
Becoming The Food God In This Cultivation World

The Story of a Soon-To-Be God Of Food transmigrated into the world of Soul Land After his death, 5.000 Years after Oscar, the previous God of Food ascended alongside Tang San, the original protagonist of this cultivation world, and the rest of his friends. ================================== if you want to see more chapters of this story, please go to my Patreon Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Avicebron

Evangeline_MC · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 8: The Fragrant Warning

'System, what should I do if someone tries to cause trouble in the shop?'

[Please rest assured, with this system here, even a level 99 Advanced: Quasi God Spirit Master wouldn't be able to damage this shop.]

'Alright, that puts my mind at ease.'

Facing the redhead girl's threat, Qi Han calmly nodded and turned back to the kitchen.

Ying Shuang only revealed her Spirit Rings briefly before retracting them. She sat down with the black-haired girl, engaging in conversation.

The Small Shop was quiet, and although Qi Han had no intention of eavesdropping on others' conversations, Ying Shuang's loud voice made it impossible for him not to hear.

The two girls had won three consecutive matches today in the two-on-two battles at the Great Spirit Arena, earning a considerable amount of Gold Coins. They were also promoted to become Silver Spirit Masters, so they wanted to celebrate together.

Originally, they planned to go to the Food Street, but they were attracted by the Small Shop's decoration as they passed by. They decided to come in and take a look.

It made sense, as the fresh and clean style of the shop was very appealing to girls.

Soon, Qi Han brought two servings of Egg Fried Rice and placed them in front of the two girls.

The kitchen had a high-tech ventilation system from the system, so there was no smell in the dining area. However, as Qi Han brought out the Egg Fried Rice, the rich aroma instantly filled the entire dining area. The conversation between the two girls came to a sudden halt as they stared fixedly at the plates before them.

Even the black-haired girl who initially opposed eating here couldn't help but swallow her saliva, and the redhead girl named Ying Shuang was even more unable to resist. Tears of uncontrollable desire welled up in the corners of her mouth.

Qi Han smiled faintly, anticipating the girls' reaction. He left a remark, "Enjoy your meal," and drifted away.

It was impossible not to come and eat.

As they looked at the Egg Fried Rice emitting an enticing aroma before them, Ying Shuang forcefully swallowed her saliva and exchanged a glance with the black-haired girl. Then, they lowered their heads and began to taste the food.

With just one bite, the delicious flavor that blossomed on their taste buds completely conquered them. Ying Shuang ate while murmuring phrases like "next time I'll come again."

The black-haired girl sitting across from her didn't speak, but her actions were swift.


With a soft sound, Ying Shuang placed the empty plate down, looking somewhat unsatisfied. She turned her head towards the kitchen and said, "Boss, another serving!"

Qi Han looked up at the two girls.

Can these girls really finish all of it, despite being so small in stature?

"This establishment refuses wastefulness. Once wasted, you'll be blacklisted and never served again. Are you sure you want another serving?"

"You!" Ying Shuang furrowed her brows, slapped the table, and three Spirit Rings once again appeared around her. She glared fiercely at Qi Han and said, "Even the Food Street doesn't have so many rules."

"That's why I'm not on the Food Street." Qi Han's response was quite justified and confident.

Ying Shuang became angry, suspecting that the owner of this shop was intentionally targeting her.

Being pampered since childhood, she had no concept of conserving food. She couldn't finish the second serving of Egg Fried Rice, at most only half of it. She wanted to vent her anger but worried that she wouldn't be able to taste such delicious dishes in the future. Caught in a dilemma, the black-haired girl reached out and pulled on her sleeve.

"Fu Ya..." Ying Shuang pouted, but she saw Fu Ya give a faint smile. "It's okay, let's share the third serving together. The two of us won't waste it."

The plate in front of Fu Ya was also empty by now.


Ying Shuang's eyes brightened, and she nodded vigorously.

She turned her head and looked at Qi Han with a haughty expression. "Can we have another serving now?"

Qi Han nodded and turned to walk back to the kitchen. A few minutes later, he returned, carrying a fresh serving of Egg Fried Rice and placing it in front of the two girls.

The two girls exchanged a glance and, in perfect synchronization, used their spoons to divide the Egg Fried Rice from this plate into their respective plates. Then, they continued to enjoy their meal.

After a while, Ying Shuang called out, "Boss, the bill."

Qi Han leisurely walked over, received the fifteen Gold Coins handed to him by Ying Shuang, and in the face of the girl's defiant gaze, turned and returned to the kitchen.

"Hmph!" Ying Shuang expressed her dissatisfaction with Qi Han's indifference toward her. She then pulled Fu Ya to her feet and left.

As they exited the Small Shop, the girl still felt a bit unhappy. "I won't come again next time."

Fu Ya smiled faintly, completely unaffected by her best friend's words of discontent.

"Then can I come by myself next time?"

Fu Ya's family circumstances were not as good as Ying Shuang, and she also worked as a part-time student at the academy. That was why she initially wanted to stop Ying Shuang from changing to another restaurant.

However, after eating the Egg Fried Rice, that thought had long disappeared.

The items in this Small Shop were indeed expensive, but they were definitely worth 5 Gold Coins.

Regularly eating here would be burdensome, but occasionally treating oneself was not a problem.

"You can't do that!" Ying Shuang jumped up like an angry cat, "Even if I don't eat anything, you can still bring me here."

"Pfft–" Fu Ya couldn't help but burst into laughter at Ying Shuang's words.

Ying Shuang issues a "This is so good" warning.

After the two girls left, Qi Han relaxed on the recliner, looking at the words that appeared in front of him.

[Main Quest 2: First Pot of Gold 

Please use your culinary skills to earn 100 Gold Coins.

Quest Description: The beginning of the path to becoming the Food God may be these seemingly insignificant 100 Gold Coins~

Quest Reward: Random Recipe Drop x1, Spirit Power level +1

Quest Completion: 30/100]

Not bad, at this rate, it will probably only take two or three days to complete the quest.


Just as Qi Han was contemplating, there was suddenly some commotion outside the Small Shop.

6 men walked out of the Tang Sect Shrek City branch across the street and headed straight towards the Small Shop.

What's going on?

Seeing the neat Tang Sect uniforms in front of him, Qi Han felt like he had encountered something big.

The six men from the Tang Sect, however, seemed oblivious. They looked at the Small Shop and started discussing.

"So this is the delicious food senior brother Tang Zi mentioned that he has never eaten before?"

"The decoration looks interesting and pretty."

"What's the use of good decoration? The food needs to be delicious."

"Why are we talking so much? Let's go in!"

"Yes, yes, yes. We're tired of the food street. It would be great to have a delicious place near our doorstep."


As they were talking, the six men entered Qi Han's Small Shop. The leader shouted as soon as he came in, "Boss! Give us 6 servings of your Egg Fried Rice!"

'Oh boy, So, they're customers?'

Qi Han's eyes brightened, and he immediately stood up.

While preparing the Egg Fried Rice, his mind started calculating rapidly.

'They are all grown men, so eating two servings of Egg Fried Rice should be no problem, right?'

That would be 60 Gold Coins, and the Main Quest 2 would be more than halfway completed!

'My luck is not too bad'.

'Wait... They ordered the Egg Fried Rice without even looking at the menu?'

Considering they are all from the Tang Sect, Qi Han seemed to understand something.

'Could it be because of what Tang Zi mentioned during lunch?'

To see more of this story, please go visit my Tanslation Site - Galaxy Translation:


To see more of this story, please go visit my Tanslation Site - Galaxy Translation:


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