
Chapter nine_ Such a pervert (4)

"I didn't make fun of you,i just made my honest review about it don't you think i was right?"i glared at him in anger and resentment but have completely given up.

I couldn't beat this guy in being shameless.

"Fine,you can leave. I'll get back to washing the plates"i turned around and continued washing the plates"And why would i let you do that?"he appeared in my front"Ahhhhh"i yelled in suprise.

He was really fast.

"Don't scare me like that"i held my chest,i easily get frightened.

That's why whenever me and Mason visits the amusement park,we never go near the haunted house.

"I think you've forgotten who you are?,if yes,then let me remind you. You're just my slave who would do as i wishes"His eyes darkened.

I wondered what has upset him now.

"Of course Master"i said with sacarsm and bowed.

"Now how are you going to repay me?"he said looking at me.

Then something unfathomable flashed through his dark eyes as he came forward while i moved backwards until i was trapped by the wall.

His hands trapped my body in between.

Does he want to kiss me?

No,no,this can't happen?.

He lowered his head to mine and looked into my eyes"JoJo"he said with softness.

My head throbbed in pain hearing that name,it sound familiar yet distant. Why did he say that?.

I tried to look at him but his image was too blurry to see,black dots started appearing in my eyes,i steadied myself to stay firm and not lose consciousness but it seems like the cold had affected my whole body.

I felt limp and before i knew it, everything went dark.

"JoJo, JoJo, JoJo, JoJo!!!!"that name kept ringing in my ear,i felt uncomfortable and started rolling wanting to get rid of that name but i couldn't,i suddenly jerked up and found myself on a white comfy bed with a dangling chandelier over me.

This room is quite beautiful than the one i had enough today.

Did i pass out again?.

I used the quilt to cover my head "You're awake"i stayed still not wanting to face him.

He may think that am too weak"If you sleep on that bed,am afraid i may have to deduct out of your salary for accomodations"That seem to have gotten into my brain because i stood up from the bed feeling weak.

Then i sat down back"Are you okay?"i used my energy to glare at him in anger.

I fainted because of him"Hey,why are you looking at me for?"i didn't say a word"Why did you say JoJo?"I finally asked.

"Get some rest"he said standing up and walking away.

He definitely didn't refuse saying it but why?.

I sighed and slept again.


I rubbed my eyes and yawned lazily,the room looks familiar.

Oh,am in the room i had fell asleep earlier before.

I stood up walking barefooted.

"Where are you going to?"i stopped in my tracks.

"Going for a walk"i said shrugging.

"Well that's nice since walking could increase the size".

I coughed choking on nothing but of shame and embarrassment.

"You forgot this"he threw at me an object as i caught it steadily.

It was my old phone,i had forgotten it in his car yesterday,i looked through it.

It was still intact with some few missed calls.

"Thanks,i feel tired, I'll go get a rest"i yawned and walked back to the room"Don't you know how to address me?".

Why do i need to call him my master? I yelled in my mind but still composed myself on the outside"Sorry master"

He scoffed and turned to walk away then paused"Next time you repeat that mistake,i won't spare you even if you're ill"he said and i was smart enough to get his threat.

He was referring to the punishment of yesterday where i almost died in the cold.

I shuddered at that experience.

I walked into the room and sat on the bed,the first caller was Melissa.

She had called twenty two times,i laughed.

Yesterday, she was mad at me and today she's calling me like am dead or something.

I called her and she picked up immediately like she had been expecting my call"Lisa,how are you doing?"there was silence before then ragged breathing.

"I know you're there"i said.

"I wasn't hiding myself from you, where are you?. Sofia and Dad wants to destroy the house"i chuckled.

"Why would Sofia care if i was gone?"i asked.

"Supposedly, you had beaten up Rose when she had tried to stop you from going out today, she showed some bruises on her arm indicating that you had pushed her fiercely and her face was covered with hand marks"i sneered.

Rose has really upped her game.

"She will be Rose..." i scoffed thinking about what happened this morning.

"Have you visited the hospital today for your check up"i heard a sigh from the other side.

"Sister,am fine. no need to worry about me".

Why does she keeps saying that when she's clearly hurting inside?.

Why can't she be open to me?

I felt hurt inside,my sister is clearly going through alot but always carrying the burden on her own.

We play and laugh together but she cries alone,i didn't know i was crying until i felt the saltiness of the tear on my lips.