
Becoming a Supreme God and Creator of Origin Elves!

In a cataclysmic battle, a brilliant young man sacrifices himself to protect his family. However, after his death, he finds himself in a vast emptiness of nothingness. There, he does not know how long he's been there or how long he will remain. After a long time, a mysterious and enigmatic man appears before him, referring to him as "Brother." This man reveals a secret that shakes the young man's entire existence, changing the course of his life forever. In a certain universe, this young man becomes the Supreme God and creator of the Origin Elven Race. This universe is full of mysteries and secrets, and its depths are unfathomable. It stands out as a unique universe in its own right. Follow the young man's journey as he watches the progress of his creation - his children. He observes their ups and downs, their happiness and sadness, and their dark and good nature. {Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The author shall not be held liable for any coincidental similarities or unintentional defamation that may arise from the portrayal of characters, events, or circumstances in this work of fiction. The characters, names, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.}

Death_6907 · Fantasía
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35 Chs

Chapter 24 - [Other Supreme God]

Chapter 24 - [Other Supreme God]

"Hello, is there anyone? I am Shreya and I would like to know about something. I am currently exploring this uncharted area and noticed your Divine Realm, which is truly large and radiates a powerful and elegant aura. May we speak?" Shreya spoke with her charming voice.

Her voice echoed in Asoka's Divine Realm.

Shreya waited for ten seconds but did not receive any response. As she turned around to leave, a large and beautiful gate appeared. The gate seemed to hold the secrets of the Omni-Verse, with a rainbow-colored theme and a serene aura.

On the other side of the gate, Shreya saw a very handsome young man. The man stood at the height of 7 feet, had deep golden-green hair and eyes, and was wearing black pants, a red shirt, and an overall golden-striped long coat. His most distinctive feature, however, was his ears. Unlike basically every humanoid race, this God's ears were distinctly long.

The aura of aloofness, mystery, and superiority that he radiated can make any mortal and god the feeling of an ant, like an inferior being in front of a superior being and Kneeling to worship him.

"Hey, Miss Do you want something? I heard that you were asking for something," Asoka spoke with his charming voice, which can bewitch anyone

"Ah...," Shreya came from her daze state, She was fascinated and enchanted by the handsome, and aura of aloofness that radiated by this man, while Shreya's cheek turned red immediately due to being Startled by his voice

'Aw.. I want to talk to you with your master and owner of this realm,' voiced Shreya immediately, who could not even think properly due to her last action. Due to this, she could not even think that this Handsome guy was the owner of this realm, was right in front of her

In the next moment, Shreya understands what type of bullshit and disrespectful questions she has asked. How can this man be a servant of god? Who appears very handsome, charismatic, and powerful. This type of man will never be a servant of another person. She can sense the aura of ruler, alpha, and dominator's presence because she possesses a similar presence of alpha and leader. This type of person will disdain to work under someone as a servant or pledge an allegiant of a lifetime.

"I am sorry for being disrespectful and for my unsightly action. As I had earlier said, my name is Shreya, a Primordial Ice Phoenix Goddess. I apologize for disturbing you," voiced Shreya, while her blushing cheek, Chaotic mind, and Stuttering voice reverted to their previous self into cold, calm, elegant, and calculative. She has lived over 1000 years in the Divine Domain after awakening from her fourth Nirvana and not to forget her life in her previous universe, So, she can easily control and manipulate her emotions while Manifesting them.

(The one day of divine dimension is equivalent to 15 days in mortal dimension.)

As Shreya said, she looked in the eyes of Asoka. She wanted to check for any sign of anger or displeasure. There was nothing but only calmness on his face.

"You do not have to say sorry. You do not know about me, but I know totally about you. As for your kind information, I am an Asoka Walker, God of elves, magic, wealth, and contract. If you have to discuss something, then come inside for a talk," spoke Asoka with an enchanted voice and hidden meaning behind the previous sentence as he turned around to go back.

"Did he know about my secret?" thought Shreya, but the next moment, she denied it. she did not even tell anyone, not even those she considers friends and family, but at that time, an image of a handsome and extraordinary man with white silver hair sitting on the Majestic sword dragon throne appeared in her mind, she thought in her mind "except that Being".

Shreya stepped inside a gate and appeared in the divine realm. She looked behind her as the gate closed merged with heaven and earth and disappeared.

