband whispered to Reimi

"Nod". - She nodded, gazing at the Colonel.  "I'm... Reimi Frieden... and... uhhh...". - You can do this, Reimi.  "You understand what I'm saying?".

"Nod". - All of us nodded

"This name... I heard of it somewhere". - The Colonel took his entire coffee cup while thinking about Reimi.  "You two seem to be some sort of relationship... sisters?". - He asked us.  "Sorry, continue, you're doing well".

"I'm just Her Hig-, ummm... I mean I'm Shera's bodyguard". - Right after finishing introducing herself, Reimi stood guard seriously to cover her embarrassment

"About me...". - I was thinking about what to say.  "I'm Shera Rigen, I'm his wife". - I wrapped my husband's hand tighter than ever.  "Nice to meet you". - Then I reached my hand to the Colonel's

From what I heard from my husband, his homeland has a tradition of "shaking hand" as greeting people. I want to show my respect toward my husband's old friend.

"Just get straight to the point". - John suddenly grabbed my hand and lowered it, he held it very tight.  "Hear it, Caw?". - My husband is jealous...? But there's no need to act that way, it's just a handshake

All of sudden, I notice something odd in the Colonel's look. He seriously glances at me and John, as if to figure out something. Maybe... he's surprised to see my young appearance, maybe I am right. He must be wondering how could my husband have a young wife.

"I hope you did not pick her from somewhere...". - He whispered alone.  "Sorry, well... I will tell y'all about my relationship with Sgt. Rigen".  "I will brief it, will cut short the unnecessary details".

"Alright...". - He looked straight, sharpening his voice before telling us the story

"Today is August 27th, 2060...".  "23 years ago, he suddenly appeared... we found him and he started fighting with us". - Then the Colonel stared at my husband.  "He claimed... he came from a world which is similar to ours...". - Then he glanced at Hatano.  "I didn't believe him at first... but now it makes sense... right in front of me".

"So... maybe it's time to cut some details". - He stopped looking at Hatano, only focused on John.  "We fought together... through many things... and... the war ended". - Then he looked up the roof.  "Sigh...". - Done sighing, he looked down

"Many people died...". - He suddenly stopped his words.  "John suddenly vanished in front of me".  "And... he vanished, I couldn't do anything else but moved on".  "I have a wife, I have kids... and time passed in a blink of an eye...".  "Now I see him again, that's all I can brief".

"Okay...". - I made a slight nod after hearing the brief

"What's about the war...?". - Sarah asked the man

"I don't want to... sorry, I privately don't want to say much about it". - Col. Cawess lowered his face, his fingers kept opening and closing

"That's the war you fought, Commander?". - Sarah pointed to the book that Hatano was reading, she questioned John


"Would you mind if I...?".

"If you want...". - The Colonel allowed Sarah to take some books to examine

She immediately heads to the bookshelf to grab more books outside. Reimi's eyes follow Sarah, she is curious about what this subordinate is doing. About me. I notice John and Cawess look at each other a few times. Their eyes seem to be sorrowful... but I cannot fathom their feelings.

"Uhhh...". - The Lieutenant got up, getting off the table.  "Ummmm... just feel free at home, I have things to do". - He later approached Lt. Seylee slowly.  "Shit... fuck...". - He stopped as he was about to reach her

Earlier, I hadn't noticed... but now I have. I see Colonel is struggling in walking, he grunts a little bit before reaching his subordinate.

"B28...?". - John asked the struggling walking Colonel

"Yeah...". - His voice was a bit frustrated.  "That recollection makes the previous pain more good...".  "Fuck everything...". - The Colonel got outside while his subordinate stood guard inside the room

When the Colonel has gone away, the table area experiences a long silence. Hatano is reading. Sarah is searching for books, she sits right on the floor, nearby the bookshelf to read things.

Only Reimi and I are having other purposes. Our attention points toward John - who now is also silent, as if he is thinking about something. Something which we cannot fathom... something we can only know if we get inside his mind to read it.

"John...". - I whispered to my husband.  "Come here...". - Then I hugged him, trying to comfort him.  "You alright?".

"Nod". - John nodded while hugging me.  "I want to be...". - He suddenly went silent.  "Nothing...". - He kept hugging me, about to cry

"I don't get it yet, my Lord". - Reimi, now he needs to be alone and someone to understand him.  "Please explain how did you meet the man an-". - She stopped speaking as she spotted me glance at her.  "Sorry... forget what I was saying...".

John suddenly gets his hands off me. He points to a seat, like he is asking Reimi to take a seat. Reimi sits opposite us.

"It happened on the day I stopped the ceremony...".

"Oh". - I remembered it

"I understand, my Lord, you returned from the future". - That's the story John told us a long time ago, Reimi

"After the explosion, like all of you have known about...".  "We were sucked in the range of the magic... I lived with Shera for 6 years". - John suddenly stopped his words.  "Something bad happened to the world... and the Goddess asked me to get in this dimension, I mean this world".  "That's how I met him... I stayed in this world for 4 years before returning".

Later I give my husband a light hug. Although I cannot understand what is his real feelings of loss, I still try to understand and comfort him. All of sudden, Sarah returns to the seat. She might have listened to John's confession.

"You never explained to me why you stopped the ceremony...". - She tapped on my husband.  "I understand it, Commander... losing your buddies must be very rough".

"Now I want to be alone...". - John told us to give him some alone moments

"Okay...". - Then I stared at Reimi

"Nod". - Reimi got off the chair

"I will always be here... please tell me if you need anything".  "Kiss...". - I kissed his cheek before getting off the couch

Hatano and Sarah are automatically off the couch despite hearing no given order. They later approach the bookshelf and sit right before it, reading things. Reimi doesn't know what to do next. So do I... I only want to stay beside my husband.

