
chapter 7

After eating a big meal, I felt so much better and full of energy. Watching the news still talking about the app, I decided to watch something else for a change so I went to Utube to check out some funny videos. But every video I saw was talking about the app or making reaction videos about it. So I left the app and search for buildings for sale near me.

Scrolling through different ones, I found a decent size building selling for 350 million and call the phone number on the page. After a couple of seconds, someone pick up the phone and a rough man's voice went through.

''Hello, who is this?"

"Hello sir, I am calling about the building for sale, when is a good time for me to inspect the place?"

"Oh, are you buying it right not? If not then don't waste my time."

"yes, I will be buying it''

''Great! Come by in an hour and I will meet you at the entrance'' The person hung up right after.

Putting down my phone and putting away my dishes. I walk upstairs to take a quick cold bath, feeling cool and fresh, I put on some new clothes I have bought at the mall.

Grabbing my wallet and making sure my bank card is there, I headed downstairs to put on some shoes. While putting on the shoes, I notice my phone turning on by itself and showing a cute image, I assume it's my A.I and I was right.

''Hello master''

"Did you learn everything already?"

''Yes I have, I can break into any server I want and track anyone through any device"

''Good, you should have heard my conversation earlier right?"


''Find out everything about him"

''Will do master!"

Since I have bought some cars, it's time to show them off, I decided to ride the Lambo today. Using the GPS it didn't take long for me to reach my destination, after parking I walk to the entrance and waited.

Shorty after a middle-aged man walked towards me and said in a confusing tone "Are you the one who called"

"Yes, I am"

"Okay good, then follow me"

The middle age man enters the building and explains every detail about it. 'Tisk, it's just a kid with decent looks, he better buys the building or else'.

''Not bad place you have here, how many floors does it have?"

"Twelve floors with a restroom and the twelve floor is the CEO room. It has the best features and equipment, you can use it however you please."


After looking at most of the building, I nodded in satisfaction and ask how much in total since I know the price can be negotiated. But I have more than money so I don't really care about the price.

"I like it very much, and on the website, you listed it for 350 million, is that your final offer?"

"Yes, it is and I can't go down any further" 'Haha kid, you're still wet behind your hears, you should just go home and drink your milk bottle'

''Alright, I take it''


"I said, I will take it''

"Cough, alright and how are you paying for it?'''

''I pay with a card''

He pull out a card reader and I quickly inserted my card, and the payment went through without any issues. Meanwhile, when I was paying, I told my A.I to copy recent transactions from the middle age man's card reader and put it onto my phone so I can check who he has scammed. On the way here, I found out every bad deed that this guy did and was furious.

The man's name is Li Shong, an owner of a food business having a couple of different stores around the city. The building he was selling was from a man he threatened, Li Shong kidnapped his wife and did things that people don't want to know. He also videoed clip everything he did and sent the clip to her husband, threatening him for money and resources. Since the man couldn't pay in cash, he gave up the building to Li Shong.

After the payment went through, I sign the papers and everything is done and this building now belongs to me.

''Thank you for your purchase young man, have a good day''

Seeing him walk away, I took out my phone and went through the information Omega found out about what he did in the past. I wasn't going to send to the police right away because I'm not a hero, I'm someone who seeks profit at the right time.

"Make a folder and put everything in there''

''Yes master''

''Oh right master, do I have a name?"

"A name?..."

"Yes..yes you do and from now on you shall be.....Omega''


''Yes hello is this Tiger construction company?"

"Yes, whom am I speaking to?'

"My name is Ye Feng and I am calling because I want to remodel my company building"

"Oh, alright, how big is the building and what do you want?"

After telling him everything that the building needed I hung up, this building will be my headquarters for the future. Since I will be using this building for the long term, I need to do some small touches around the place. I will be getting a new company logo sign, computers, equipment, and interiors, and also be adding a new room in the CEO's office.

I also told the guy to find some people for gardening and somewhere to buy trees because I want the outside to be as beautiful. Since I don't have any connections to anyone, I won't be able to find the right person I need for the job and I can have Omega do the job of finding people but he is made for big projects.

The project would take a couple of days to finish and meanwhile, I can find people to hire. Telling Omega to make a job post for every position I will be needed, I went back to my car and left to grab some food.

Finding a decent restaurant, I ate a good meal and went home for today. I will also need a good secretary preferably a female since I don't want to hang around with a guy all day.

'Omega make a new job post, one for a secretary, a young female mid-20s who has skills such as business, numbers, and knowledge about technology.'

'Yes master"


Reaching home, I went straight to the living and sat down. The building I have just purchased is going to my headquarters, so I will need to acquire more buildings for my apps in the future.

"Omega, do you look into the companies, I have told you about?"

"yes, I have already, do you want me to put the information on the tv."


Numerous companies' information was on display on tv, companies of big social platforms such as labchat, chacebook, and Instablam, etc. Is going out of business and every minute stock prices are going down. I decided to buy out these companies when they're at their lowest and use them for the Unversive texting app and other apps in the future. (A/N: I will be changing the names of the companies, I'm not trying to risk anything. I just made up random names so don't be hostile.)


But it seems it will take some time before I can buy them for cheap but no worries, I have all the time in the world. After dealing with my business with social platforms companies, I will be going after you, Li Shong, you should start praying.

'Omega, how much stock have you purchase

''I have around 30 to 40 percent of each company, I only use 10 billion to buy them all.''

''Good, that's enough for now, how much have we earned recently?"

"You have earned 12 billion in 8 hours"

''Good, good"

"By the way, are they still trying to crack the app's code? How's their progress?"

"They have been trying ever since the app was launched and only one percent has been cracked''

"Haha, silly old fools, you should be worrying about your company crisis instead trying to break into my app. So the saying is true after all, the older you are, the more senile you are.''

"Omega, since they are trying to break into my apps, shouldn't we do the same with theirs?"


''Get it done, sooner the better''

What would happen if the app suddenly crashes and freezes your phone? I tell you, it will be rage, worldwide rage. Stocks, the public imagine will be crumbling every hour non-stop until the company disappears.

"Omega once the companies go bankrupt, buy them all and send new contracts to the workers. Also, fire everyone with authority but try to find someone with a clean background and hire him/her to start working on the Universe Texting app. But tell them to focus on customer service and ban anyone who is using the app with evil intentions."