
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
45 Chs

Snatching A Cute Beastman

He paused to sense the aura, but after realizing that he was stronger than this level 3 beastman and that the level 3 beastman was just probing, he continued with his task as if nothing happened.

First of all even if this beastman was at the same level as he was, he still wouldn't be able to sense his presence and he was also in the sea, which disrupts land beast men's aura.

He carried the last batch of preys back to the cave before moving each of them into his storage room. He was thinking of arranging them properly but was interrupted again by the same aura.

He almost wanted to get angry but was able to calm himself down, he noticed that this time around, the aura was a little different.

Instead of just probing, the aura was fully released as if the owner of the aura was challenging someone.

Which made Andri a little confused. He was sure that the beastman from earlier hadn't sensed his presence, so why was he here again and releasing such an offensive aura.

He decided to go check it out himself. The reason why Andri found Kevin's aura offensive was because, it was generally understood that when beast men releases his aura in the presence of a same level beastman, it was seen as sending out a challenge, which was very provocative to the latter as it was like the other beastman was saying 'you are too weak to be at the same level as myself' thus leading to a fight that might cause one's life.

Andri only felt slightly annoyed because he was not sure the beastman was challenging him, 'it was either this beastman was just being reckless or was trying to chase away wild beast, or maybe he was challenging another beastman either way I have to know what the truth is'.

With that Andri swam to the surface to quench his curiosity. Getting to the surface, Andri didn't reveal himself, instead choosing to stay at an inconspicuous part of the lake where he could barely see the surface of the lake, but the others above the lake won't be able to see him.

Although he could barely see anything from his current position, it was ok as he wasn't planning on just using his eyes to sense his surroundings. Andri closed his eyes and used his affinity for the water elements to sense what was happening on land, this way, the other beastman wouldn't be able to sense him.

But after he used this ability, the only thing he could sense close to the lake was an aura-less beastman 'could it be a female?', he looked up but was only able to see a vague figure standing right outside the lake.

He decided to swim a little bit closer to see if it was really a female, he was already analyzing why a level 3 beastman would come all the way to a small lake to release his aura.

If  it was a female standing right in front of him, then this female must be the level 3 beastman's mate and he was trying to protect her, by scaring away beasts and beastman alike.

But why would he leave his female in a forest alone. The only exception being that the female asked to be left alone. But still he could have pretended to have left her alone but in reality, he would just hide in a place that her eyes can't reach.

Andri was confused by this because he couldn't fill the presence of the beastman anywhere close to the lake.

While Andri thought this, he got to a close enough distance were he was sure that a female wouldn't be able to see through, but was surprised to see that it wasn't a female but a weak looking beastman.

His mind spun 'why would a beastman even if he just came of age have no aura' he decided to probe him and discovered that this beastman has a unique presence, it felt soft like that of a female, and even after probing him, he showed no reaction as if not feeling anything at all.

'Strange', this caught Andri's interest, he wanted to know how this was possible but he had to retract his aura first as he could sensed another beastman approaching.

Obviously this was also not the beastman who had released his aura, but to be honest Andri already lost interest in that beastman and was now more focused on the strange beastman Infront of him.

He went a little bit dipper into the water but as soon as he did that, the beastman who picked his interest fell into the water, he wanted to help the beastman but stopped himself just in time.

A certain thought occured to him that stopped him from what he was about to do 'what if this beastman that looks so weak was infact a high ranked beastman of level 4 or 5, he would have noticed my presence a long time ago, and just didn't react to me because I am too weak and insignificant to catch his attention'.

With that in mind, Andri stood there and watched, {if you call swimming in a steady state standing, then yes he stood there and watched} as the strange beastman drowned, anticipating the big reveal of his true strength, but nothing of that sort happened.

Andri knew that if he waited a bit longer then he might get an answer but he couldn't just stand their and watch as the beastman who caught so much of his attention died just like that.

Andri was very hesitant but just when Hao Shen was close to dieing he made a decision, and that was to save the beastman, but yet again he stopped at the last moment as someone else already saved the beastman.

At first he thought that it was the beastman that made the statement that pushed this beastman into the water that finally made a move to save him. But after sensing the strong aura emanating from this beastman, he realized that it was the beastman who had made him swim all the way up here, and it seems that he had only rushed here to save this beastman.

Andri did not understand why a beastman will go through all that to save another beastman, he had even released his aura to deter others from coming close.

Andri had never been one to 'not' give into his curiosity, so he decided to stick around to know why.

He quietly stayed in the lake while sensing the chaos happening on land and was surprised by the things he heard, which only fed his curiosity and didn't answer any questions. He decided he wanted to know more and for that to happen he needed to take away the very being that fed his curiosity.

From the looks of it this beastman seems very afraid, he couldn't outright snatch him away that would only make the beastman very cautious of him and it would just make things hard for himself 'what better way to snatch a cute little beastman than to make him believe it was his own decision'.

And so Andri made his big entrance, and his plan worked pretty marvelously, he thought the beastman would just follow him but leaving a goodbye speech like that made him feel strange. But there was only one thing he knew the beastman said that was true, which was 'he really didn't have any choice'.

It made him feel like this beastman was just finding a way out for his lover. Yes that was what he was calling them, from what he had heard so far, they seem to share that kind of intimate relationship, but he wasn't really fazed by that realization.

The merfolk tribe had some beast men who also chose to love other beast men, it wasn't all that accepted but it did exist, plus with the decrease of the female population and the fact that they had a rule that didn't let females to mate with more than five male, males were bond to find an alternative.

He took the beastman into the water and was surprised that the beastman fell unconscious, 'is he too scared of the water that he would collapse once he went inside it?'.