He needs help, but he ordered us to let him be alone. Somehow... maybe I will examine something in this office room. I will stay nearby my husband as always.

"Reimi, guard him". - I whispered to Reimi

She nods to me before heading back to the seat, guarding John's back. Well... I hope my husband won't feel she is unpleasant to him. My eyes keep gazing at my husband for a few seconds, then I turn around to come to Sarah.

I stop before Sarah - who is standing with her back tilting to the wall. She's reading a book, I glance at its cover and realize it's also a book with the content of "world war". Hatano, she stays muted completely while reading, she's very odd.


"Yes...?". - One of her eyes glanced at me while the book was still in her mind

"May I... ask you something?".


"Is this your world...?".  "I mean...". - I must remember their world's name.  "Earth?".

"It does look like it, Princess...". - Then Sarah showed me a flipped page of the book.  "But our world doesn't have anything like this".  "This kind of world war, we thought of it but it never happened".  "I mean World War III, it never happened in our world". - Then she closed the book before I could see anything else in detail

"But you're similar to this world, aren't you?". - I showed her the furniture in the room.  "Look... your world also has those things?".

"It's our daily life's stuff...". - Suddenly, she pointed to the metal box that made coffee previously.  "But these things look more modern than ones in my place".  "Like this coffee vending machine". 

"Sorry, Princess... I don't know how to explain". - She later gave me the book that she hadn't finished reading.  "Everything... it's just like a parallel world like ours". - Then she stepped toward Seeley's position.  "See you later".  "At least this country is United States, our home".

She looks so free and unguard though she's in a strange place and strange environment.

"Lieutenant". - Suddenly, I heard Sarah's voice

I look at her. Turns out she's giving the Lieutenant a military salute. Then she cheerfully grabs her hand, although the woman's face is calm and serious looking. Maybe I should focus on my things, I guess. I take a look at the green book's cover.

"Hey...". - Her voice kept calling the woman.  "Could you guide me how to use it?".

"Needs his approval...". - Lt. Seeley answered Sarah with a serious voice

Later I start ignoring their conversation. I focus on the green book which Sarah gave me previously. It's interesting. Now I'm trying to get used to this language. I can understand the meanings in the book, but I need to practice more to speak the language fluently.

The book is long. I decide to flip the pages, one by one till it reaches the table of contents. Hmmm... while flipping the books, I stopped by a few times to enjoy the detailed illustrations.

I saw color illustrations, they showed me troops marching or fighting. Those illustrations were very real, as if they were snapped by a camera and being put in the book.

Those are war scenes... everything looks so real and very detailed. I don't look up the book much but close it. Now I stay silent... I want to think about something.

According to Advisor and Sarah, this place looks similar to their world. Despite containing similar things from the outside looks, this world is a completely different world from theirs... hmmm.

It's quite complicated for me to understand. I'm now a bit worried... I'm imagining the scenario when I can't return to my previous world.

Maybe I should calm down a little bit. There's no need to be concerned... I must think this is just a trip, some sort of it. John and his subordinates were brought into my world... the same thing could also happen to me. And it did.

"Yeah... someday I will return...".  "Yeah...". - I talked to myself, telling myself to believe more in my theory

Maybe I should return to John right now.

I put the book in a gap in the bookshelf. Hatano is still reading as always, I think I should ignore her existence. Hmmmm... although there are many new things in the room I want to touch. I think I shouldn't be too curious.

"He's better, my Highness". - Reimi informed me as I got to her

"Hey, John". - I sat on the couch, immediately wrapped my husband to comfort him

"I'm fine, Shera".

Reimi Frieden's perspective

Maybe I should give Her Highness and her husband their private moments. Shortly, I turn around and glance at Sarah. She's focusing on hearing Lt. Seeley's explanation or something.

"Umm... nod... nod". - She kept nodding while watching the way the woman showed her the way of using the device

That device has black color, it wraps around her right wrist and its small green glows in blue. That's all I can understand, it looks like John's digital watch, but looks more new and... detailed.

"Oh, Sir". - All of sudden, the Lieutenant stayed away from the door. Col. Cawess went inside the room

Sarah later approaches me and stays guard. The Colonel and the Lieutenant are having a small conversation, I guess. After a few seconds of chatting, Lt. Seeley glances at the device. I see her opening her mouth, as if she is talking to the digital watch.

"Alright, everybody listen up". - She put her hand down, later said out strongly.  "I know this is so sudden... but all of you are invited to his house".

"Hear me, Sergeant". - Col. Cawess later spoke up.  "Maybe we will have more talk in the car".  "Today I'm off, I was about to visit my house and you came". - Then he approached John.  "Follow me when you're ready... alright? Change your clothes". - Later he returned to see Lieutenant Seeley

"We have costumes for them, right?".

"Yes, Sir".

"Good". - Then he returned to look at us.  "Women follow her to the changing room". - Then he tapped on John's right shoulder.  "You follow me, son...". - All of sudden, he stared at my below body

Or more right to say... he's looking at my belt. What's wrong with him? I only carry weapons in my leather belt.

"Everyone... y'all need to know that carrying weapons is not allowed". - He explained to me, asking me to disarm

"But why?". - I asked him

"Hey, listen to me a bit". - John later tapped my shoulder.  "This place... is a bit different from yours".  "Except for the active military personnel, civilians aren't allowed to carry weapons".

I don't know how to decide, my eyes glance at Her Highness and see her nod. Hmmm... alright.

Right after the incident, we disarm our weapons and then follow Lt. Seeley to the changing room.