
Becoming The Duchess's Wife

VioletTypes · LGBT+
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2 Chs

A Claiming Dance

"Congratulations! You look beautiful today, your highness." Bella mustered up a smile, taking a sip of her glass to hide how quickly it fell.

"Thank you, Marquis Evans." The man before her was one of the sea of faces she didn't recognize. The many who had never bothered to greet her at these kinds of events before.

Why couldn't they ignore her like before? Bella was used to being the pitiful wallflower. She liked knowing that no one expected anything from her, because her existence itself amounted to nothing. Now, she couldn't stand all these eyes full of greed.

"It is an honor that you remember me, princess. I was always fond of you. Your mother and mine–bless their souls–used to be friends, you know?"

The words made Bella's skin crawl. Her mother never had friends, and after she died, no one had bothered to remember her. No one had even come to her funeral, not the Emperor, let alone a friend. Bella had been left to bury her mother outside of their rubdown castle alone.

Yet now that her daughter was marrying into power, everyone acted as if they remembered the late mistress fondly, and it was sickening. Bella hated it, but what she hated more was that she had no power to stop it.

"In honor of their friendship, I would love to keep in touch..."

A shadow cast over Bella as the man's words died in his throat. The princess watched in confusion, observing the Marquis' initial opportunistic gaze shifting into one of pure dread.

Who could have come behind her to cause such fear? The hairs on the back of Bella's neck stood up. Was it Father?

"Marquis. I didn't know you were so close to my wife." Raya's voice brought with it an icy chill. Bella shivered just as the Marquis did, both feeling the terrifying aura of the woman behind them. Was this what a swordmaster's presence was like?

"D-Duchess..." Marquis Evans stuttered with a weak smile. He tried to appear friendly, forcing a bright grin.

"I am! Our families have been quite close for some time. Our mothers were thick as t-thieves! I will be sad, not being able to see her highness often once you all head up North, so I would be grateful if–"

"Marquis." Raya repeated herself, "it seems my memory fails me. Did your mother not despise the late Lady Joan?"

"Pardon? Duchess I don't–"

"I believe that woman was quite brazen with her hatred once the lady passed...at least, when the princess was not around. What did she use to call the late Lady Joan again...?"

The Duchess' voice was slow. Eerily so. Bella didn't dare look back at the woman talking behind her, but she didn't have to in order to feel the full force of Raya's aura this time.

"Ah yes. A whore. Now what do you think I should do to the arrogant son of the woman who insulted my wife's mother so recklessly?"


"I do not take kindly to liars. Nor those that use the dead as a stepping stone. Surely you have heard of my reputation?" Raya continued to speak as the air grew tangible with tension. What was this? Bella shrunk into herself, shivering uncontrollably.

The air was thick with overwhelming dominance, and the princess could only think of running far, far away from Raya. Was this the instinctual fear swordmasters could evoke at will? Had the previous chill they felt simply been a sliver of her full potential?

"I-I can't breathe!" While Bella struggled, the Marquis seemed to be outright suffering. He was hunched over on the floor, bloody drool hanging from his mouth as he desperately heaved. Raya merely tilted her head, letting out a harsh sigh.

"He's not the first one...nor will he be the last. They gather around like moths to a flame..." Raya scoffed, a twisted, agitated smile spreading across her lips. She stepped around Bella, coming closer to the Marquis.

"Or rather, you lot gather like pigs to be slaughtered. If you want to die so badly Marquis Evans, you need only ask." Bella trembled in horror, watching the Marquis gag frantically. It was like the aura Raya emitted was suffocating him in fear, squeezing out any ounce of oxygen he yearned for.

"I will not repeat myself again. I do not take kindly to pests. If you try to weasel your way into my Duchy through my wife again, I will not be so merciful."

Was this what power was? No one dared to intervene. It was daunting to watch Raya stand over the Marquis, hands in pockets as she casually bent over his shivering form to threaten him. He was coughing up blood at this point, red in the face and looking like he was on the brink of death.

If Raya ever grew angry with her...would Bella find herself in a similar position?

At his pathetic nod, suddenly the overwhelming fear permeating the air subsided. Bella took a deep breath immediately, finally able to observe her surroundings.

It seemed that everyone within a foot of Raya was brought to their knees, save for Bella herself. But how?

"Bella." The princess flinched at Raya's tone, looking back up at the knight anxiously. Raya turned away from the Marquis as if he wasn't even there, dark ruby eyes focused on her. Bella swallowed as Raya came forward, hastily moving to courtesy out of gratitude.

"Th-thank you, Duchess Raya–!" Arms wrapped around her waist, pulling Bella flush against Raya's chest. The princess's eyes widened, cheeks aflame at their proximity. Bella shivered as Raya's hard arms tightened, feeling the Duchess's chest rumble as she spoke.

"You are no longer Bella Kethril. You are Bella Le Fay. A duchess." Raya's eyes were intense–but they held no malice–eyebrows knit together as she shifted Bella in her grasp. Soon, they were in a position to dance, just in time for the orchestra to play.

"You needn't entertain what you do not wish to hear. If there is retaliation, they will have to go through me, not you." The lights of the ballroom must have been magical. It was the only way to explain how Raya looked so dazzling as she guided Bella across the dance floor.

Her words were kind despite her intimidating demeanor, and her touch was gentle despite having a body sculpted for war. She had been terrifying just a few moments ago, so why did Bella suddenly find her charming?

Her blonde hair was tied back in a smooth braid, with a single wavy curl framing her face. Such long eyelashes. Perfectly shaped lips. A rough beauty Bella couldn't help but find intriguing...

"Do you understand?" The princess blinked, realizing Raya was waiting for her response. Why was Raya being so nice? They both knew this marriage was a loveless one, and Raya was getting a worse deal with a useless princess as her bride. However, the Duchess stood up for her, claimed that they were of equal status...and now would dance with the princess in the middle of the entire hall.

Such an action told everyone that Bella was indeed under her protection. That even without love, Bella was her wife, and was to be respected. Why would this woman, who already had everything, bother to do this for a princess who wasn't even recognized by her own father?

"Um, yes Duchess."


"P-pardon?" It was surprising to hear Raya laugh. Her chuckle was short yet full, accompanied by a ghost of a smile. She continued without sparring Bella a glance.

"...You aren't just mine. I am your wife too, Bella. Not your authority. Call me by my name. Say it confidently." Bella's breath hitched as Raya leaned closer while they danced, until her lips brushed against the edge of the princess's ear.

"Let everyone know who I belong to from now on."