
Becoming a life winner from infancy

Reborn in a parallel world, Fang You landed on earth with the cry of a newborn! By achieving growth goals, he could unlock various unique talents, positioning himself to win right from the starting line! As a baby: Accomplish 1,000 rollover movements to unlock the talent "Reverse Life"; As a toddler: Master 10 paper airplane folding techniques to unlock the talent "Origami Celebrity"; As a youth: Secure 100 victories in "Three Kingdoms Kill" to unlock the talent "Rising to Prominence"; "Absolute Focus," "Eat without Gaining Weight," "Never Nearsighted," "Five Seconds to Sleep," "Photographic Memory"... With the continuous acquisition and accumulation of growth energy, more all-around talents gradually emerged... Starting as a well-known internet sensation baby cutie and accompanied by the neighborly companionship of a girl who was like a sister from another life, enjoy the sweet, loving daily life of winning from childhood to adulthood!

Cao Manjun · Ciudad
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194 Chs

I will listen to Dad's words!

Following behind Xia Nuo was Xia Anyang, whose expression seemed rather serious.

Honestly, he had not expected to have such a big falling out with his usually close daughter today.

Upon reflection, Xia Anyang also realized that perhaps he and his wife had been too indulgent with their daughter in the past.

If they always gave in to her wishes, it could have an adverse effect on the child's growth in the future.

It's fine for the mother to be the gentle parent.

But as a father, he couldn't just spoil his daughter.

He needed to show the strict side of a father.

He must hold back!

Xia Anyang, you must be a great father!

You must not coax Nuo Nuo right now!

Xia Anyang walked up to Xia Nuo and warned her,

"Nuo Nuo, throwing a tantrum is useless, you are already in the upper preschool class, you need to be more sensible. Did you listen to what Dad just told you?"

"No, no, I don't want to listen!"

Buried in Chen Xuan's arms with her hands over her ears, Xia Nuo said, "I don't want to listen to Dad anymore!"

"You child..."

Xia Anyang patiently explained to Xia Nuo why he wouldn't let her sister be in the photo, so Chen Xuan roughly understood what had happened.

However, Xia Nuo still seemed unwilling to pay attention to Xia Anyang, and then she lifted her head and acted coquettishly toward Chen Xuan:

"Aunt Chen, Aunt Chen, I just want to go to your house... Please..."

Seeing his daughter become so disobedient, Xia Anyang finally couldn't help but say,

"If that's the case, then go be someone else's child!"

Xia Nuo lifted her head and glared at Xia Anyang angrily:

"Then I will! I'll be You You's child!"

"So... can I take Nuo Nuo home with me? It happens that Nuo Nuo has never been to my house alone before, so let's have dinner at my house today."

Chen Xuan held Xia Nuo, ready to walk toward the direction of their residential area.

And Xia Anyang didn't try to keep her, just standing there watching Xia Nuo in Chen Xuan's arms.

He was waiting for his daughter to give in.

Since Nuo Nuo started attending kindergarten, she had never been to someone else's home before, she would definitely still be scared for the first time.

As long as she softens up and apologizes to Dad, I'll still take her back home...

Chen Xuan got a little further away.

Forget it, as long as she looks up at me, I'll take it as her not wanting to leave Dad, and I'll still take her back home...

They were getting farther and farther away!

Just lift your head! Make a move!

Xia Nuo, buried in Chen Xuan's arms, did not look at Dad at all from beginning to end.


It seems she really doesn't want to deal with Dad!

Seeing his daughter stubbornly not turning back and calling for him, Xia Anyang suddenly felt a hollow feeling in his heart, as if something had been dug out of it.

Just then, he heard some movement below him.

Looking down, he found Fang You busily tidying up toys.

He had been left in the children's playground by his mother as well.

But Fang You seemed quite unfazed by it.

Fang You packed up the toys and handed them to Xia Anyang.

"Uncle Xia, don't worry, Nuo Nuo is a good kid, she surely understands the reasons you expressed."

"She's just in a bad mood right now, she needs to cool down for a bit, I'll go back and talk to her for you..."


Xia Anyang had thought that with him being so stern today, Fang You probably wouldn't dare to talk to him, but here he was, taking the initiative to give advice, saying he wanted to help solve the problem.

Xia Anyang suddenly found Fang You not so annoying after all.

"Then... since you and Nuo Nuo are good friends, you have to have a good talk with her."

"Mhm... I will!"

[Xia Anyang feels that you are clear-faced and handsome today, Emotional Energy +2]

After they got home, Chen Xuan let Xia Nuo and Fang You play in the living room before waking up Fang Guanghui, who was sleeping soundly on the sofa.

Chen Xuan pulled him into the room and gave him a stern and profound criticism for not taking care of the children today.

Meanwhile, Fang You found the opportunity to be alone with Xia Nuo.

He came over to Xia Nuo and asked softly, "Nuo Nuo, are you still mad at Dad?"

