
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Fantasía
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45 Chs

Seeing Kevin Again

He would rather send Hao Shen away than to see any of those expressions.

But before he could send Hao Shen away as planned, he felt that Hao Shen had started to struggle in the blanket, he was startled and thought that Hao Shen had started shivering again, but when he took a look at Hao Shen, he found out that Hao Shen had regained consciousness and was simply struggling to unwrap himself.

Andri heaved a sigh of relief and helped Hao Shen loosen his bounds. But because he was afraid of seeing Hao Shen's reaction he tried avoiding his gaze.

But what greeted him was a confused voice "umm what happened~?" Surprised, Andri finally met with Hao Shen's gaze and he saw a confused yet adorable Hao Shen, and he felt his heart skip a beat.

This was not the kind of expression he was expecting from Hao Shen 'is this beastman trying to seduce me? how could he look so cute' he looked away feeling flustered by his conflicting emotions.

Never the less he still replied trying to act like everything was normal "I just...you.. you got really cold and fell unconscious" at first Andri was going to say the truth but changed his mind which made him stutter while explaining what had happened.

hearing Andri's explanation, Hao Shen with a clueless face replied "oh" he was still a little dizzy from the accident but he forced his brain to try to remember what had happened before his sudden collapse.

Andri was still affected by Hao Shen's cutie beam when he was hit again by another, he felt blood rushing to his head as he thought 'how could you look so cute'. He stood up and left the room while Hao Shen was still deep in thought.

He needed space from the overly attractive Hao Shen to calm down, plus he didn't want Hao Shen to see him all red 'that would really be embarrassing and besides he already has a lover' thinking this his reddened face visibly went back to normal as he felt down all of a sudden.

'Besides even if I had some feelings for Hao Shen I don't have a chance to win his heart and I still have to send him back' his mood only got worst. He thought about what he had just felt for Hao Shen and believe that he only felt that Hao Shen was just incredibly cute 'it's better not to put too much feelings in this it's not worth it' Andri tried convincing himself.

Putting this thought aside Andri had been standing here for a while, he recalled what he was about to do and felt his heart tighten, never the less he still had to do it, for Hao Shen's safety.

Hao Shen had manage to remember the conversation he had with Andri and that Andri had gotten angry and left the room before he felt that sudden cold, he didn't remember anything else after that. He still wanted to bring up that matter as he urgently needed to see Kevin but he could not quite remember why.

He didn't know why he was with this beastman or that he was in the sea but he remembered talking with him. Hao Shen felt that he was losing some of his memories mostly the memory of the incident that caused him to be separated from Kevin.

He also have headaches when he tries to force himself to remember what had happened before he got here.

Just as he was still pushing his brains to remember, Andri walked in, "I've decided to send you back, but since I haven't found out what I wanted to, you would have to promise to visit me from time to time, do you agree to my conditions".

'who am I kidding the moment I send him back even if he is honorable and would want to keep the promise, his lover wouldn't let him, they might even leave the tribe after all they are not even part of that tribe'. This were of course Andri's thoughts as he spoke, he was just giving Hao Shen an excuse so he wouldn't be suspicious.

He wanted to hide the fact that he was the reason Hao Shen went unconscious, he preferred Hao Shen to look at him cluelessly than to look at him with fear in his eyes.

Hao Shen had only been able to remember that he felt guilty about some thing and that he needed to apologize to Kevin 'could it be that Kevin finally understood that I wasn't female but before I could apologize, this beastman took me away. Would Kevin be mad at me if I went back?' this were Hao Shen's thoughts before he was interrupted by Andri.

He responded eagerly "I agree, I promise to come visit you, so... when are we going back" Andri was initially hopeful when he heard the first half of Hao Shen's sentence but after listening to the other half he realized that Hao Shen was just eager to go back to his lover and was just making empty promises, he let out a sigh 'what was I expecting'.

"We're leaving now if you want, but I'm not sure he would still be waiting for you".

"we would never know if we don't check" Hao Shen said as he readily stood up to show more enthusiasm but felt dizzy and almost fell back down but was caught by Andri "are you ok"

"I'm fine I just felt a little dizzy from standing up suddenly that's all. Can we go back now" Hao Shen smiled but his smile were like thorns piercing through Andri's heart, he could only smile back as they both walked out of the room together.

Hao Shen saw the huge bubble that was preventing water from entering the cave and was surprised by it, he went ahead and touched it just like he did before and just like last time, he was surprised by it's sturdiness.

It was only after he touched it that he remembered that Kevin had brought him to a lake to bath and now he somehow ended up in the lake, with an unknown beastman. He was still unable to recall how or why he was here it was like his brain was forcefully preventing him from remembering.

Andri interrupted his thoughts just as Hao Shen was pondering why he felt that way, "get in" Hao Shen turned around and saw a human sized bubble standing next to Andri.

He looked at it for a while but saw no entrance, he tried touching it but was surprised that his hands simply went through it easily. Shocked he quickly withdrew his hands but it seemed that Andri was a little bit impatient as he just used the bubble to engulf the whole of Hao Shen's body.

Hao Shen was surprised by his action but quickly calmed himself down, he touched the bubble again but this time around the initially easy to pass through bubble was now as firm as a rock.

Andri brought the surprised Hao Shen into the sea and transformed into his merman from before swimming Hao Shen back to the surface. Andri was really sad that he had to send Hao Shen back and Eve sadder that Hao Shen was too eger to leave him.

But he didn't say anything 'of all beast men I could have brought home, I had to take one that already had a mate' he really really wanted to keep Hao Shen with him, but if Hao Shen didn't want to stay with him then he would feel bad for forcing him to stay.

He also didn't want to hurt Hao Shen again.

They finally got to the surface were Hao Shen saw Kevin sitting on the grass intensely reading one of Hao Shen's books. He couldn't really see what book Kevin was looking at but that didn't matter as he could finally see Kevin again.

Andri brought Hao Shen out of the water before popping the bubble "Kevin I'm back" Hao Shen said loudly.

He watched as Kevin looked up surprised to hear his voice before standing up from the floor and rushing to hug him.

Hao Shen smiled gleefully as he reciprocated Kevin's hug, both of them forgot Andri who was still in the lake feeling gloomy.