

Matt Rondall the desendantn the hero Rondall was killed and his body harvested by the church, his flesh could prolong life and his blood could heal allmost anything, all due to having the blood af an angel in his body, but matt also inherits one major weakness from the angel, his soul falls, but I stead of becoming a fallen he is reborn as a demon, by a strange entity that call itself the will of the abyss, matt wants to get revenge on the church for Killing him and using his body as a mine, join matt as he tries to conquer the planet habboth. the story might be lacking something for now, but from chapter 5 it's going to be more interesting {{{ FOR THOSE PEOPLE THAT DONT LIKE STORIES ABOUT ANGELS, DEMONS, AND GODS I DONT RECOMMEND THIS BOOK TO YOU, BUT STILL REMEMBER IT IS PURELY FICTION...NOTHING I WRITE IS REAL}}}...................peace out................

somy_king · Fantasía
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8 Chs

chapter 8. The march

Alal had summoned more demons so he had a total of 7 high demons each with their own legions of lesser demons.

Argos a high flame demon, proficient in the use of the undying flames, he was a 3 meters tall humanoid demon, he had no wings or tail, he had a pair of large ram like horns on his head and he wielded a short sword.

zukos a colossal berserk demon with skin as hard as steel, zukos had a pair of metallic wings and he was almost 25 metres allmost the same height as Morfran, he wielded a gigantic great sword strangely it looked too much like his metallic skin, and it had red vein like lines that moved round and concentrated at the centre both of his sword and his body.

Shamon a high shadow demon, he was a humanoid demon with horns all over his head he wore full armor and he was allways on his horse whis was also a high demon. they both looked like they were connected and anywhere he went the shadows followed, he was like the night anywhere he was the shadows could be seen, he could manipulate shadows and control the darkness element to some extent.

lanron, lanron was a high demon that specialises in hand to hand combat, he had the face of a bull, spikes all over his upper body and a snake for a tail, he was bulky and he had an affinity for the fire element.

Melis a high portal demon, Melis was demon proficient in the arts of operating portals, in a way he was a form transport. when he was summoned he never showed his full body only his upper body was visible while his lower body remained in his portal, Alal never questioned this as he just assumed it was for quick escape if the need arises. it wasn't clear if melis was humanoid or not but his upper body was fairly humanoid he was massive at 9 meters and his face was like one straight out of a nightmare.

Hagral, hagral was an a demon beast that had evolved and become a demon, he had gained the intelligence and strength to become a high demon, Hagral was a nightmare demon and as such he did not have a true form but most times he took the form of a wendigo, an undead monster from legends said to be masters in illusions and nightmares, it is said that nightmare demons love to drive their prey to the brink of madness before devouring them as they enjoy the taste of fear and chaos.

most of the demons under Zukos the colossal berserk demon was just as massive or close to him in size so Alal had given one of the biggest burliest ones the privilege to carry the castle where he stayed, it was an ingenious ides as the demon could just put the castle on his shoulder and march with the rest of the army.

Alal had grouped the demon beasts based on their size, the smallest ones at the front then the more monstrous ones at the back of the army, naturally Morfran was at the very back of the line as he was colossal, he reached the clouds as he carried his massive body through the the forest along with the army.

The seven general's were around the castle those small enough to fit were inside the castle were while the others that were just too big were outside walking with the rest of the army well that's excluding the high plague demon Morana, he was told to go ahead with his legion and cause as much damage to the cities in the way and prepare the humans for the demon lords arrival, this was an excuse Alal had used to get rid of him, honestly he just didn't want to be too close to Morfran.

Alal moved at the back of the army with the general's, Morfran and the demi-humans leader ubel, they stayed with Alal in the castle, while ubel attended to Alal's needs.