Xia Nuo rubbed her eyes, clearly still a bit sad, and nodded gently, "A little."

"But I think what Nuo Nuo's Dad said makes sense."

Fang You seriously said, "Taking photos with strangers in our own neighborhood, and if they are posted online, bad people might discover where we live. It is very dangerous, especially since we have so many fans online..."

Now that Xia Nuo's emotions had largely settled down, and because it was You You speaking, she listened attentively to every word that he said.

After hearing what Fang You had to say, Xia Nuo continued to look down in embarrassment: "I know I was wrong about this, but... but Daddy went too far, he... um..."

Seeing Xia Nuo hesitate to continue, Fang You gently touched her head.

"Do you feel very sad because Daddy said that he wants you to be someone else's child?"

Xia Nuo, with her head still down, spoke with a voice filled with grievance and even a hint of a sob.

"Daddy, Daddy said he doesn't want me anymore... I don't want to make up with him ever again."

It seemed that this was the real reason for her tantrum.

Being told by the parents she depended on most that they didn't want her was a very hurtful thing for a child, and it could severely damage a child's sense of security.

No matter how angry, one should never say this to a child.

So, Fang You stepped forward, hugged Xia Nuo, and patted her back while whispering in her ear:

"He was just speaking in anger; he would never really stop wanting you..."

Fang You patiently coaxed Xia Nuo in a soft voice, "After we finish dinner and go home later, you first apologize to Daddy, then tell him about your feelings of grievance. Your daddy is a good daddy; he will listen to you... Is that okay?"

"Then, you'll come with me when the time comes," Xia Nuo rubbed her eyes and held onto Fang You's hand.

"Okay, I promise you."


Noticing her son lecturing Xia Nuo, and having already finished scolding her, Chen Xuan and Fang Guanghui weren't in a hurry to reveal themselves but waited quietly for the two children to finish their heart-to-heart.

Originally, she had planned to discipline her daughter on behalf of Nuo Nuo's dad, but now it seemed that relying on You You was enough for the job!

Our You You has really grown up...

[Chen Xuan is very pleased with your growth, Emotional Energy +10]

[Fang Guanghui acknowledges you're more sensible, Emotional Energy +8]

Xia Nuo was still the child who could quickly forget unhappiness and stabilize her emotions.

She felt at home in Fang You's house, where she read picture books with him, watched cartoons, and played with the few toys in Fang You's home.

When Fang Guanghui had dinner ready, the children washed their hands and sat down at the table together.

"Here, Nuo Nuo, help yourself to anything you want. If you can't reach, let Uncle help you!"

"Uncle Fang, you don't have to worry about me not reaching." Xia Nuo said, "You You will help me."

"Haha, that's true..."

As she spoke, Xia Nuo also picked up a piece of meat and placed it in Fang Guanghui's bowl.

"Uncle, you should eat more."

"Ah, my my... Nuo Nuo is so thoughtful, so good, so wonderful!"

So this is what it feels like to have a 'little padded jacket'! I can't wait to start a sub-account.

Fang You was also surprised by Xia Nuo's well-behaved and sensible behavior at the dinner table, and he asked in a low voice: "Why did you serve meat to my dad?"

Xia Nuo explained in a low voice, "When I came in to wash my hands a moment ago, I heard crying from uncle's room. He must have been naughty and been spanked by auntie; his butt must still be hurting. He needs to eat more meat to recover."


You really are thoughtful, you.

Xia Nuo indeed seemed very familiar in Fang You's home, asking for help to reach dishes she couldn't and acting freely and unreservedly.

Seeing this harmonious scene, Chen Xuan felt extremely happy, truly as if she had gained an extra daughter.

Speaking of which...

Nuo Nuo nursed from me when she was little; I'm like half a mother to her already!

Actually, the two children could have long started calling each other's mothers godmothers, a suggestion Lin Yi had also made to Chen Xuan, and she indeed liked the idea.

But, Chen Xuan had thought about something even more far-off at the time and hadn't immediately agreed.

At the dinner table, Xia Nuo expressed that she had something to say:

"Uncle, auntie, after talking with You You, I know I was wrong today. I will properly apologize to my dad."

"Ah, Nuo Nuo, you really are a good girl, understanding things like this... That's the sign of a good child."

"Nuo Nuo, you're great!" Fang Guanghui clapped on the side.

Xia Nuo smiled, accepting everyone's praise, her expression still serious, very much like a little adult.

"But, I think Daddy also did something wrong."

"He said something that really hurt me inside, telling me to be someone else's child, saying he didn't want me anymore."

With that, she clenched her little fists, "So I think, I should take actual action to let Daddy realize his mistake!"

"You want to make your dad see his mistake... What are you planning to do?"

This was a different plan from what Fang You had suggested to Xia Nuo before; she seemed to have some other quirky idea:

"I've made up my mind... I'm going to listen to what Daddy said!"

Xia Nuo said earnestly, "Starting today, I'm going to be You You's child!"


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