
Becca's Love

When Jackie and his Crew get called for a job to take down Mila Tech, they meet David, Rebecca, and Lucy. Liam doesn't like to fight, but he is super good at it and only got into this life to try and save his sister, who died in his arms. When his cyber wear is like Kiwi major hacker and loves to help with, he can with the homeless.

GhostWriter1996 · Cómic
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9 Chs

The First Call

Liam was at his shop working when Becca called him. He noticed it and answered, "Who gave you my number," he said. Becca smiles. "Jackie," she said. Liam sighs. "Fucking Jackie, what's up, Becca," he asks. "There is a party at Afterlife. You want to join us" she asks. He smiled. "Sure," he said and stood up and walked to get his stuff. Becca smiles and fixes her hair, and shoves Lucy. "Why did you shove me," Lucy said. "Liam is coming. Do I look okay" she asks. Lucy laughs. "Becca, really," she said. Liam walks in, gets a drink, walks over, and leans against the wall. "What up," he said. Main smiles. "Welcome," he said. David was making out with Lucy. "I didn't come out to watch porn when I can do that at home, peace," he said and turned to leave. Becca stopped him. "Come to my place, and we can do some Preem BDs together," she said. Liam took his drink straight back. "Sure," he said and left with her. Becca got to her place, and she walks in, and took her jacket off. All she had on was black panties and her black bra.

Liam found the bedroom and lays down. Becca walks in, holding two beers, and smiles. He smiled and took one while he picked up the BD stuff. Becca took it from him. "Got some questions," she said, handcuffing him to the bed. "What the fuck Becca," he said. "first, is it true you just have sex and not date," Becca asked. Liam sighed. "Yes," he said. "if you were to date someone, what would you do," she asked. Liam sighed and sat up. "Take them out and care about them and not fuck for a while also, make sure they are safe and get them everything they need. I would always make sure they were good before myself. I would check on them, make sure they ate, take them out, and spend money on them why," he said. Becca uncuffs him. "Then I would like to date you, Liam," she said. Liam looked at her. "You sure," he said, lifting her chin to his face. "I take my dating very seriously," he said, leaning close to her. Becca kissed him. "Yes, I am sure," she said. Liam got up. "Alright," he said, kissing her hands and sending her some money for clothes and such "I will head home," he said. "You are safe in your place," he said. Becca smiled and watched him go. She was so happy she jumped up and down. "Wait fuck, one of his rules was no sex for a while shit fuck" Becca said. On his way home, he calls Jackie. "What's up, kid," he says. "I have a girlfriend, so yeah," he said. "It's that Becca girl, isn't it," he said. Liam nods. "Yeah, we just started dating," he said. "Thanks, Jackie," he said and hung up. He got to his place and ordered flowers to be delivered to Becca's place in the morning and food. He lies down. "Sis, I think I might have found that happiness you wanted for me," he said as he fell asleep.