
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Fantasía
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45 Chs

Scuffle Between Host And System

He didn't leave immediately, because he didn't want the female to realize that he knew she was hiding something and just pretend to be casually strolling around the cave and waited for the female to stop paying attention to him, and it didn't take long for that to happen as Hao Shen was busy with the system making it easy for Kevin to snick the piece of chip away with him.

After Hao Shen gave Kevin the coal, he received a prompt that distracted him from what ever Kevin was doing at that time.



System download 66.33%

Enough energy accumulated to activate your guide.

System guide is now accessable, please tap the system guide button.


The boldly written words SYSTEM GUIDE appeared in front of him again but this time around, it was glowing.

Hao Shen was a little sceptical when he heard the robotic voice, but seeing the system guide button glowing he knew that this time around things wouldn't end up like before.

Hao Shen looked around and found out that Kevin was no longer in the cave, eger to receive information about this world, he went ahead to tap the system guide button.

The words immediately disappeared, not knowing what else to expect Hao Shen patiently waited. And not long later, a small dull light appeared in front of him,then it gradually grew, from the size of a dot to the size of a soccer ball and then when he was expecting it to blow up or something of that sort, it flickered and then just disappeared.

'What just happened? did something go wrong?' just when he was thinking that their was a glitch in the system, their was an explosion of light that forced him to shut his eyes.

When the light reduced and his eyes were no longer hurting, Hao Shen slowly opened his eyes. he saw a blue, furry looking, round ball that was hovering in the air, At the spot where the explosion took place.

It had this cute fluffy cat like ears, and a really big purple eyes, like the one you see in anime, of cause their was no way Hao Shen could recognize those eyes as that of the once in anime as he hadn't had the time to watch anime, so all he could think when he saw those eye's were the words big and strange. But what cought his attention was how the fluff ball seem to be glaring at him.

"So you were the idiot who decided that kicking and falling on me was a good idea" the floating fluff ball open it's cat like lips and spoke. It sounded cute and child-like with a tinge of arrogance in it.

Hao Shen was a bit confused but after understanding what it meant he got annoyed, so this was what he had tripped over back then, and now it is blaming him for the accident that happened, what gave it the right to blame him.

And from what he remembered he didn't see anything in front of him when he was walking, by the way why was it even on the floor in the first place, and since it could clearly see him why didn't it move away, wasn't it asking to be kicked while laying their.

With the appearance of this creature adding to what it said, Hao Shen realize that it was because of it, he was in his current situation, so he immediately disliked it and had so many complains about it, but he didn't say all this out loud and just kept them in his mind.

And because of this Hao Shen glared back at it. But as if it was reading his thoughts the fluff ball spoke again "who said I wanted to be kicked, if you hadn't stood up and suddenly walked towards me I wouldn't have been cut off guard and got kicked on the face. So Don't just go around hitting people and blaming them for being hittable, that's just called being too unreasonable."

Truthfully it was at fault, on that day, it was going to meet it's very first host and got so anxious it didn't know what to say, it was contemplating on what to say to it's first host that it didn't pay any attention to himself and his surroundings, which led it to getting kicked which also led to the following events.

Hao Shen was still quietly glaring at it but in his mind he was practically roaring. 'talking of someone who was being unreasonable, wasn't it the one being unreasonable here? How did he go around hitting people when he didn't even see who he was hitting'.


Wait a minute...

Did this thing just read his mind?

The little fluff ball replied sarcastically "Of course I read your mind how else have we been communicating huh? Through eye contact! I can't believe I ended up with such a stupid host". It was as if the little creature was purposely finding a way to provoke Hao Shen.

And it's plan worked a little too well, as Hao Shen was now triggered, and was ready to beat it to a pulp. 'how dare you call me stupid' after yelling this in his mind, and launched forward wanting to squeeze it to death.

Just when he thought he could reach it, his hand went through it like it was just an illusion, and because he was lunging forward with all of his might, he fell face flat on the floor, and boy did it hurt.

"Pfft Hahaha did you honestly think that I would just let you cause any sort of harm to me? why did you think i was waiting for you at the first place?, hahaha i can't believe you actually fell for that old trick".

The little fluff ball guffawed as it looked at Hao Shen's pitiful plight with merth in it's eyes.

Glad that he wasn't actually standing when he fell, Hao Shen sat back up with a bruised forehead and nose, he held his face with both hands and asked, "why can't I touch you?"

Hearing Hao Shen's voice for the first time the little fluff ball was surprised, "Wow your voice sounds more feminine than I thought" ever since the start, the little fluff ball had been communicating with Hao Shen through telepathy, and it was surprised that even if Hao Shen had a girly face, his voice wasn't as feminine as his face may implied, it was rather low and dulcet, tickling one's ear, making the person hearing his voice want to listen to him all day long.

But of course the little fluff ball wouldn't admit it, it was actually feeling embarrassed for thinking that this guy had an attractive voice, so it left a jeering remark hoping that Hao Shen wouldn't notice his slight change.

But how could Hao Shen notice anything with his hands robbing his face to numb the pain, and after hearing the words of the blue fluff ball, Hao Shen didn't bother replying. But of cause he couldn't stop his own thoughts, 'why can't you just answer the question! No one asked you for your thoughts regarding my voice'.

"Well as long as I deem you unworthy to touch me then you wouldn't be able to do so" the fluff ball said arrogantly while tilting it's head upwards which was quite funny as it's head was it's entire body so it's action just now was just it moving it's entire body in a strange angle, but it didn't realize this as it was still feeling please with it's self for taking it's revenge at the same time it was sad that it wasn't able to hear Hao Shen speak, it really wanted to hear his voice.

Actually what it said earlier was just a farce. the only reason Hao Shen was unable to touch it was simply because it's programming was a bit messed up and it didn't have a physical form, but Hao Shen didn't need to know that.

Talking of a messed up program, it couldn't keep this form for a long time so it has to put aside it's grivences right now and inform Hao Shen of the important things he needs to know.

It awkwardly looked back at Hao Shen and was scared shitless. Hao Shen was glaring at it  dangerously and being able to read Hao Shen mind didn't help it's situation at all, as Hao Shen's mind was completely silent making Hao Shen feel very unpredictable and this made it scared and instinctively want to run away.

But before it runs for it's life, it has to tell Hao Shen the things he needs to know about this world. If it just disappear without telling him then it really didn't know when it will be able to come back, and it won't be able to come back on its own until Hao Shen completes the system download.

Honestly it didn't know why Hao Shen was looking at him like that, not wanting to provoke Hao Shen any further, it started with it's long speech like the good system it was.