
Chp1p3 The Primordial figure

I take a seat on my sofa trying get a grip on reality only this is reality I'm fucking looking at the impossible as I get my grip I then ask so what am I supposed to do here?

You must tell me what it is you wish- if it's wishes you get 10 in number if it's just service then no need cause wishes or not we are bonded now bub:) he said with chagrin

Huh? Bonded! What in the whaaa

Yes Aric we are bonded look at the center of your chest I then in a worried hurry look and am shocked to see infinity symbol tattooed on my FUCKING chest What the hell. That symbol is me bonded to you for well...eternity the figure says. So you said in service you mean your my servant. yes... Aric I am if that's how you wanna put it, but right now we are in the stage called the Prime connection where u will make your wishes, and give me a name. So these ten wishes do they come with a catch? I ask with worry:(

A catch? He responds looking confused...

Ya like if I wish for infinite money it turns out all the money is coming from others! Meaning I'm stealing and find out after being arrested!!!

Hahahaha he starts laughing like it's the most absurd thing he has ever heard.

No no no nothing like that. Even if you wish to ascend to what you call a god it can happen and that's only 1 wish. It could be to destroy the universe and restart it and it's infinite glory.

Your lying that's the most absurd thing it's unfathomable to even have the thought that it's possible.

With me my soon to be master Aric Allion nothing is impossible

I’m gonna try out certain writing styles to see which style fits also I will start to type via laptop rather then cellphone I’m sure it’s waaaay easier teeehee

Warm regards

Zarion116creators' thoughts