
Becoming The Guardian of the Gates of Anarchy

"I'm just a normal girl..." Chelsea Caves never thought much of life, to her it was always boring. Living with a foster family and having a benefactor who she knew was her father hardly seemed interesting. But when she finds out the truth about her mother and also that she has a secret responsibility to guard one of the hidden gates which keep uncontrollable evil from entering the world, she has to admit life is not as boring as she thought. She and a new friend have to find the other five Keepers who can close them when other dark forces try to open them. Its not easy but its a race against time and Chelsea has to get some answers along the way. Its not exactly easy with her new trainer but, hey, what can she do? Can she face the dangers that are emerging from the gates? Read to find out. Disclaimer: cover background isn't mine it's from Pinecrest.

Artz_Kohai · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs


"We just got back and instead of you to take a break you're going out?" Justin questioned Chelsea on the phone the following evening. He had asked her when they could meet to discuss their next mission. Suddenly he was told she had a date. Does she even know what that word means.

"You say that like I'm in Hawaii." Was her reply.

"Quit being a smart mouth. You're meant to be at home, relaxing. The next gate isn't exactly a piece of cake and you have to train-"

"Listen Justin, I'm running late."

He could tell she was lying, her voice had that you're-boring-me tone. He did it to her often. "Chelsea, I'm telling you to-"

"You've been giving me the cold shoulder for almost two days, now you talk to me, you- you..."

"Chelsea I'm not going to beg you to listen-"

"Fine I don't want to. Come over for training tomorrow I don't care."

Before he could get another word out she hung up. Justin returned into the bar to say a quick goodbye to his friends. He had to find her before someone else does. He couldn't help it but their conversation kept replaying over and over in his head. She sounded really mad but he couldn't think of what might have caused it.

Chelsea was still staring at her phone, why had she lashed out at Justin like that. He deserved it. She tried to convince herself. She studied herself in the mirror, she hardly wore make up but there ws a first time for everything. Another but was that she wasn't going to wear a gown. Nelly had unsuccessfully tried to convince her.

She scanned her sequined silver tank top which she had paired with some black denim shorts and off white sneakers.

Casual Glam, Nelly called it. She smiled and pulled her hair into a braided ponytail.

She stepped stepped out of the bathroom.

"Beautiful." Nelly applauded. "Magnifique."

Chelsea was sure that was the only piece of french her BF knew.

"Don't make me get a big head." She said stuffing her phone inside her pocket.

"Who were you yelling at in there?" Nelly asked eyeing the pocket.

"The bigger question is?" Chelsea picked up Snowflake who was licking herself.

"That cat of yours has a mind of its own. Its like it can teleport."

Chelsea gave a short hopefully not suspicious laugh. "She's just energetic." She made sure she has hidden the trans key out of Snowflake's reach. And Magesty was in her pocket.

Nelly rolled her blue eyes and took the cat. She took a quick glance out the window and grinned. "Hope you're ready, cause he surely is."

Chelsea shifted uncomfortably, something didn't sit right inside her but what the heck. She had maybe a week left before she and Justin were dtagged to another trouble spot so she wanted to enjoy it. The week that is.

"You're beautiful." Ray said for maybe the sixth time they had arrived at the restaurant. The place wasn't much but still had a little class.

Chelsea sighed, slightly amused. "Thanks but its really Nelly's work."

"She never looks this lovely." He said. "It suits you, maybe you should do it more often."

"Never." She dipped her french fry into some tomato sauce and took a big bite.

"So, are you planning on taking another trip soon?"


"On what?"

She couldn't tell him the real reason could she. "My dad."

He said nothing.

"How about hitting the skate park tomorrow. I hardly got time to you know?"

"I don't think you should anymore, I mean you're a girl and it gets pretty intense."

She searched him for auy hint of a joke but he was serious. She wasn't sure either to be mad or insulted. Do you know what I do?

"You're kidding right?" She probed further.

He was about to answer when his phone rang. Actually vibrated, it was on silent. He picked up and answered quietly. "Hi granm- what do you mean... seriously?..."

Chelsea saw his mood change, first worried then totally downcast. Something was seriously wrong. "What happened?" She asked when he got of the phone.

"Let me walk you home." He said instead.

That wasn't expected. "I'm not going anywhere till I know what's up."

"Stubborn as ever." He said with a small smile. "My grandfather... he... he passed away... this evening... sometime after we left..."

She took his hand. "Ray, don't bother about me, go home."

"Chels, come on I brought you here."

"The lady who needs your help right now is your grandmother. I can take care of myself."

He hugged her. "I'll come over soon."

In away she was glad the date was over, the night had given her something else to add to her list of don'ts- semiformal occasions.

She waited for a couple of minutes before stepping out, only to be greeted by a very chilly atmosphere. She shuddered. How could it be this cold? She looked around and noticed she might be the the only one feeling the icy presence. Everyone else looked unperturbed.

She tried to push it out of her head by concluding it wasn't anything but after walking four blocks and still feeling it get closer, she concluded. Someone was following her. She kept her pace even for about ten feet and suddenly the air changed.

It blew past and gathered behind her she turned, out of reflex she took a swing like Justin had taught her. Her fist was caught. Her second hand reacted, dodging a block but the person quickly avoided by stepping to the side and throwing her back. She was about to attack again when,

"First move in countering attacks...hmm. I can remember when I taught him that."

