
Murder is a family tradition.

Sam didn't imagined that his mother Esther would go this far. Killing her children to rectify her "mistake", to stop the plague she unleashed on the world.

She tried to bound all the Mikaelson siblings together, it didn't worked on Sammael because he felt the blood in the champagne, he check with his siphonner ability and he remarked that magic was present in the glass. Even if he drank it it wouldn't work, he don't share the weakness of his siblings to white oak.

He didn't had the time to warn to others before they drinks their glass of champagne, as a result they all get linked together, Kol, Elijah, Klaus, Rebekah and Finn.

And here we are now, in the clearing, Esther preparing her ritual. The purpose of the ritual is to turn back the originals into humans and Finn will sacrife himself killing anyone linked to him.

Sammael listen patiently to his brother Klaus threatening Esther, in a second the Salvatore brothers will accomplish their simple task, break the Bennett bloodline so Esther will not be to channel their power.

Flashback, 1 hour ago. 

Sammael approach the two young vampires. " You can't find a solution to the problem it seems. " says Sammael. 

" And who are you exactly ? " asks Damon. 

" Sammael Mikaelson, Elijah and Rebekah mentioned you a few times. " answer Stefan strengthening his posture. 

" Pleased to meet you. Back to the problem my mother pose for us their is a simple solution. " says Sammael. 

" Oh and what is your miraculous solution. " interrupt sarcastically Damon. 

" Damon. " warn Stefan at a low voice. 

" What ? We don't know him and the originals have the tendency to screw us over. " add Damon. 

" Enough. I only want to tell you that my mother get her powers from the Bennett bloodline, break the bloodline and she will be weakened. " interrupt Sammael. 

Flashback end. 

Sam recognize the signs immediately. He and his siblings start to rush to Esther and Finn but before they can get to them they dissappear. 

Before she dissappear she revealed that a new white oak have grew in Mystic Falls in the past. It answer the question of Sammael about how January obtain a white oak stake. 

" Ahh ! " Klaus scream in rage and start to destroy the torches. 

" Calm yourself, she is not stupid, she prepared an escape plan in case she failed. " says Sammael. 

" Don't tell me what to do Sam ! " answer aggressively Niklaus. 

" She won't stop and neither Finn, we all saw their determination. " add Elijah. 

" Indeed. We have to kill her, this is the only way. " respond Sammael ignoring the provocation of Klaus. 

2 days later. 

Sammael enter the cemetery, after Esther losed the power she channeled it was easier for Sam's locator spell to find her.

Following the footprints, he came to a stop when he see Alaric Saltzman, Esther and Elena unconscious on the ground a few meters away.

He see Esther mixe the white oak stake with the indestructible ring created by Emily Bennett. Crouching down Sammael grab a rock, why would he get close and have a direct affrontement with her when he kill her at a distance.

As he prepare to throw the rock, his super hearing alert him that the little brother of Elena and her human ex boyfriend Matt are coming. Without wasting time, Sammael aim the head of Esther. Using his supernatural strength he throw the rock at her head. The stone whistles because of its speed, Esther don't have the time to realize what is happening before the rock impact her head and kill her instantly.

Jeremy and Matt arrive just in time to see Alaric throw himself on the dead body of Esther and drinking her blood.

" Come out, whomever you are. " exclaim a newly turned Alaric. Jeremy and Matt get out of their hiding spot and face Alaric.

" Ric. Ric are alright ? " asks Jeremy with worry.

" I never have been better. I'll eradicate the abominations from this earth, I am the extinction of the vampires races. " answer Alaric. Sammael chose this moment to enter the discussion.

" How could you do that ? " interrupt Sam.

" Esther made of me the ultimate hunter and she created my ultimate weapon. She said to be wary of you but you are an original your death will be a gift to the world. " respond Alaric ready to attack.

" Are you sure you have the capacity to kill me ? " says amusedly Sammael.

Alaric don't answer and use his new speed to rush at Sammael. Alaric try to stab him in the heart but Sam block the blow and counter with a kick. Alaric is push a few meters backwards but regain his balance.

The two observe each other and exchange a few more blows.

" It shouldn't be possible, I was designed to be an upgraded version of the originals vampires, you shouldn't be stronger than me. " says Alaric with a suspicious face.

" It's true, you are stronger than an original, there isn't a big gap but it is enough for you to have the upper hand on one. An upgraded version mean that you don't have the weakness to white oak. But my mother wouldn't have let you become really immortal, so how can you be kill ? " respond with curiosity Sammael.

" it doesn't concern you. " answer Alaric before he send a punch to Sam who dodge and use his speed to get behind Alaric and breaks his neck.

Jeremy and Matt point their weapons in Sammael direction.

" Don't move ! " yell Jeremy.

Sammael glance at them and whisper a spell "Ad somnum." cast Sam. The two collapse on the ground sleeping under the effect of the spell.

He grab Esther's body but when he turn back to get the stake, Alaric and the stake are gone. Sammael leave the cemetery having nothing else to do here. 

A week later.

