
Become a top mage at all costs

Eileen Caldwell had always been the epitome of a laid-back individual. From her early years to her teens, her passion for leisure rivaled that of any professional napper. School was merely a necessary inconvenience, and she found herself comfortably situated at the bottom of her class hierarchy, much to the chagrin of her teachers and the bemusement of her peers. However, all of this changed on her 18th birthday signaling her transition into adulthood, a mysterious system was activated, one that would upend her world of sloth and slumber. Gone were the days of lounging around without consequence; instead, Eileen found herself thrust into a destiny she could scarcely have imagined. This newly activated system, with its stern mandate against idleness, revealed to Eileen her true potential: she was destined to become one of the most formidable mages the world had ever seen. No longer could she while away the hours in blissful ignorance; instead, she was called upon to harness her latent magical abilities and rise to the challenge that lay before her.

K_Mopo · LGBT+
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100 Chs

I feel better

I woke up feeling much better than I had the day before. The fever was gone, and although my body still ached, it was nothing compared to the previous day's misery. I stretched, savoring the sensation of my muscles slowly coming back to life. Then, as the events of yesterday replayed in my mind, I remembered something with a jolt.

"Oh shit, yesterday I didn't do my daily mission," I said aloud, panic rising in my chest.

Before I could fully descend into worry, the familiar chime of the system activating rang in my ears. An iridescent hologram appeared before me, hovering just above my bed.

"You have been authorized not to do daily missions for two days," the system intoned in its usual calm, mechanical voice.

I let out a relieved sigh, sinking back against my pillows. "Thank goodness," I murmured. "I don't think I could've handled any extra stress."