
Chapter Four_ Be your maid (4)

I sat down on her bed"Lisa" "Ann" we called out at the same time and immediately giggles.

"You first"i said and she nods sitting beside me.

"I heard that you're leaving...why...is it because of that scumbag?...if you leave, who'll be with me when the mother and daughter duo starts their plot again... don't you love me again?..."i could see tears slowly slipping out of her eyes, and am sure that the thought of me leaving affected her the most.

I mean this is my cute little sister whom i've always dote on, she was always the target of Sofia plot and when i entered the picture,they started plotting against me.

From that time,me and Melissa grew closer and had always fought the mother and daughter duo.

Those old memories did make me smile,"Lisa,am really sorry but it came so sudden that i couldn't do anything about it. You have to trust me on this, right now,i need your full support"i held her hands still contemplating if i should tell her about my meeting with that guy.

My heart pained seeing her crying,i wish i was in a fairy tale where all the tales ends in a happily ever after.

She nods her head"Of course,you have my support. Now,you can go and start packing,am going to have my shower"she said coldly and i pursed my lips.

She was clearly trying to get me away,i wanted to talk but she entered the bathroom and shut the door.

With a sigh,i walked out and closed the door and the next thing i heard was sobbing.

I couldn't do anything and was completely helpless.

I went to my room and started packing,i didn't pack much and was soon done. Walking to my balcony and looking at the stars, there was one that stood out among all.

I know that it may sound stupid but they once said that whenever one dies, their soul goes to the sky and become a star looking out for their loved ones.

I believe that and i believe that my mom is watching over me from up there,i closed my eyes saying a silent prayer.

"Mom, whenever you are, please help me. Am i making the right decision by leaving?. Am doing all this for Dad, he's greatly in a financial difficulty and i just want to help him. Mom,if you're up there, please direct me"i clasped my hands together and when i was done,i unclasped my hands and looked at the star which was shining so bright.

But the light was brighter.

Was my Mom giving me a sign?!

I guess i better get some sleep before tommorow.

I lied in my bed on my back with my tummy facing the ceiling.

I brought out the iPhone XS that man had given me,i turned it on.

This was really everybody's dream phone,i checked the contacts and only saw 'Master'.

I would be working under someone like a maid.

Well, your life won't be complete without some adventures.

I don't know what happened but i finally fell asleep.