
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
45 Chs

Hot Spring

Not only was this female fat and ugly but she even has the guts to call herself the most beautiful female, don't that mean that all the females of the beast world should be more or less as ugly as her.

Hao Shen was truly disgusted by the beast men sense of beauty, he was even more grossed out by Kevin who kept calling him a female, he turned to look at him angrily but all he did was mouth the words 'let's leave'.

The disgust he showed was apparent to everyone there, even Kevin who was ready to speak up for Hao Shen was surprised.

Kevin thought that Hao Shen would be sad and get emotional for being mistaken for a male, but this reaction was also not bad.

Seeing that Hao Shen didn't want to fight back and just wanted to leave, he just obeyed her demands and carried Hao Shen on his arms away from there.

He was worried that the reason she wanted to quickly leave was because she was secretly feeling emotional again and would soon start crying, he also didn't want anyone especially that female to see Hao Shen cry.

Watching Kevin and Hao Shen leave, the other beast men felt speechless, at first they thought how could a male beastman show anger and disgust towards a female but after seeing how intimate Hao Shen and Kevin were they started having doubts 'were males supposed to be this intimate with each other and still look good together'. they were shocked when they thought that two males were perfect for each other. 

After being stunned for a while, they realized that Kevin and Hao Shen were no longer there so they all dispersed, each of them with their own thoughts about what happened.

Kevin didn't know that Hao Shen didn't hear most of what Maya said because of her screeching, Imagine how Hao Shen will react when he finds out that she also wanted to make him her pet.

Hao Shen on the other hand was confused as to why he was being princess carried 'for God sake can't this guy tell I'm mad at him?' feeling embarrassed from being treated like a girl, Hao Shen angrily said "put me down I can walk on my own". He was trying his best to show his anger in his voice but Kevin didn't seem to be hearing him at all.

Kevin was not purposefully ignoring Hao Shen, firstly Hao Shen's face was buried in his chest making his voice muffled and secondly Kevin was running pretty fast and was using his ears to capture the sound ahead in other to avoid both beast men and other animals as he didn't want anything to disturb his time with Hao Shen.

After struggling for a while, Hao Shen was finally able to move his head and was shocked at the speed they were travelling at. He quickly buried his face back in Kevin's embrace while hugging him tightly, afraid he would fall down.

Unexpectedly just as he wrapped himself around Kevin like an octopus, Kevin suddenly stopped running. Hao shen was unwilling to let go of Kevin so he held on tightly. But after a few seconds of hugging, Hao Shen realized that they had really stopped, so he stuck his head out to take a look at the place Kevin brought him to.

Hao Shen couldn't help but wonder 'if you could get hear this quickly, why did it take you so long to come pick me up?' of course Hao Shen didn't say it out loud. He was a little suspicious of Kevin as he still didn't know why Kevin was so happy when he returned.

But his thoughts were draged away when he finally payed attention to where he was.

'Isn't this the flower field I found myself in when I got here'.

Having had enough of being carried around, he tapped Kevin a few times to signal that he was ready to get down.

But Kevin was not responding to him, he looked up at Kevin only to find that Kevin was just staring at him dazed, Kevin was clearly day dreaming about something.

Hao Shen let out a small cough "you can put me down now" his voice was like a whisper that sounded like that of a mosquito's, but this was enough to get Kevin's attention.

Kevin carefully put Hao Shen down on the floor, he wasn't actually day dreaming, he just wanted to hold Hao Shen in his arm for a little longer, but as Hao Shen himself didn't want that, there was nothing he could do but to comply and put him down.

It seem that Hao Shen was yet to see the lake so Kevin directed his gaze to it.

On seeing the lake, Hao Shen felt surprised, not only was it a nice clean lake but it was also a natural hot spring in the middle of a flower field. This was like a high class treatment.

Even if Hao Shen didn't bring any soap or shampoo with him the flower was enough to remove the stench on his body, this was what he truly needed, a nice soak in a hot spring.

But before he could remove his clothes and jump right in, he remembered his clothes which he had forgotten in the cave, he had brought them out but forgot to take them with him when Kevin came to pick him up, he was distracted by Kevin's happy face that he didn't remember his clothes.

Their was no way he would take a bath and still wear the clothes that are on him. It was already very stinky and it would really be uncomfortable, it would be like taking a bath and then diving right back into mud.

Hao Shen thought of how fast it took Kevin to bring them both here so it would be possible to return and get his clothes, but he really didn't want to experience being princess carried again, so he had to think of a way to prevent that.

Hao Shen stood there and was thinking of the best possible way to get out of this situation but his inaction was making Kevin anxious.

'If my thoughts are correct, she wants to go to the sea to find that sea beastman and not be brought to this lake, I would have just taken her to the sea as she requested, but I was afraid that the sea beastman was too deep in the sea that I can't sense him. if I ignorantly took her to the sea, it would make it easy for the sea beastman to take her away. and if that happens, it would be an almost impossible task to get her back. Who knows if he would permanently keep her in the sea but even if he brought her back on land, the sea is incredibly vast and so is the land, how would I know which part of the world he would bring her to.'

'that's why I have to keep her here, where I could watch over her. But if she insists on going to the sea, I can't just reject her, except if I'm willing to risk her getting angry at me'.

Kevin stood behind Hao Shen while hoping and praying that Hao Shen doesn't ask him to take her to the sea, while Hao Shen was wondering how to convince Kevin to go to the cave on his own.

After thinking of a solution for a while, Hao Shen finally found one, he would simply ask Kevin to get his clothes for him alone. But not knowing if Kevin would simply reject him and not wanting to ask twice, Hao Shen thought of a trick, one that he learnt when he was back on earth, but had never used before as it was really embarrassing.

He turned to walk towards Kevin, his movements slow and steady, while trying to maintain eye contact with him. But Kevin who was shocked by his actions, moved a few steps back while evading eye contact with Hao Shen.

This made it hard for Hao Shen to continue with his plan, but he didn't give up so easily. He kept up with his slow movement until he was right in front of Kevin that had stop moving backwards.