
Becoming Pokémon

On the way home Alex is summoned to another world, a Pokémon world. He makes friends and join to their team. On the way to the town to register him as official member of the team he had an accident and got turned into a Pokémon but there's problem. What was that problem? Read to find out :)

Domini_Goz · Fantasía
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34 Chs

Chapter 14

Alex and Alice sat and all four of them looked at the Mew

"Heh... How do you always know when I'm near?" Said Mew

"Wait... Alex... You know Mew?!" Shouted Alice when rest of them looked at him

"Well... Yeah. We just met couple of times " said Alex

"When was it?" Said John

Alex looked at the sky and started scratching his chin. After some time he said

"You probably won't believe it but I don't remember"

They said nothing. When Alex looked at their faces he saw shock on them

"What? How?!" Said Bob

"If you don't remember then how do you know about it?" Said Mew

Alex looked down on his tail and said

"Well... It's not like I don't remember it at all... I just know that it was but I can't remember details. Like date or time... Sometimes even places and faces... Voices... Names..."

On his face was only sadness

"How?" Said Alice

"I don't know... Ten years ago something... Happened... And gram that moment my memory is like this... Maybe that's why I get used to this new body..."

"Is there anything that can be done about this?" Said John

"No... At least that's what doctor told me... He said that after really hard shock and some feelings can course this... And he said that only cure for this is to find that thing that caused this feelings bomb and do something with it... But that's impossible in my case..."

When he said that he started crying

"Is it because of your family?" Said Mew

"Yes..." Said Alex with almost cracking voice

"What... What happened to your family Alex?" Said Bob

"I... I don't want to talk about this... *he looked at them* When the right time come I'll tell you guys. That's a promise" said Alex and smiled

"If you don't want to you don't have to talk about this. Anyway what are you doing here Mew?" Said Alice

"Well... My master wants to know more about this 'Limit Breaker' thing and how are you humans capable to travel to the moon"

"Well... Like I said Limit Breaker allows you to somehow control time and space in your body. *he looked at the sky* You can make time to flow faster or slower for you. Same goes for space limits. You can somehow manipulate it in your body so you can get much stronger and faster or weaker and slower... *he looked at them* But atoms don't like it. They loose their integrity and your body integrity is damaged... And when something is wrong on or in your body you feel pain... But when whole body gets damaged it's really painful... *he looked down on his hands* Trust me... At least this isn't permanent..."

"What are 'atoms'?" Said Mew

Alex looked at him and said

"Atoms creates everything. Gases, metals, everything is created from atoms"

"Oh... Anyway how can you humans travel to the moon?" Said Mew

"It's not easy. You have to lunch the rocket, reach space and orbit of the planet, then you have to wait for the transit window and fly to the moons gravity influence sphere, then make orbit there and loose speed to land on the surface... It will be easier to explain when I show you the simulation" said Alex and took his phone

The end of chapter 14

hi guys!

sorry for not having chapter title but sometimes it's harder to make the title than chapter it self

anyway as always if you have any suggestions for the story write it in the comments also if you find any misspellings or grammar mistakes please write them in the comments too

Domini_Gozcreators' thoughts