
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Fantasía
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45 Chs

Kevin's Thoughts And Wishes

He could finally Relax now that he knew that it was just Kevin, he turned his eyes back to what he was doing and then realized that it was just Kevin which meant Kevin was here.... watching him.... pee....

He started to panic again, how was he supposed to hide it now.

Anxious he looked back at Kevin, hoping he hadn't seen his little bro. But to his dismay Kevin's silver eyes were glued to his d*ck.

He felt like dieing. How could he make such a mistake, he had known that Kevin thought of him as a girl from the start and he was not planning on letting Kevin find out for the time being, so why did he let this happen.

It was too late to do anything, Kevin has already found out. It was either Kevin killed him out of rage from being fooled like that or if he was lucky, Kevin would just throw him back to the forest.

Hao Shen knew, he was in a dangerous situation, Hao Shen was scared of what Kevin might do to him, he didn't know if the concept of torture was already in this world and if it was, he was going to be in a hole lot of pain,and might not die so easily. Saying he was scared, was an understatement.

Hao Shen was so frightened that he peed himself. Good thing he was still in that position when this happened or he would have been soaked in his own urine.

Hao Shen no longer had the courage to face Kevin any more, he wanted to explain, but Hao Shen knew that this whole situation was his fault, he should have come clean from the very start but he hadn't known of the situation between males and females in this world and had wanted to just observe first before making a decision, but after he was clear on that he still didn't do anything to change how Kevin saw him, he just went with the flow, giving himself stupid reasons why he shouldn't let Kevin know he was a man.

To be honest he needed someone to take care of him the way Kevin did, he was also thinking of ways to pay Kevin back for helping him but now that things had gotten to this point, he didn't know what to do.

Hao Shen knew that if Kevin knew this from the very beginning, he would have never been treated so nicely, he might have probably been dead by now somewhere in that forest. Hao Shen can't turn back time and even if he tried to run now where could he run to, moreover he couldn't out run a tiger.

Hao Shen was frozen stiff, his eyes were no longer focus, his mind was clouded by these thoughts and his body was immobile. He had lost sense of his surrounding and no longer knew what was happening around him.

He also didn't realize when Kevin  carried him back to the cave and even put an animal skin on his genital area. it was only when Kevin spoke that he was able to snap out of his trance.


Back when Kevin left the cave, he hadn't really gone anywhere, he just sat in front of the cave while using the boulder to support his back as he listened to Hao Shen's movements inside. He was sad that he was not allowed to watch Hao Shen eat, but at least he was not prohibited from listening to her while she ate.

While feeling bitter about the unimproved relationship between him and the female he picked up He listened to her as she munched her food. After a while he could no longer hear her munching so he believed she was done eating, he wanted to go back inside, but was worried that she would get angry at him for going in without her permission.

To be honest Kevin thought that Hao Shen knew he was outside waiting for her to finish eating and call him to come back in. He also thought that Hao Shen knew of his hearing abilities as all beast men have a great hearing ability so he assumed, the only reason he was not called back was that Hao Shen didn't want him inside the cave.

He felt sad about this but there was nothing he could do about it. So he just sat out there listening in on Hao Shen.After a while, he felt that hao Shen was walking over to his direction, which was to Hao Shen's prospective the boulder that was separating them from each other.

Kevin quickly stood up thinking that Hao Shen wanted to step out for a bit but was just too shy to ask him to move the boulder herself, and as he already knew what she wanted, He didn't need to be told and went ahead to move the large boulder, hoping that this would earn him some favor from Hao Shen. Coincidentally it was also at this moment that Hao Shen was also trying to move the boulder.

Kevin was about to ask Hao Shen if she needed him for anything but before he could say a word, Hao Shen already bolted out of the cave and rushed towards the small forest close to the cave. Kevin quietly followed behind her but because he didn't want to bother her He stayed a few feet away from her while using his eyes to follow her.

It was quite dark and he knew that females couldn't see as clearly as their male counterparts in the dark, but if he acted impulsively to help guide her, he was afraid of the consequences as females were known for their firey temper and blood thirsty nature. It was only when she stopped walking forward that he also stopped following her and just watched her.

But then he started hearing the sound of water trickling down and also catch the smell of urine following that and he was surprised by this 'How could a female pee while standing just like a male'. Curious, he couldn't help but walk forward to see how she was able to do that as it was quite strange enough for a female to have the scent of a male and still be able to stand while urinating just like a male.

He kept walking forward until he reached Hao Shen. He looked down to see how she was doing what she did.

He was so curious that he didn't notice that her movements had gotten stiff, he also didn't notice the fact that hao shen glanced at him twice before freezing completely.

Kevin's mind was only concentrated on what he was looking at, and got really shocked by what he saw.

What shocked him was not the fact that Hao Shen had a male reproductive organ, although that was indeed surprising, but after all he had once had a suspicion. What actually surprised him was how small it was.

It was so small that it became negligible, at least to the people of the beast world. Kevin had never seen any beastman with such a small reproductive organ. It almost looked like the fat worms females loved eating, only it was a bit bigger.

Kevin reached out his hands to touch it, as it looked rather cute to him. Before his hands could touch it he held himself back when he remembered that females didn't liked being touched without getting their permission.

Indeed, Kevin hadn't changed his mind about Hao Shen's gender, because he had once miss-took Hao Shen for a male the first time he met her but after secretly following her in the forest, he realized he was wrong and her scent that smelled different from both males and females made him confirm that Hao Shen was definitely not a male beastman. And although he had some doubts about Hao Shen being female, he didn't let those doubts Change his mind or suspect Hao Shen.

He even fought Vince when Vince told him that Hao Shen was male and was just playing with his feelings. Plus he had already fallen for this female, he wouldn't let such nonsensical thoughts stop him from being her mate. All he wished and hoped for was for Hao Shen to accept him as her mate.

After he was done clearing his mind, he looked at Hao Shen hoping she hadn't caught him trying to touch her little reproductive organ.

He saw that Hao Shen was frozen in place, she had stopped peeing but was still holding on to her organ, her eyes were dazed and unfocused as if daydreaming.

"Are you ok.. or do you need me to help you with something?" Kevin asked hoping this would wake her up, but it didn't, want it did was to make the water that was pooling under her eyes to drop, she was tearing up once again.


Author's thoughts: sorry for the late update something came and I was unable to continue writing but I'm back now hope you all were not too offended by my absence