
Caihong's circumstances (2)

 An Guoting clenched his fists. "I don't care about society."

"And you think Caihong wouldn't care too?" She questioned him back.

"Dad, she may try to look tough and strong and act as if she is unaffected, but how long would that strength last? Words are more hurtful than a physical injury and until when would Caihong be able to bear such humiliation? Nobody would give a damn that she was a victim. This will affect your reputation, too, and Caihong would never want to see you suffer."


Shuang gave a wry smile. "Dad, the physical assault might have lasted one night, but the mental and emotional suffering she would have to face from the world once she gets the victim tag would last forever. Do you want her to live a life like that? Your power wouldn't be able to save her."

He pursed his lips.

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