

Eighteen years ago ,she was sacked from his presence .Wandering about the streets of Los Angeles ,she swore to keep his baby away from him . Eighteen years later ,he runs into a street girl in rags with his car . Three hours later ,Jakes Riddles gets the information that the street girl he ran into with his car is his daughter . Rushing to the hospital to confirm the information ,he finds out that she has escaped from the hospital . Deploying all measures and going against all boundaries ,he finds and nabs her and brings her home as his adoptive daughter in order to have rights over her . He feared that she might run away again if she comes to know that he is her biological father who abandoned both she and her mother ; Eloise Jenkins . He says , "henceforth you are my daughter and you must do as I say ....!" She also replies , "you have no rights over me because you adopted me to replace your dead daughter ,am I not right dad...?"She asked , sarcastically. BECOMING A TYCOON'S DAUGHTER OVERNIGHT is a whole pack of action ,power and wealth and crushing hearts . See how Susana Jenkins ; a street girl , who later transforms to become Monalisa Susana Jenkins Riddles is introduced overnight as the daughter of the multi - time billionaire tycoon ; Jakes Riddles in front of all the media persons of Los Angeles and worldwide . How will Jakes Riddles ; the rich , tall ,suave , handsome , quick-tempered and arrogant CEO of the Riddles Corporation succumb to his daughter's needs in humility ? Everyone bows to his feet without questions but will his strange daughter question him about his actions ? "Nobody has the right to question me ....!" Jakes angrily says . “Well I have the right daddy! ....” Susana answers back with confidence . How will the daring daughter and her arrogant father relate ? BECOMING THE TYCOON'S DAUGHTER OVERNIGHT.... Don't miss out on any chapter of this amazing story because it contains all you need to entertain you .... Follow me on Instagram @Sunnyrays_17 and @Sun_ nylovers for all your updates .

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Chapter Eighty Nine ..regrets of actions

"Mum ! dad ..! "Irene and Chance turned to see their daughter behind them .

"Criza ,what are you doing here ? Who told you we were here , huh ? "Irene asked , after hugging her daughter .

"It's all over the news ,I saw them drag Greg from the college into the police car and so I knew you'd definitely be here .I came here to help you!"Criza said to her parents .

"My dear ,we appreciate your help but trust me ,your mum and I won't stop till we get your brother out of here .

So right now ,do your superhero dad a favour and please go home with the driver .

We will update you about everything concerning your big brother's issue .Trust daddy ,you are too young to be here ."Chance convinced his daughter to go home and grab some rest .

"Okay dad ,if you say so but please promise me that you will get my brother home by tonight ,okay ?

Mum ,I love you .See you at home with big bro tonight .

I'd have nanny prepare all his best and delicious meals to welcome him .

I will leave now .."Criza left with the driver .

As all the attorneys gathered at the senior inspector's office ,he finally came to give them the news they've been waiting for .

"Attorneys ,I've tried my best but I'm sorry ,your clients can't get a bail out today and I hope you know that tomorrow is a weekend and it means that they can't get a bail tomorrow or the next day after .

However , Chairman Riddles has proceeded to getting this case to the judicial level and the judge has accepted the case which means your clients will go on a juvenile trials and if they are found guilty of their crimes ,they will be sentenced to months in the juvenile prison !"The senior inspector said and the attorneys after debating so much got no appeal and so they broke this sad news to their client's parents .

"Mum ,is there any news ? Will I get out of here ?

Dad ,say something !"Doreen asked her parents who held her hands tightly in the bars .

"My dear ,your case has been proceeded to the judicial level ."Aaron broke the sad news to Doreen who shed tears behind the bars .

"Does this mean that I will be trialed and sentenced into a juvenile prison ?

No dad ,I know I made a mistake but please ,I don't want to go juvenile prison .

You just let me talk to Mona's dad for once and I know he will stop this .I can talk to him to change his mind and after that we will go out of this country forever ."Doreen shivered behind the bars as her parents cheered her up .

"Don't worry Doreen ,your dad and I won't stop till we get you out of here .We will surely appeal for this .You won't go to the juvenile jail ,I promise you that ."Francisca cheered her daughter up before excusing themselves for Debbie's parents to talk to her .

"I heard everything that aunty Francisca and uncle Aaron told Doreen and I know that you will surely tell me the same thing .

I'm sorry for all this trouble ,mum and dad .Forgive me because I never listened to you ,if not ,I wouldn't have been behind the bars .

So sorry mum ! sorry dad!."Debbie apologized in tears to her parents but Paul and Sylvia assured her that they will stop at nothing to get her out .

"My name is Nadine Quin and I don't easily give up but all the same thank you mama and you too papa for all your love .Thank you too my loving elderly brothers for your love because being here has made realized how important you all are in my life .

I love you all so much .."Nadine said to her entire family .

"So all you are saying is that you can't get me out tonight ,huh ?!

If those useless attorneys can't get me a bail then fire them and get me proper attorneys to bail me out of here !

I'm getting suffocated in here because this place stinks and I can't breath ! I hate the stench of their sweats !

I've been brought in the midst of thieves and murderers and I'm nothing like them!

I'm Erica Montgomery and this stinking place doesn't suit me !

The pungent stench from this damn a**hole cell is killing me and it's making me want to puke !

Argh !! Mum ,get me out of here and if you and dad can't carry out such a simple task for me ,then get lost from my sight !

You both disgusts me ! "Erica talked rudely to her mother and went back to sit down in her corner while Nadine , Debbie and Doreen also sat at a different corner while the inmates who were also in the cell discussed and laughed amongst themselves .

"Hey ! Get up and come and fan me , it's too hot inside here !"The boss in the cell ordered Erica .

"What ! you must be crazy ,do you know who I am ?! "Erica asked , audaciously .

"Yes ,we all know who you are .You are also a thief like us haha !.."They laughed at Erica .

"You think we care about who you are ,huh ?

Hey little bastard ! you speak anyhow to your rich parents at home and they don't teach you a lesson for your stupidity but over here ,we don't care about your wealth !

You are just like us ,we are all equal ,it seems you have soft hands , come and massage my back for me !"The boss ordered .

"Hey old hag ! you can't ask me to do as you please .So if you have nothing doing ,shut up your mouth and sleep! Stupid old stinking lady ! argh ! "Erica whispered to herself and stood up to hold the cell bars .

From behind ,two of the inmates grabbed her ,tied her hand behind with a rope and pushed a rag into her mouth and dropped her like a package in front of their boss .