
Becoming A Vampire Monarch

Jonthan Cranes is an orphan who always wonder why his parents abandon him. Jonthan always got bullied by his peer in the orphanage for being weak. It got worse when he got adopted by the Springfields family. Not only did they treat him as a servant but they took all the money his parents left him. His adopted siblings also start bullied him at school from kinder garden to college. Jonathan was at death door, curse he would get revenge for all of his sufferings, but then he heard an angelic voice asking, "Do you want to live". after that he dives into the world of vampires, werewolves, fairies, witches, demons, dragons, elves, demons, gods, etc. In order to survive he must fight other and learn about his self more.

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6 Chs


 " Do you want to live." 

An angelic voice sounded in my ears as I tried to find the source of the voice. My eyes that last the shines rolling around trying to find the source until.

"Do you want to live, Do you want to feel free from your humanity, Do you want revenge for those that bullied you, Do you want to make them feel pain that you felt, the humiliation."


 My strained voice replied with my slash neck gushing with blood. I replied will out even a second thought, I was thinking that I was hallucinating that there was someone or something was with me in my final moment. Not knowing I was giving up my humanity but do I regret in the future fuck no. Soon I felt sting on my neck I felt my blood being suck then felling something being injected into my body, a burning sensation wash over me, burning hotter and hotter until hoarse grunts were heard from slowing getting louder and louder.

"SSSHHHH my sweet prince it soon will be over and then you will have the power to trample those who hurt you and never will you feel pain again."

A soothing voice was heard making me calm but still there was the burning sensation. After calming down I felt her soft hand on my neck slowly tightening on my neck, next minute a creaking sound rang around the dark alleyway, like something cut the surrounding sound, except by the sound of my broken neck. 


A deafening roar was heard as the beast saw someone else killing it prey. It started to run after the beauty with it anger so height it didn't saw that she was wielding a dagger that looks as it was made out of iron threads, raising it left arm in the air and taking a full swing. Three white half-moon shape crimson left it claw moving a fast at the beauty. She took a leap in the air not before placing a cocoon made of thread over Jonthan body, she landed on the side of the build as she started to run like gravity doesn't exist. Moving from side to side dogging the beast attack, the beast saw that it attacks weren't landing on her, so it took off moving forward toward her, both of then moving faster faster toward each other.


Sound of claws and metal meeting was heard, the air surround the two pushes anything around them. Two blurs were seen as they keep on attacking each other trying to kill the other, after five minutes of attacking each other, they stop and kick away from each other. The beauty has a three small claw mark on her left jaw, while the beast having cuts all over its body and was breathing heavily trying to catch's it breath but the beauty gave it no chance. She attacks merciless giving the beast no time to relax, she aim for its arm before she moves to its legs it immobilizing the beast, it laid on its back staring at the beautiful full moon, she calmly walk up to the beast and said:

"You wolves always trying to take what doesn't belong to you"

"Hahahhahah looks who talking a fucking leach that hypnotist these weaklings, playing with them before throwing them way, aren't you afraid of starting war with us werewolves".

The beast replied with a smirk, in return it got a cold look from the beautiful blood sucker.

"Afraid of you mutts, hahah don't make me laugh your just a lone wolf an omega with no pack backing you, plus you were feeding on human if I was never stal- I mean watching over my prince you would have eat him and you should know that if you break the supernatural rules, you must be killed on spot right".


The wolf responded as it tried to look at the beautiful blood sucker Infront of him.

"I would have turned a blind eye if you didn't touch my prince but no you have to be greedy, so don't call me a bitch only my prince can call me that, remember that in your next life don't be a greedy dog." 

"You blood suc-"

The wolf could not finish his words before an iron thread ran through his neck, blood splashing on the garbage cans, the walls, the floor and even on her. she wipes the blood off her face before turn to her now sleeping prince rapped in her iron thread like cocoon, moving closer as the thread slowly unwind showing her his face that was starting the change, his once blonde hair now in the color of blonde and black. A crystal-clear bottle appeared out of nowhere in her hand, inside the bottle the liquid was lime colored liquid. A repulsive smelled leave the bottle as she open the cork, her face that once was beautiful was now filled with a disgusted emotion, after opening the cork she moved forward until she was at the wolf's body and emptied the bottle on the wolf corpse and blood. Ten second later a fizzling sound was heard as the blood and corpse started to melt until there was nothing left, clearing the scene of all evidents. Taking her sleeping prince in her hand slim hands before moving away leaving behind nothing.

A figure dress in black robe stood fifteen kilometer away standing on a tall building watch the scene with with its yellow reptilian eyes, the figure has being watching Jonthan from the movement he left home, looking at the scene it couldn't help but blurt out its thoughts out loud. 

"Looks like I was never needed that stalker vampire was there, I am starting to feel sorry for him once he find out about her personality good luck little Johnny, hope you survive the new world, lets meet when you are strong enough hahahaaa."

Two dragon wing spread from it back before flew of into the sky laughing, if anybody look up there would a saw a human flying.