Shreya is also very cautious, she knows that god has full authority in their divine realm, It is not that Shreya's afraid, she is just a little cautious because she did not know anything about this God and his ability and he is a stranger. She has sensed this guy's power level, which is not weaker than her, That means a primorial god, which is extremely rare,

Primordial God is not a realm or stage in the cultivation system but a title given to some rare beings.

The title 'Primordial' is given to those beings who are comprehending an aspect at primordial level manipulation.

Aspect means comprehension and understanding can be anything from basic magic elements to variant magic elements or any sub-magic elements, martial art concepts to weapons concepts, law, principles, ability, ideas, material, immaterial, tangible, intangible, etc.

If a person wants to make a breakthrough in God's realm or ignite a divine spark, They will have to comprehend the magic aspect into the higher level aspect that is known as the "Manipulations Aspect" stage.

The manipulation of aspect is divided into two sets: the first set is a "Comprehension of ordinary sets of Aspect, Not all gods, but most god possesses the ordinary manipulation of an aspect. Only a few gods, which can be counted on hand, can comprehend a second set of Manipulation Way, which is known as Primordial manipulation.

God with Primordial Manipulation can easily dominate or kill a group of Gods with ordinary manipulation of aspects. A god with primordial manipulation is as rare as phoenix feathers and Kirin horns.

So, the gods or goddesses who possess the primordial manipulation will be given the title of 'Primordial'

If you want to know how to become a god? Then here is your answer

For any demi-god to become a true god, they have to ignite the divine spark while combining their will, talent, skill, ability, mental power, mana, aura, and comprehension of a manipulation aspect to give birth to their divine spark. The divine spark is also a god's very foundation

With the help of the divine spark, they have to refine their mortal body into a divine body.

During this process, if the divine spark gets extinguished, they will fail the process of becoming a true god and be considered a false or pseudo-god. Out of a million people, only a handful of the people have a chance to become a true god

For divine god, their mana will transform into divine elements power. and as for demon gods or Evil Gods, Their mana will transform into demonic or evil elements power.

( The process of becoming a god is different for Origin elves)


Just as Shreya stepped inside the divine realm, she was hit by a dense amount of divine energy.

She took in her surroundings as she found herself on the pathway, which led toward the majestic palace. As she tried to scan the surroundings with her divine sense, she failed to scan it.

As she walked behind Asoka, she saw the huge forest, which seemed endless from her point of view. She also sees and meets many gazes of animals, birds, and little fairy-like beings.

Mostly, the things that Shreya sees are just an illusion. The forest that she saw was not an ordinary forest but a forest of the world God Tree, the Animals she was were not animals but immortal divine beasts some of the beasts were even more powerful than her, and even Mountain were not mountains but huge body of the celestial beast. She will just die from shock if she learns about all that thing.

Asoka led Shreya toward the center of his garden, There was a small circular table and 6 chairs.

As both Shreya and Asoka sit, Asoka gazes toward Shreya while saying, "So now we can talk, miss Shreya, why have you come here...? Oops, how bad of me You are my guest, so how can I forget to entertain you," Asoka hits his head for being forgotten like something important, "What do you want for refreshment, Miss Phoenix ... some coffee, tea, or Alcohol, etc? You can tell anything you want,"

"No, just give me a fresh tea, and nothing else," spoke Shreya with a calm face.

"Lila, prepare some tea for Guest," voices Asoka in the air.

Just as the sentence was finished, a small lady at the size of 30 cm appeared. A lady has long black hair and eyes, and her skin is very smooth and delicate. She also possesses long legs according to her size.

Lila belongs to Ariya's race, Lila looks different from other Ariya in height and strength because Lila is the first Ariya to go through the first nine deaths and achieve the status of primordial god with the primordial Nature manipulation Aspect. Asoka has created her to take care of his divine realm, his world trees, castle, and garden. Also created many other nature races like Ariya, spirit, fairy, fae, Golam, etc. for the same purpose.

From the outside, Shreya looked very calm, but from inside, she was shocked, Shreya is fully confident in her battle instinct and battle sense, and even with all that she could not sense how Lila had appeared.

Shreya begins to analyze Lila very sharply, At first, she considers her to be from a fairy race, but after some Keen observation, she determines that she is not from the Fairy race.

"Yes, master as you demand," after saying Lila immediately vanished

"May I ask who she is? I can not sense the aura of the fairy race from her, Is she really from the fairy race," Ask Shreya filled with curiosity

"No, she is not a fairy, but a race called Ariya. They are 65% similar to the fairy race," replied Asoka, Of course, he is not going to reveal everything about Ariya