Sammael's father and mother are dead. Klaus killed Mikael months ago and Sam killed Esther this week. The Mikaelson siblings separate earlier, they agree go different way. Klaus is supposedly dead but his entire sireline is still alive, this fact make Sammael pretty sure that Niklaus is alive. 

Another thing that happen this weak is the death of Elena Gilbert, a temporary death. She had vampire blood in her system and came back as one. 

Leaving the mystic grill Sammael walk toward the door and he open it. 

" Elena Gilbert, we meet again. " says Sam who immediately remark a difference in the aura she emits. 

" Hello Dr Bi... Mikaelson. " answer Elena with an unreadable face. " Can I talk to you in private please. " she asks. 

" I was leaving but I guess I can give you a few minutes. " respond Sammael, following Elena to a secluded place. After taking a seat he wait for her to begin. 

" I remember. When I finished the transition all the memories that were blocked in my mind came back to me. " says Elena. " I remember my dad laboratory under his Doctor's office. I remember you Dr. William Bishop. " she continues. 

" What do you want know young Lena ? " asks Sammael. 

" Don't call me that. My father and you changed me. All my life I felt different, lonely but it was because of you two. What did you do, I want to know. " respond Elena. 

" We made you stronger. You ancestors were witches and you are a doppelganger, you already had power. What we did was just activating them and reinforced them. Of all the subjects you are the one with the best results, you show the abilities of Pyrokinesi, Telekinesis and Telepathy and you were only 6. You are extraordinary Elena, your potential is very high if only you could try to reach it to its fullest... " explain Sammael. 

" There is others ? How many people did you experiments on ? " asks Elena. 

" This isn't important Lena. You are a vampire now and I don't know how your powers will react to the transformation but they'll probably become more powerful. You should try to develop your capacities, they could be really useful to you. " answer Sammael. 

Sam stand up and puts on his coats. " Goodbye Elena Gilbert. " says Sammael while leaving the restaurant. 

1 month later.

Letting a few drops of blood fall on the ascendent Sammael prepare to cast the spell to enter the prison world.

" Ostium Apertum. " start to cast Sam. The ascendent begin to activate. A celestial event is needed to enter the prison world so Sammael use the only one available, the full moon.

" Salui Conductus. " finish Sam.

The ascendent start to generate light and teleport Sammael into the prison world.

Prison World, 1903.

White, the first thing he see is snow covering everything, the next one is the aurora borealis. A magnificent view, the Geminis really made a beautiful prison world.

Using a locator spell Sammael easily find the only presences in this entire world. Sam put the ascendent and the Bennett blood in his bag and start to walk to the Mansion.

An hour later.

Entering inside the house Sammael inspect the place and look around. He stop when he hear footsteps rapidly coming in his direction.

A beautiful woman wearing clothes of the 19th century try to grab him by the throat but Sammael return the situation and grab her throat before she reach him.

" What do we have here. " says Sammael to himself " Don't move. " he compel her.

" I'm sorry I didn't expected company. My name is Lilian Salvotore, may I know who you are ? " asks Lilian scared by the fact that she was compelled.

" You don't need to know. I'm looking for someone, more precisely 6 persons. Siphonner and vampire, I heard they are called the Heretics. " answer Sammael.

" Be honest. Where are they ? " Sam compel the woman.

" In the basement. They are exhausted, they didn't satisfied their hunger in a long time. Please don't hurt them, they are my family. " answer truthfully Lilian.

" Bring me to them. " order Sammael.

Lilian guide him to the basement. In it he found the 6 heretics almost completely momified.

" Comae Ruinam. " Sammael cast the spell on the 6, plunging them into a coma. He won't take the risk of one of them escaping.

" Why have you done, I'll kill you if you hurt them. " yell Lilian, angry she attack Sammael but before she can even touch him he use telekinesis to rip her heart out. Sam levitate the 6 heretics and goes out of the basement.

An hour later.

Getting back at his starting point Sammael prepare to get back in the real world. Taking out the ascendent and the blood he wait for the celestial event. Cracking sounds coming from the forest alert Sammael. Taking a look he see Lilian running at full speed toward his location. He certainly wasn't expecting that.

Pointing his hand at her, he use telekenisis to make her float off the ground.

" Pariter Avellentes Artus. " whisper Sammael. The effects of this spell is extremely painful and Lilian start to feel it.

The purpose of the spell is dismemberment, her limbs are getting rip out from her body, the pain is so intense that she yell and scream.

Without glancing back to her, Sammael look up to the sky and see the polar lights, he cast the spell to leave the prison world. He take out the blood and pours it on the ascendent. He include the 6 siphonner in the spell and begin. 

" Apertum Ostium. " cast Sammael.

" Conductus Salui. " continue Sam. The ascendent active and start to generate light. In a flash Sammael and his unwilling companions dissappear from the prison world and reappear in the real world. The six heretics stayed in a coma state even after the trip they just made.

They probably won't ever wake up, after Sammael do what he have in mind he doubt that any of them will be left alive.