She knew two people in the world that wore black that way and the first person was probably waiting at her front door to kill her. The stern, demoralising look with familiar black hair and powerful brown eyes, she'd recognise it anywhere.

"I should have have known. Why don't you wear a costume like Father time does?"

"I look normal enough don't I?" Yang said flatly.

"I had a hunch one of you was coming. I was just hoping it would be the nice one."

"You mean Peace?" He began walking in the direction Chelsea had been going. "Her visit is much later."

"Why were you following me?" She walked after him. Why did it have to be the person that least likes her as a Keeper. "Come to scold me?"

"Not really." He looked down, right into her eyes like he was reading her mind. "The cat says you're curious about my son."

Chelsea was trying to figure out if he was talking about Snowflake or some magical technique called the cat.

"Yes, I'm talking about your pet."

That answers that. "Maybe I am a little curious about Justin. Are you here to share some juicy family secrets?" She grinned with a wink.

"Don't try charming me you're way too young."

She feigned hurt. "Aren't I the unfortunate one."

He shot her an inquisitive look which she returned. "You're very nosy aren't you."

"Not really but I have good eyes." She pointed at her glasses.

"Not very good at jokes either." He seemed to be studying her more now. Like she was some sort of specimen he was evaluating.

She grew annoyed. "Hey say what you want to and get lost already."

"You have quite the sharp tounge, to talk to a powerful immortal being like that." He said stressing the 'powerful'. He sounded mad.

She bit back her remark before her own stupidity got her vaporised and/or obliterated.

"Even I don't understand him sometimes. He took his mother's eyes and her character. He knows how to hide the way he truly feels."

"Really? Where is she anyway?"

"Now that's a question I don't like answering." His eyes glazed over.

"Oh sorry to hear that." She tried to stop herself but, "How?"

"I thought you wanted to know about Justin?"

"I can get things out of him myself." She was so lying.

Yang gave an amused smile. "Do you read your mum's journal?"

She remembered she hadn't opened the book since the first time they arrived in LA. "Not really. I guess I just wanted it as something which could bring me closer to her."

"I'm not Father time who leaves you all your solutions and goes." His steps quickened and had to rush her's to keep up. "My advice to you read the journal." He rounded the bend before she could and when she finally got there, he was gone. The only thing to make her know he had been really there was the cold wind blowing by. She looked up into the thick blanket of night sky, no stars, they alone knew she had more questions.

When she leveled her gaze once more she realised that they had taken the long way to her house. She was now finding it creepy that that members of the AO all new where she lived or slept.

As she approached the house she made out two figures on the porch. Both she knew too well.

Maryse was twirling her hair all dreamy eyed as Justin spoke, acting like he hardly noticed her efforts to get his attention.

Chelsea sighed inwardly, he looked so good and he knew it. She actually felt sorry for poor Maryse, the girl hardly had to lift a finger on normal occasions.

Maryse tossed back her hair and inched closer to Justin. He looked at her and grinned.

Okay, time to end this. Chelsea pretended to just be arriving. Maryse spotted her and scowled. The brunette straightened herself and shoved her way past Chelsea.

"Hard to believe a dork like you has a hot tutor."

Chelsea absently rubbed her shoulder, eyes fixed on Justin. "Thanks for the comment."

But Maryse was already out of earshot.

"She's cute." Justin said moving to Chelsea' s side.

She punched him. "What are you doing here?"

He took her arm and squeezed it. She winced. "That's for not listening to me." She pulled herself free. "My dad was with you wasn't he?"

"Why do you want to know?" She saw his brows furrow in agitation and quickly added. "He didn't say anything if that's what you want to hear?"


"Yeah." She muttered coldly and pushed him out of the way to go inside.

"I'm sorry I over reacted."

She stopped but didn't turn back.

"Its just my dad... he's so distant- not like I care or anything..."

"You're lucky you know your dad." She sat on one of the steps. "Mine's a jerk, he's been for fourteen years."

Justin sat beside her. "Dads are the worst." He smiled.

"I agree."

They laughed. After a short while he stood up.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

"Why don't you want to stay here anymore?" She hardly looked up.

"Can't risk your foster folks finding out, you know." He began his down the side sidewalk. "And again sorry for losing myself the other time."

"You've done worse during training."

He gave a low chuckle. She didn't take her eyes off him until he disappeared round the corner. He was just so interesting.

It was a normal summer day. Sunny clear blue skies and warm breeze. Chelsea almost felt it was a waste for another round of training. Justin on the other hand felt otherwise.

At least his social life is at night. She had been lying to her friends for at least four days now, she didn't know how long she could keep it up. They were in the backyard of an old abandoned house far from suspicion.

She was getting fed up and worse they still had no lead on the third Keeper. The other two weren't this hard to find.

She dodged a swipe from Justin and was about to go for her offense when a surprise tremble from the earth rocked her. She fell face first into the grass. "What was that? Don't tell me the first gate is open again."

"We wish." Justin was staring off into space.

The ground continued to shake gradually increasing in strength like earthquakes gathering more force. And something else was happening. Things were getting hot, really hot even for summer.

"Is it me or were about to get fried?" Chelsea pulled at the collar of her shirt, beads of sweat dripping down her forehead.

"Neither. Its the Hell Gate."

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