

Eighteen years ago ,she was sacked from his presence .Wandering about the streets of Los Angeles ,she swore to keep his baby away from him . Eighteen years later ,he runs into a street girl in rags with his car . Three hours later ,Jakes Riddles gets the information that the street girl he ran into with his car is his daughter . Rushing to the hospital to confirm the information ,he finds out that she has escaped from the hospital . Deploying all measures and going against all boundaries ,he finds and nabs her and brings her home as his adoptive daughter in order to have rights over her . He feared that she might run away again if she comes to know that he is her biological father who abandoned both she and her mother ; Eloise Jenkins . He says , "henceforth you are my daughter and you must do as I say ....!" She also replies , "you have no rights over me because you adopted me to replace your dead daughter ,am I not right dad...?"She asked , sarcastically. BECOMING A TYCOON'S DAUGHTER OVERNIGHT is a whole pack of action ,power and wealth and crushing hearts . See how Susana Jenkins ; a street girl , who later transforms to become Monalisa Susana Jenkins Riddles is introduced overnight as the daughter of the multi - time billionaire tycoon ; Jakes Riddles in front of all the media persons of Los Angeles and worldwide . How will Jakes Riddles ; the rich , tall ,suave , handsome , quick-tempered and arrogant CEO of the Riddles Corporation succumb to his daughter's needs in humility ? Everyone bows to his feet without questions but will his strange daughter question him about his actions ? "Nobody has the right to question me ....!" Jakes angrily says . “Well I have the right daddy! ....” Susana answers back with confidence . How will the daring daughter and her arrogant father relate ? BECOMING THE TYCOON'S DAUGHTER OVERNIGHT.... Don't miss out on any chapter of this amazing story because it contains all you need to entertain you .... Follow me on Instagram @Sunnyrays_17 and @Sun_ nylovers for all your updates .

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Chapter Thirty Four ..The heiress

"You are just replacing me with your daughter so don't forget that mister .I hate you for what you've done !"Suzzy run upstairs in tears and shut her door behind her .

She sat behind the door all soaked up in tears .

Once she left ,Jakes found himself breaking into tears .

He never expected Suzzy to be so harsh but then ,he couldn't blame her for loving her mother and her memories so much ."Had she known that there was no Monalisa Riddles rather ,she was the one ,I guess she would have understood !"Jakes gave it a second thought . Monalisa was the name of Jakes' elder sister who passed away at age seven .She was battled by alot of diseases which included terminal liver cancer .

The doctors who took care of her couldn't continue any further because there was no way she was going make it .

During the time Monalisa battled for her life ,Jakes who was been diagnosed with end stage heart failure from heart valve disease needed a heart transplant .

Since Monalisa had only four days to live ,her heart was transplanted into her brother's so that he could live .Jakes was only five years old then when his sister passed away .

His parents ; Dora and Peter then moved from Albany in New York City and settled in Boston Massachusetts so that Jakes could forget about his sister's untimely death .

When he was nine ,his parents then moved from Boston Massachusetts and settled in Santa Monica in Los Angeles County .

Every year ,an anniversary vigil is held for her .

For this reason ,Jakes thought that if ever he had a daughter , he would name her Monalisa so that his sister sees that she and her ultimate sacrifice has not been forgotten ."Mona ,even until today ,you still remain in my heart ! Your niece will get used to the name too .I promise to always keep her happy! "Jakes moved straight into his study and spoke to his sister's painting .The same painting on the acrylic wall panel of Suzzy's bathroom ."You've helped me alot sis .Your niece believes that you are my lost daughter .Thank God we look so alike and it did appear that Suzzy took right after that and so temporarily ,you became my daughter ,ha !

I love you Mona ,you are still in my heart and my memories just like Eloise and dad ."After calming himself down ,he received a call from his mother ,Dora Armstrong Riddles .She had now settled in Saint Petersburg ,Russia because of her tourist lifestyle .She solely took care of Jakes when his father and her husband ; Peter Riddles passed away .After Peter passed away and Jakes left with Meredith to Australia ,Dora became the heroine in keeping all of the Riddles ' Cooperation because she knew Jakes wasn't prepared to manhandle the corporation .

Dora became wild in protecting Riddles Cooperation and her son's inheritance because of the way his uncles wanted to use devious ways to take away everything from them .

After Jakes returned from Australia ,she resigned and Jakes took over as president of Riddles Cooperation . When Jakes got married to Eloise ,she gave them her blessings .

She then moved to stay in Ottawa in Canada and from Ottawa ,she moved to settle in Moscow in Russia .

To fit into her tourist pleasure ,she has finally settled in Saint Petersburg in Russia .

This gave her an exquisite joy but since she wasn't growing any younger ,her joy would only be complete once she had her grandchild in her hands .

Her expectations were shattered and her joy was crashed as her son Jakes sent Eloise away because of his anger .When Dora heard this ,she couldn't help but reprimand her son ."Eloise was a good woman ,she could control your anger issues and love you like no one does but now ,what have you gained by losing her ,huh ? You are such a jerk Jakes , a real jerk !"Dora reprimanded her son .Jakes still remembered the countless number of times his mother slapped him and stayed angry at him for Eloise's issue. Since Dora knew the pain of losing a daughter ,she always pictured her lost daughter Monalisa in Eloise .The incident with Eloise made Dora feel as if she had lost a daughter for the second time .

Dora asked Jakes to go and bring Eloise back not caring about how he would do it before they'd be on good terms . She left for Russia afterwards .As it's said ,a mother's love knows no bounds ,she reconciled with her son and from time to time she visits him and vice versa .

Though Dora loved Eloise alot ,she needed a grandchild .

She needed an heir or heiress to keep their family lineage going and so she began putting pressure on Jakes to get married again .

Jakes constantly refused his mother's proposal to marriage .

Dora stubbornly kept sending women of all types to his villa to see if he would find interest in any of them but he didn't .

He always sent them away .

He refused his mother's every move . Dora couldn't understand why amongst all his mistresses ,he couldn't get any pregnant to continue their family lineage .

She didn't know that those ladies who claimed to be Jakes' mistresses were never touched by him , instead ,he paid them off to entertain him with music and dance .

She feared that all her efforts would be in vain if there's no heir or heiress to inherit all their hard work .

Her worries broke down when Jakes told her about Suzzy .

Her happiness was unexplainable as she sobbed in tears of joy over the phone ."I knew Eloise was just the perfect lady for you .Even after her demise ,she left behind an heiress to carry on with our family lineage !

I was never wrong about accepting her into our home and lives the first day I saw her !

My hospitality towards her was worth it son!

Even though it hurts that she's no more with us ,I'm happy there's an heiress of our own blood !"