
Becoming The Guardian of the Gates of Anarchy

"I'm just a normal girl..." Chelsea Caves never thought much of life, to her it was always boring. Living with a foster family and having a benefactor who she knew was her father hardly seemed interesting. But when she finds out the truth about her mother and also that she has a secret responsibility to guard one of the hidden gates which keep uncontrollable evil from entering the world, she has to admit life is not as boring as she thought. She and a new friend have to find the other five Keepers who can close them when other dark forces try to open them. Its not easy but its a race against time and Chelsea has to get some answers along the way. Its not exactly easy with her new trainer but, hey, what can she do? Can she face the dangers that are emerging from the gates? Read to find out. Disclaimer: cover background isn't mine it's from Pinecrest.

Artz_Kohai · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs


Chelsea felt the wind rush by her as she fell through what seemed like a never ending hole. The temperature dropped with every descent, she became unsure if the sound she was hearing was her scream or the shrill piercing sound coming from the abyss.  Soon the  darkness gave way, the ground came into sight and they were hurtling down towards it. Chelsea closed her eyes and continued screaming.


The screaming continued,

"Chelsea snap out of it." Justin called

She opened her eyes, and slowly stopped screaming and looked down. They were floating several feet in the air, no more falling. Good. But now, she had questions.

"What's happening and why aren't we on the ground and possibly dead?" She asked, putting on her glasses. She saw Tony moving about enjoying whatever was going on.

"We're in the realm of discord" Justin answered, "this place is basically chaos, no rules, no laws and nothing makes sense."

"Nice,no law of gravity," Tony exclaimed dancing about some more.


Chelsea didn't really pay attention to more detail, she was overwhelmed by how she was staring at the ground from sky view, "This is amazing."

"I know, right? Check me out I'm a super hero." Tony struck an heroic pose in mid air.

"Come on kiddies,  we've got work to do." Justin said floating downwards. Tony took chelsea's hand,

"Let's go"

"How come you're so cool about this?" She asked, keeping an eye on Justin to take note of which way to go.

"I don't know. Its really exciting and different, two things I like."

"But we could also die. You may never see your mum or another turntable again."

"Nice pun."

"Thanks, but I'm serious." They finally reached the ground, she was glad that her were once again on solid land.

"I know we'll be okay and get out of here alive, so why worry?"

"How do you know that?"

"Cause Justin seems to know what he's doing"

"I do not have any idea what I'm doing." Justin cut in.

"What?!" Chelsea and Tony exclaimed in unison.


Justin laughed, "Just kidding."

Chelsea saw something in his eyes that said otherwise. "Excuse us, Tony."

She pulled Justin aside, "Tell me you know where we're going," she said in a whisper.

"I do, its just that-"

Everything began to tremble violently,  the skies turned red and the scream began again, "Its just that," Justin continued, "every thing in this place is an obstacle. We have to find the key and get out of here in the next hour."


"Let's just say this place becomes a vacuum. No air."

Tony had been listening to their conversation but he acted calm amidst the chaos around him. "Which way do we go?"

"Yeah Justin. Which way do go?" Chelsea asked skeptical.

Justin rolled his eyes, "I don't know, but Tony does."

"We are so doomed." Chelsea mumbled to herself, scanning where they were standing. A large plain with no grasses, surrounded with large hills and mountains.

"Tony, now I want you to concentrate, are you feeling anything?"

"Like what?" Tony asked in response to Justin's instruction.

Justin sighed, this will take a while.


Back at Chesterfield records building, L.A, Tony's mum and his manager, Reese Gold were having a chat with Ms Chesterfield.

"For the last time Mr. Gold I did not go to Diez mansion today." Ms Chesterfield protested vehemently at Reese's accusations.

"The security guards said they let you and your assistant in this afternoon. "

Miss Diez was hardly paying attention,  she was staring out of the office window. The evening sky was pale gray, looking normal for now but soon things would go bad. She had heard enough stories from her late husband to know what was about to happene, she just wished her son didn't have to be part of it.

"That's a bloody lie," Ms Chesterfield continued defensively.

"Ms Chesterfield, language please." Miss Diez called not turning from the window.

The woman hardly bothered, "You march in here like you own the place and start accussing me of kidnap-"

"No one said kidnap Ms Chesterfield-"

"I don't care what you call it, " she flared, cutting Miss Diez off, she marched up to her, the height difference was somewhat comical but she didn't care, " before you go on accussing me of your son's disappearance, check with both my secretary and my P.A, I was at a business meeting this afternoon till an hour ago, believe it or not."

Miss Diez said nothing, she looked down at the angry lady glaring at her, then gazed out the window again. She sighed, she had told Reese this would be a waste of time.  She had a possible idea where her son was, but she was sworn, she couldn't say anything.

"Sorry Ms Chesterfield,  we didn't mean to accuse you."

Reese had come back from the secretary, "her story checks out,"

Ms Chesterfield snorted as she walked back to her sea, "You're welcome to stay. That storm's coming again with more force."

"Strange, a storm like this mid summer, " Reese said half to himself taking place near Miss Diez at the window.

She nodded ever so slightly. The dust clouds below gathered and loomed over some short buildings. The skies began to redden once more as a foreboding bellow could be heard from even inside the record building.

"Don't worry Miss D, I'll have the cops on it-"

"Stop" she snapped curtly, "don't call any force. I'm sure Antonio is alright. Besides it'll be inconsiderate to have the cops out in this weather"

Reese tried to presuade her but she stood her ground.

"I'm his mother, if I'm not worried why should you? Let's just relax and see how things turn up."

Reese placed his hand on his shaven head, this was going to be one long wait.


"Energy, Tony just try to feel it."

Tony tried to focus at Justin's instruction but his mind kept  wondering off any time he tried to concentrate. "Not getting anything"

Justin sat in frustration on the ground, beside Chelsea. "This is pointless, " he said picking up a pebble and throwing it at Tony.


Chelsea giggled and stood up, "let me try, I'm a ... less aggressive coach."

"And you're attractive too."

"Uh, what's that suppose to mean?" Justin glowered.

Chelsea rolled her eyes and walked over to Tony who was, for the first time during their adventure, looking downcast. She could understand how not being able to do simple stuff gets into the head of those who know they've got a bigger challenge ahead.

"Tony," she said in a commanding, but soft way, "I want you to concentrate. You're the only thing standing between us and an airless vacuum. "

"I've tried but I-"

"No buts. You have to do it, you encouraged me not long ago, now its my turn, think of it like a concert the only thing that matters is the turn table."

"Yeah like get into the zone." Justin said with half hearted enthusiasm.

Tony seemed unconvinced at first but quickly a confident grin appeared on his face, "I'll try-"

"Well try faster cause we only have forty minutes. " Chelsea cut him short.

Tony put his hands at his side and closed his eyes, clearing his mind for yhe sake of his new friends. Once every other thought was gone, he began to feel for any presence or aura, he had to pick up something.

Chelsea stared at Tony for sometime before turning to Justin who seemed pretty lax at the moment.

"Someone's not afraid to die."

He shrugged, "what is death but an illusion. "

"Can it Shakespeare. "

He was about to protest it wasn't Shakespeare when, he was cut off.
