
becoming Dipper in Gravity falls isn’t So bad ,is it??(rewriting)

Synopsis: A human from Earth died after participating in a suspicious online survey. What will he do in the world of "Gravity Falls" as Dipper Pines with only Dr. Vegapunk's intelligence and scientific knowledge as weapons? author's note: gravity falls is not mine and this story is just for fun and the same goes for the cover image of this fanfic

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33 Chs

Chapter 20: Body Optimization and Preparation

Dipper's POV

It's been a few days since the party at Stan Pines's place, and massive changes have occurred on my end.

Like the rehabilitation of Ford Pines's bunker and Old McGucket's, it's currently one of my most profitable decisions.

I was able to rehabilitate it fairly quickly since it was already functional; I just needed to clean and repair the things destroyed by the Shape Shifter.

"Kid, you won't get away with this!" Blendin shouted from inside a cage.

He was clearly angry in his orange prisoner outfit.

He was being held in a simple cage which, from his point of view, may be considered primitive, but it was necessary.

I didn't want to take any risks with an individual possessing technological knowledge extremely advanced compared to our era.

"I've already gotten away, my little Blendin," I said, approaching him with my Memory Gun V2 pointed at him.

I was really tempted to eliminate him like Gideon, but unlike him, he's not really at fault in the tragedy that links him to Dipper and Mabel.

Although he was the source of many problems in Gravity Falls, this guy is just a victim of Bill Cipher and Dipper in the original story.

I'm not going to decapitate him, but just modify his memories with my Memory Gun V2 and keep him on ice for a while.

I've already extracted a huge amount of information about the future and its technology from him, so I no longer need to "interrogate" him.

The Memory Gun V2 is a modified version of the one created by Old McGucket. I based it on the Vegapunks' knowledge of the mind and brains, as well as the first Memory Gun, to create this treasure.

Not only can it erase a person's memory, but it can also integrate new information into it or extract information in order to read or transfer it.

I've also added the bonus option of erasing the entire mind of a living being to zero.

I created this last option to use against Bill Cipher, and I'm not afraid of ending up as a human vegetable since I have a backup of my mind in my bunker.

I just need to re-inject all this information using the Memory Gun V2, and I'll be myself again.

After creating the Memory Gun V2, I realized that it can be used in combination with Ford Pines's carpet to allow me to have a new body.

So yes, currently I already have an immortality similar to Orochimaru's, but mine is manual and not automatic.

This wasn't my main goal in creating my Memory Gun V2, so I'm satisfied with that, for now.

"This little gem will spare you unnecessary hatred against me," I said, pulling the trigger.

After erasing my existence and that of my bunker from Blendin's memory, I created other memories for him about the course of his mission.

"AM, please take the subject Blendin and put him in a cryogenic capsule," I calmly asked my new tool.

[Affirmative, Master Dipper], a respectful cold voice responded.

[I hate these brown-nosers], GIFfany declared in an exasperated tone.

After cleaning and restarting the bunker, I modernized it using some tools and objects from my laboratory at the manor, and I took the opportunity to create AM.

It is a completely artificial AI, not a semi-supernatural being like GIFfany.

AM is not yet fully developed; precisely, its self-awareness is not yet as developed as GIFfany's.

But I have confidence in its potential since I combined my current computer knowledge from Earth, as well as the knowledge obtained from Blendin's memory, to create it.

I can also say that its loyalty is guaranteed since, from its point of view, I am its everything, so without me, the world no longer has meaning or purpose for it.

I was inspired by NPCs from mangas and light novels called Overlord to forge its personality.

In summary, I have a super-intelligent fanatic as a servant who evolves almost every instant since, unlike that lazy GIFfany, my little AM learns every second.

[Miss GIFfany, please watch your words in the Master's presence], AM coldly responded.

[Do you really think you can order me what to do or say in front of MY Dipper?] GIFfany questioned in a slightly angry tone.

Watching GIFfany bickering with AM, I often regret having created AM, but it's necessary.

I should be leaving very often for exploration or in search of objects, so I need a reliable guardian and a manager for activities.

That was originally GIFfany's role, but soon I have to go to the "future," so I'll need her, and that makes me aware of the urgency of creating a workforce.

It's also out of the question for me to leave this bunker relying on an automatic defense system when I currently have so many secrets here.

Thinking about my many current secrets, I couldn't help but glance at the naked bodies floating in capsules filled with greenish liquid.

"The Seraphim project and the SCP Foundation are a necessity in Gravity Falls, but they will also be useful in other universes," I said to no one in particular.

There was one woman in particular floating in the strange greenish liquid; she was an android possessing various DNAs in her body.

I was inspired by Cell from the Dragon Ball Z universe, but also by the Seraphims of the original Dr. Vegapunk to create this one.

"So GIFfany, how do you like your body?" I asked, looking at my creation with a slight smile.

She looked exactly like GIFfany; she is undoubtedly my masterpiece currently, but she's just missing one little thing before it's completed, but she's already extremely powerful.

[I'm really excited to be able to enter this body, Dipper, but why are you making me wait?] she said, pouting cutely.

[The Master thinks logically; he surely wants to create something perfect, but I find that she would be more useful to me], AM declared in a cold voice.

[Oh you...], GIFfany wanted to start an argument with AM, but...

"GIFfany, calm down, and you too, AM," I said, frowning.

[Sorry], GIFfany said in an apologetic tone.

[Sorry for showing this unsightly side of myself, Master], AM declared, still in its emotionless robotic voice.

"GIFfany, I need to obtain a DNA sample from a person from the future to complete your body," I explained, tapping my U-Watch to calm her a little.

I would really like to make more modifications to GIFfany's body's DNA, but that would create an instability that would eventually destroy GIFfany's body's genomes.

For now, the limit is three modifications. I have, for the time being, integrated the Shape Shifter's DNA, and the next DNA will be that of the Time Baby.

Apart from that, I have also implemented some improvements to GIFfany's body, such as giving her super strength and super resistance by making her muscles and bones incredibly dense.

I have even put some "safeguards" in place in this body, just in case GIFfany tries to betray me or becomes uncontrollable for some unknown reason.

"I would have liked to give you telekinesis as well, but you'll have to use weapons similar to the U-Watch for now," I said, looking at the body one last time before heading towards a capsule.

"GIFfany, AM, you know what your roles are, don't you?" I asked them.

[[Affirmative]], they responded simultaneously.

I had already started removing my equipment to prepare for my optimization operation.

Once I finished undressing, I entered the capsule and put on an oxygen mask before finally falling asleep due to the soporific gas emitted by the mask.

[Individual detected...]

[Confirmation of administrator identity]

[Injection of sedative and painkiller in progress...]

[Injection successful]

[Launch of nanomachine injection procedure in progress...]

[Injection successful]

[Injection of nutrient solution into administrator's body and capsule in progress...]

[Injection successful]

[Request for authorization to use nanomachines to maximize nutrient solution efficiency in progress...]

[It was detected that the administrator had given prior consent]

[Authorization granted...]

[Launch of administrator body cleansing and enhancement procedure in progress...]

Author's Note: I hope the situation will not be considered too abrupt by many, but I remind you that Ford and his colleague McGucket had created their bunker so that it could function for years, even centuries. So Dipper didn't really need to do much.

If you want to know how Dipper was able to create nanomachines, then wait for the next chapter, it will be explained to you, but a little hint: "Dipper cheated".

P.S.: This was yesterday's chapter, but I had a crappy day and came home too late, so I'll make an effort to publish another one today.